view client/src/map/store.js @ 793:073394629ec6

client: add measurement and improve identify * Only display features that have an Id in the identify box, because during the drawmode, after the first click, there is an additional feature that has no Id. Probably this is the point. * Add setting an Id to the feature that is drawn, which makes it show up in the identify box. * Add code to add the length of the drawn line to the store and a rounded value to the feature property. This creates a simple measurement tool, if the feature box is shown.
author Bernhard Reiter <>
date Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:02:39 +0200
parents 1b82ae5e637e
children 21609ba97357
line wrap: on
line source

//import { HTTP } from "../lib/http";

import TileWMS from "ol/source/TileWMS.js";
import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer } from "ol/layer.js";
import OSM from "ol/source/OSM";
import { Stroke, Style, Fill, Text, Circle as CircleStyle } from "ol/style.js";
import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector.js";
import { bbox as bboxStrategy } from "ol/loadingstrategy";

const MapStore = {
  namespaced: true,
  state: {
    openLayersMap: null,
    layers: [
        name: "Open Streetmap",
        data: new TileLayer({
          source: new OSM()
        isVisible: true
        name: "Inland ECDIS chart Danube",
        data: new TileLayer({
          source: new TileWMS({
            preload: 1,
            url: "",
            params: { LAYERS: "d4d", VERSION: "1.1.1", TILED: true }
        isVisible: true
        name: "Fairway Dimensions",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource(),
          style: function(feature) {
            return [
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)",
                  width: 2
              new Style({
                text: new Text({
                  font: 'bold 12px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                  placement: "line",
                  fill: new Fill({
                    color: "black"
                  text: "LOS: " + feature.get("level_of_service").toString()
                  //, zIndex: 10
        isVisible: true
        name: "Waterway Area, named",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 132, 0, 1)",
              width: 2
        isVisible: false
        name: "Waterway Area",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 102, 0, 1)",
              width: 2
        isVisible: true
        name: "Waterway Axis",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, .5)",
              lineDash: [5, 5],
              width: 2
        isVisible: true
        name: "Distance marks",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
        isVisible: false
        name: "Distance marks, Axis",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: function(feature, resolution) {
            if (resolution < 10) {
              var s = new Style({
                image: new CircleStyle({
                  radius: 5,
                  fill: new Fill({ color: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)" }),
                  stroke: new Stroke({ color: "blue", width: 1 })
              if (resolution < 6) {
                  new Text({
                    offsetY: 12,
                    font: '10px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                    fill: new Fill({
                      color: "black"
                    text: (feature.get("hectometre") / 10).toString()
              return s;
            } else {
              return [];
        isVisible: true
        name: "Bottlenecks",
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(230, 230, 10, .8)",
              width: 4
            fill: new Fill({
              color: "rgba(230, 230, 10, .3)"
        isVisible: true
    identifiedFeatures: [],
    currentMeasurement: null
  getters: {
    layers: state => {
      return state.layers;
    getLayerByName: state => name => {
      return state.layers.find(layer => === name);
  mutations: {
    toggleVisibility: (state, layer) => {
      state.layers[layer].isVisible = !state.layers[layer].isVisible;
    setIdentifiedFeatures: (state, identifiedFeatures) => {
      state.identifiedFeatures = identifiedFeatures;
    setOpenLayersMap: (state, map) => {
      state.openLayersMap = map;
    setCurrentMeasurement: (state, measurement) => {
      state.currentMeasurement = measurement;

export default MapStore;