view client/src/store/map.js @ 2526:6498267096ae

client: critical bottlenecks: use png instead of vectors for marker The positioning of text is not always precise. The exclamation mark in the warning sign for critical bottlenecks was not always perfectly centered. Using a png image is more reliable.
author Markus Kottlaender <>
date Wed, 06 Mar 2019 15:39:59 +0100
parents 8416cf343f17
children c546e38008de
line wrap: on
line source

/* This is Free Software under GNU Affero General Public License v >= 3.0
 * without warranty, see and license for details.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
 * License-Filename: LICENSES/AGPL-3.0.txt
 * Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 by via donau
 *   – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * Author(s):
 * * Bernhard Reiter <>
 * * Markus Kottländer <>
 * * Thomas Junk <>

//import { HTTP } from "../lib/http";

import TileWMS from "ol/source/TileWMS.js";
import { Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer } from "ol/layer.js";
import OSM from "ol/source/OSM";
import Draw from "ol/interaction/Draw.js";
import {
} from "ol/style.js";
import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector.js";
import Point from "ol/geom/Point.js";
import { bbox as bboxStrategy } from "ol/loadingstrategy";
import { HTTP } from "../lib/http";
import { fromLonLat } from "ol/proj";
import { getLength, getArea } from "ol/sphere.js";
import { unByKey } from "ol/Observable";
import { getCenter } from "ol/extent";
import { transformExtent } from "ol/proj.js";
import bbox from "@turf/bbox";
import app from "../main";

const LAYERS = {
  OPENSTREETMAP: "Open Streetmap",
  INLANDECDIS: "Inland ECDIS chart Danube",
  WATERWAYAREA: "Waterway Area",
  STRETCHES: "Stretches",
  FAIRWAYDIMENSIONSLOS1: "LOS 1 Fairway Dimensions",
  FAIRWAYDIMENSIONSLOS2: "LOS 2 Fairway Dimensions",
  FAIRWAYDIMENSIONSLOS3: "LOS 3 Fairway Dimensions",
  WATERWAYAXIS: "Waterway Axis",
  WATERWAYPROFILES: "Waterway Profiles",
  BOTTLENECKS: "Bottlenecks",
  BOTTLENECKSTATUS: "Critical Bottlenecks",
  BOTTLENECKISOLINE: "Bottleneck isolines",
  DISTANCEMARKS: "Distance marks",
  DISTANCEMARKSAXIS: "Distance marks, Axis",
  GAUGES: "Gauges",
  DRAWTOOL: "Draw Tool",
  CUTTOOL: "Cut Tool"

const moveMap = ({ view, extent, zoom, preventZoomOut }) => {
  const currentZoom = view.getZoom();, {
    maxZoom: preventZoomOut ? Math.max(zoom, currentZoom) : zoom,
    duration: 700

