view schema/tap_tests_data.sql @ 1234:1a5564655f2a

refac: Sidebar reorganized In order to make context switches between administrative tasks which are map related and those which are system related, we now have a category "administration" and "systemadministration". The Riverbedmorphology does nothing than display the map, so it is renamed to that (map). In case the context of "systemadministration" is chosen, the "map" brings you just back to the map.
author Thomas Junk <>
date Tue, 20 Nov 2018 09:54:53 +0100
parents e78bdbb6cac8
children 6590208e3ee1
line wrap: on
line source

-- Test data used in *_tests.sql scripts

INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('AT'), ('RO');

INSERT INTO users.responsibility_areas VALUES
    ('AT', ST_geomfromtext('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)))', 4326)),
    ('RO', ST_geomfromtext('MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0, 1 1, 2 1, 2 0, 1 0)))', 4326));

INSERT INTO users.list_users VALUES (
    'waterway_user', 'test_user_at', 'user_at1$', 'AT', NULL, 'xxx');
INSERT INTO users.list_users VALUES (
    'waterway_user', 'test_user_ro', 'user_ro1$', 'RO', NULL, 'xxy');
INSERT INTO users.list_users VALUES (
    'waterway_admin', 'test_admin_at', 'admin_at1$', 'AT', NULL, 'yyy');
INSERT INTO users.list_users VALUES (
    'sys_admin', 'test_sys_admin1', 'sys_admin1$', 'AT', NULL, 'zzz');

INSERT INTO limiting_factors VALUES ('depth'), ('width');

INSERT INTO waterway.gauges (
    location, objname, geom, zero_point, source_organization)
    VALUES (
        ('AT', 'XXX', '00001', 'G0001', 1)::isrs,
        ST_geomfromtext('POINT(0 0)', 4326),

INSERT INTO waterway.bottlenecks (
    bottleneck_id, fk_g_fid, stretch, area, rb, lb, responsible_country,
    revisiting_time, limiting, source_organization, staging_done)
    VALUES (
        ('AT', 'XXX', '00001', 'G0001', 1)::isrs,
        isrsrange(('AT', 'XXX', '00001', '00000', 0)::isrs,
            ('AT', 'XXX', '00001', '00000', 2)::isrs),
        ST_geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))', 4326),
        'AT', 'AT', 'AT',
        1, 'depth', 'testorganization', false
    ), (
        ('AT', 'XXX', '00001', 'G0001', 1)::isrs,
        isrsrange(('AT', 'XXX', '00001', '00000', 0)::isrs,
            ('AT', 'XXX', '00001', '00000', 2)::isrs),
        ST_geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))', 4326),
        'AT', 'AT', 'AT',
        1, 'depth', 'testorganization', true

INSERT INTO users.templates (template_name, template_data)
    VALUES ('AT', '\x'), ('RO', '\x');
INSERT INTO users.user_templates
    VALUES ('test_user_at', 'AT'), ('test_user_ro', 'RO');