diff schema/updates/1113/02.views_to_geoservers.sql @ 4616:b605e91f08f0 geoserver_sql_views

Use GeoServer's SQL view feature instead of in-database VIEWs VIEWs are executed with the rigths of their owner, but we need to access the data with the rights of the current_user in order to have row level security policies applied correctly. Moving the former VIEW definitions into GeoServer SQL views achieves this, as the latter are executed as subqueries in usual statements. Note that a fresh GeoServer setup is required to make this work, which can be achieved e.g. by starting gemma with the geoserver-clean flag. Otherwise, GeoServer will keep trying to access the dropped VIEWs.
author Tom Gottfried <tom@intevation.de>
date Tue, 10 Sep 2019 19:56:43 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/schema/updates/1113/02.views_to_geoservers.sql	Tue Sep 10 19:56:43 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+-- Copied from ../../default_sysconfig.sql
+-- plus conflict resolution to achieve updates
+CREATE TEMP TABLE base_views (name, def) AS VALUES (
+    'gauges_base_view', $$
+        g.location,
+        isrs_asText(g.location) AS isrs_code,
+        g.objname,
+        g.geom,
+        g.applicability_from_km,
+        g.applicability_to_km,
+        g.validity,
+        g.zero_point,
+        g.geodref,
+        g.date_info,
+        g.source_organization,
+        g.erased,
+        r.rwls AS reference_water_levels,
+        wl.measure_date AS gm_measuredate,
+        wl.water_level AS gm_waterlevel,
+        wl_14d.n AS gm_n_14d,
+        fca.forecast_accuracy_3d,
+        fca.forecast_accuracy_1d
+    FROM waterway.gauges g
+        LEFT JOIN (SELECT location, validity,
+                    json_strip_nulls(json_object_agg(
+                        coalesce(depth_reference, 'empty'), value)) AS rwls
+                FROM waterway.gauges_reference_water_levels
+                GROUP BY location, validity) AS r
+            USING (location, validity)
+        LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ON (location)
+                    location,
+                    measure_date,
+                    water_level
+                FROM waterway.gauge_measurements
+                ORDER BY location, measure_date DESC) AS wl
+            USING (location)
+        LEFT JOIN (SELECT location, count(water_level) AS n
+                FROM waterway.gauge_measurements
+                -- consider all measurements within 14 days plus a tolerance
+                WHERE measure_date
+                    >= current_timestamp - '14 days 00:15'::interval
+                GROUP BY location) AS wl_14d
+            USING (location)
+        LEFT JOIN (SELECT location,
+                    max(acc) FILTER (WHERE
+                        measure_date <= current_timestamp + '1 day'::interval)
+                        AS forecast_accuracy_1d,
+                    max(acc) AS forecast_accuracy_3d
+                FROM waterway.gauge_predictions,
+                    GREATEST(water_level - lower(conf_interval),
+                        upper(conf_interval) - water_level) AS acc (acc)
+                WHERE measure_date
+                    BETWEEN current_timestamp
+                        AND current_timestamp + '3 days'::interval
+                GROUP BY location) AS fca
+            USING (location)
+    $$);
+INSERT INTO sys_admin.published_services (schema, name, srid, view_def) VALUES
+    ('waterway', 'gauges_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            isrs_code,
+            objname,
+            geom,
+            applicability_from_km,
+            applicability_to_km,
+            zero_point,
+            geodref,
+            date_info,
+            source_organization,
+            reference_water_levels,
+            gm_measuredate,
+            gm_waterlevel,
+            gm_n_14d,
+            forecast_accuracy_3d,
+            forecast_accuracy_1d
+        FROM (
+    $$ || (SELECT def FROM base_views WHERE name = 'gauges_base_view') || $$
+        ) AS gauges_base_view
+        WHERE NOT erased
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'sections_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            s.id,
+            s.name,
+            (s.section).lower::varchar as lower,
+            (s.section).upper::varchar as upper,
+            s.area::Geometry(MULTIPOLYGON, 4326),
+            s.objnam,
+            s.nobjnam,
+            s.date_info,
+            s.source_organization,
+            s.staging_done,
+            min(g.gm_measuredate) AS gm_measuredate,
+            min(g.gm_n_14d) AS gm_n_14d,
+            max(g.forecast_accuracy_3d) AS forecast_accuracy_3d,
+            max(g.forecast_accuracy_1d) AS forecast_accuracy_1d
+        FROM waterway.sections s
+            LEFT JOIN (
+    $$ || (SELECT def FROM base_views WHERE name = 'gauges_base_view') || $$
+            WHERE NOT erased) AS g
+                ON g.location <@ s.section
+        GROUP BY s.id
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'stretches_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            s.id,
+            s.name,
+            (s.stretch).lower::varchar as lower,
+            (s.stretch).upper::varchar as upper,
+            s.area::Geometry(MULTIPOLYGON, 4326),
+            s.objnam,
+            s.nobjnam,
+            s.date_info,
+            s.source_organization,
+            (SELECT string_agg(country_code, ', ')
