diff schema/isrs_functions.sql @ 3561:453f15ba8030

Improve error handling in area generation Instead of hitting a NOT NULL constraint later on, raise an error if no candidate area for cutting is found.
author Tom Gottfried <tom@intevation.de>
date Fri, 31 May 2019 16:58:42 +0200
parents 524f1382558a
children 0d45a3c34900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/schema/isrs_functions.sql	Fri May 31 16:54:09 2019 +0200
+++ b/schema/isrs_functions.sql	Fri May 31 16:58:42 2019 +0200
@@ -165,16 +165,21 @@
     area geometry
 ) RETURNS geometry
 AS $$
+    area_subset geometry;
+    result_geom geometry;
+    -- In case area is a multipolygon, process the union of those
+    -- polygons, which intersect with the axis. The union is to avoid
+    -- problems with invalid/self-intersecting multipolygons
+    SELECT ST_Union(a_dmp.geom)
+        INTO STRICT area_subset
+        FROM (SELECT ST_MakeValid(ST_Transform(geom, ST_SRID(axis)))
+                FROM ST_Dump(area)) AS a_dmp (geom)
+        WHERE ST_Intersects(a_dmp.geom, axis)
+        HAVING ST_Union(a_dmp.geom) IS NOT NULL;
-        area_subset AS (
-            -- In case area is a multipolygon, process the union of those
-            -- polygons, which intersect with the axis. The union is to avoid
-            -- problems with invalid/self-intersecting multipolygons
-            SELECT ST_Union(a_dmp.geom) AS area
-                FROM (SELECT ST_MakeValid(ST_Transform(geom, ST_SRID(axis)))
-                        FROM ST_Dump(area)) AS a_dmp (geom)
-                WHERE ST_Intersects(a_dmp.geom, axis)
-            ),
         rotated_ends AS (
             SELECT ST_Collect(ST_Scale(
@@ -185,18 +190,23 @@
                         FROM (VALUES (1), (-1)) AS idx (i)) AS ep,
                     ST_Rotate(ST_PointN(axis, i*2), pi()/2, p1) AS ep2 (p2),
                     ST_Makeline(p1, p2) AS e (e),
-                    area_subset,
-                    LATERAL (SELECT (ST_MaxDistance(p1, area) / ST_Length(e))
+                    LATERAL (
+                        SELECT (ST_MaxDistance(p1, area_subset) / ST_Length(e))
                             * 2) AS d (d)),
         range_area AS (
             -- Split area by orthogonal lines at the ends of the clipped axis
             SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_CollectionExtract(
-                    ST_Split(area, blade), 3))).geom
-                FROM area_subset, rotated_ends)
+                    ST_Split(area_subset, blade), 3))).geom
+                FROM rotated_ends)
         -- From the polygons returned by the last CTE, select only those
         -- around the clipped axis
         SELECT ST_Multi(ST_Transform(ST_Union(range_area.geom), ST_SRID(area)))
+            INTO result_geom
             FROM range_area
-            WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Buffer(range_area.geom, -0.0001), axis)
+            WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Buffer(range_area.geom, -0.0001), axis);
+    RETURN result_geom;
-    LANGUAGE sql;
+    LANGUAGE plpgsql