+                FROM waterway.stretch_countries
+                WHERE stretches_id = s.id) AS countries,
+            s.staging_done,
+            min(g.gm_measuredate) AS gm_measuredate,
+            min(g.gm_n_14d) AS gm_n_14d,
+            max(g.forecast_accuracy_3d) AS forecast_accuracy_3d,
+            max(g.forecast_accuracy_1d) AS forecast_accuracy_1d
+        FROM waterway.stretches s
+            LEFT JOIN (
+    $$ || (SELECT def FROM base_views WHERE name = 'gauges_base_view') || $$
+            WHERE NOT erased) AS g
+                ON g.location <@ s.stretch
+        GROUP BY s.id
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'distance_marks_ashore_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT id,
+           country,
+           geom::Geometry(POINT, 4326),
+           related_enc,
+           hectom,
+           catdis,
+           position_code
+        FROM waterway.distance_marks
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'distance_marks_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+           isrs_asText(location_code) AS location,
+           geom::Geometry(POINT, 4326),
+           related_enc,
+           (location_code).hectometre
+        FROM waterway.distance_marks_virtual
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'sounding_results_contour_lines_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT bottleneck_id,
+            date_info,
+            height,
+            CAST(lines AS geometry(multilinestring, 4326)) AS lines
+        FROM waterway.sounding_results_contour_lines cl
+            JOIN waterway.sounding_results sr ON sr.id = cl.sounding_result_id
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'bottlenecks_geoserver', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            b.id,
+            b.bottleneck_id,
+            b.objnam,
+            b.nobjnm,
+            b.area,
+            b.rb,
+            b.lb,
+            b.responsible_country,
+            b.revisiting_time,
+            b.limiting,
+            b.date_info,
+            b.source_organization,
+            g.objname AS gauge_objname,
+            g.reference_water_levels,
+            fal.date_info AS fa_date_info,
+            fal.critical AS fa_critical,
+            g.gm_measuredate,
+            g.gm_waterlevel,
+            g.gm_n_14d,
+            srl.date_max,
+            g.forecast_accuracy_3d,
+            g.forecast_accuracy_1d
+        FROM waterway.bottlenecks b
+            LEFT JOIN (
+    $$ || (SELECT def FROM base_views WHERE name = 'gauges_base_view') || $$
+            ) AS g
+                ON b.gauge_location = g.location
+                    AND g.validity @> current_timestamp
+            LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ON (bottleneck_id)
+                        bottleneck_id, date_info, critical
+                    FROM waterway.fairway_availability
+                    ORDER BY bottleneck_id, date_info DESC) AS fal
+                ON b.bottleneck_id = fal.bottleneck_id
+            LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ON (bottleneck_id)
+                        bottleneck_id, max(date_info) AS date_max
+                    FROM waterway.sounding_results
+                    GROUP BY bottleneck_id
+                    ORDER BY bottleneck_id DESC) AS srl
+                ON b.bottleneck_id = srl.bottleneck_id
+        WHERE b.validity @> current_timestamp
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'bottleneck_overview', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            objnam AS name,
+            ST_Centroid(area)::Geometry(POINT, 4326) AS point,
+            (lower(stretch)).hectometre AS from,
+            (upper(stretch)).hectometre AS to,
+            sr.current::text,
+            responsible_country
+        FROM waterway.bottlenecks bn LEFT JOIN (
+            SELECT bottleneck_id, max(date_info) AS current
+                FROM waterway.sounding_results
+                GROUP BY bottleneck_id) sr
+                ON sr.bottleneck_id = bn.bottleneck_id
+        WHERE bn.validity @> current_timestamp
+        ORDER BY objnam
+    $$),
+    ('waterway', 'sounding_differences', 4326, $$
+        SELECT
+            sd.id           AS id,
+            bn.objnam       AS objnam,
+            srm.date_info   AS minuend,
+            srs.date_info   AS subtrahend,
+            sdcl.height     AS height,
+            CAST(sdcl.lines AS geometry(multilinestring, 4326)) AS lines
+        FROM caching.sounding_differences sd
+            JOIN caching.sounding_differences_contour_lines sdcl
+                ON sd.id = sdcl.sounding_differences_id
+            JOIN waterway.sounding_results srm
+                ON sd.minuend = srm.id
+            JOIN waterway.sounding_results srs
+                ON sd.subtrahend = srs.id
+            JOIN waterway.bottlenecks bn
+                ON srm.bottleneck_id = bn.bottleneck_id
+                    AND srm.date_info::timestamptz <@ bn.validity
+    $$)
+    srid = EXCLUDED.srid,
+    view_def = EXCLUDED.view_def;
+    waterway.gauges_base_view,
+    waterway.gauges_geoserver,
+    waterway.distance_marks_geoserver,
+    waterway.distance_marks_ashore_geoserver,
+    waterway.bottlenecks_geoserver,
+    waterway.stretches_geoserver,
+    waterway.sections_geoserver,
+    waterway.sounding_results_contour_lines_geoserver,
+    waterway.bottleneck_overview,
+    waterway.sounding_differences;