// initial state
const init = () => {
  return {
    openLayersMap: null,
    initialLoad: true,
    extent: {
      lat: 6155376,
      lon: 1819178,
      zoom: 11
    identifyTool: null, // event binding (singleclick, dblclick)
    identifiedFeatures: [], // map features identified by clicking on the map
    currentMeasurement: null, // distance or area from line-/polygon-/cutTool
    lineTool: null, // open layers interaction object (Draw)
    polygonTool: null, // open layers interaction object (Draw)
    cutTool: null, // open layers interaction object (Draw)
    isolinesLegendImgDataURL: "",
    layers: [
        data: new TileLayer({
          source: new OSM()
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new TileLayer({
          source: new TileWMS({
            preload: 1,
            url: "",
            crossOrigin: "anonymous",
            params: { LAYERS: "d4d", VERSION: "1.1.1", TILED: true }
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 102, 0, 1)",
              width: 2
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        name: LAYERS.STRETCHES,
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(250, 200, 0, .8)",
              width: 2
            fill: new Fill({
              color: "rgba(250, 200, 10, .3)"
        isVisible: false,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource(),
          style: function() {
            return [
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)",
                  width: 2
                fill: new Fill({
                  color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)"
              new Style({
                text: new Text({
                  font: 'bold 12px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                  placement: "line",
                  fill: new Fill({
                    color: "black"
                  text: "LOS: 3"
                  //, zIndex: 10
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource(),
          style: function() {
            return [
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.9)",
                  lineDash: [3, 6],
                  lineCap: "round",
                  width: 2
                fill: new Fill({
                  color: "rgba(240, 230, 0, 0.1)"
              new Style({
                text: new Text({
                  font: 'bold 12px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                  placement: "line",
                  fill: new Fill({
                    color: "black"
                  text: "LOS: 2"
                  //, zIndex: 10
        isVisible: false,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource(),
          style: function() {
            return [
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8)",
                  lineDash: [2, 4],
                  lineCap: "round",
                  width: 2
                fill: new Fill({
                  color: "rgba(240, 230, 0, 0.2)"
              new Style({
                text: new Text({
                  font: 'bold 12px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                  placement: "line",
                  fill: new Fill({
                    color: "black"
                  text: "LOS: 1"
                  //, zIndex: 10
        isVisible: false,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, .5)",
              lineDash: [5, 5],
              width: 2
          // TODO: Set layer in layertree active/inactive depending on
          // resolution.
          maxResolution: 5,
          minResolution: 0
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: "rgba(0, 0, 255, .5)",
              lineDash: [5, 5],
              width: 2
          maxResolution: 2.5,
          minResolution: 0
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: function() {
            return new Style({
              stroke: new Stroke({
                color: "rgba(230, 230, 10, .8)",
                width: 4
              fill: new Fill({
                color: "rgba(230, 230, 10, .3)"
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        data: new TileLayer({
          source: new TileWMS({
            preload: 0,
            projection: "EPSG:3857",
            url: window.location.origin + "/api/internal/wms",
            params: {
              LAYERS: "sounding_results_contour_lines_geoserver",
              VERSION: "1.1.1",
              TILED: true
            tileLoadFunction: function(tile, src) {
              // console.log("calling for", tile, src);
              HTTP.get(src, {
                headers: {
                  "X-Gemma-Auth": localStorage.getItem("token")
                responseType: "blob"
              }).then(response => {
                tile.getImage().src = URL.createObjectURL(;
            } // TODO  tile.setState(TileState.ERROR);
        isVisible: false,
        showInLegend: true
        forLegendStyle: { point: true, resolution: 16 },
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: function(feature, resolution, isLegend) {
            let styles = [];
            if ((feature.get("fa_critical") && resolution > 15) || isLegend) {
              let bnCenter = getCenter(feature.getGeometry().getExtent());
                new Style({
                  geometry: new Point(bnCenter),
                  image: new Icon({
                    src: require("../assets/marker-bottleneck-critical.png"),
                    anchor: [0.5, 0.5],
                    scale: isLegend ? 0.5 : 1
            if (feature.get("fa_critical") && !isLegend) {
                new Style({
                  stroke: new Stroke({
                    color: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)",
                    width: 4
            return styles;
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        forLegendStyle: { point: true, resolution: 8 },
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
        isVisible: false,
        showInLegend: true
        forLegendStyle: { point: true, resolution: 8 },
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: function(feature, resolution) {
            if (resolution < 10) {
              var s = new Style({
                image: new Circle({
                  radius: 5,
                  fill: new Fill({ color: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)" }),
                  stroke: new Stroke({ color: "blue", width: 1 })
              if (resolution < 6) {
                  new Text({
                    offsetY: 12,
                    font: '10px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                    fill: new Fill({
                      color: "black"
                    text: (feature.get("hectometre") / 10).toString()
              return s;
            } else {
              return [];
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        name: LAYERS.GAUGES,
        forLegendStyle: { point: true, resolution: 8 },
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({
            strategy: bboxStrategy
          style: function(feature) {
            return new Style({
              image: new RegularShape({
                radius: 6,
                fill: new Fill({ color: "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.1)" }),
                stroke: new Stroke({ color: "red", width: 1 }),
                points: 3,
                rotation: 0,
                angle: 0
              text: new Text({
                font: '10px "Open Sans", "sans-serif"',
                offsetY: 10,
                fill: new Fill({
                  color: "black"
                text: feature.get("objname")
          maxResolution: 100,
          minResolution: 0
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: true
        name: LAYERS.DRAWTOOL,
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({ wrapX: false }),
          style: function(feature) {
            // adapted from OpenLayer's LineString Arrow Example
            var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
            var styles = [
              // linestring
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "#369aca",
                  width: 2

            if (geometry.getType() === "LineString") {
              geometry.forEachSegment(function(start, end) {
                var dx = end[0] - start[0];
                var dy = end[1] - start[1];
                var rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
                // arrows
                  new Style({
                    geometry: new Point(end),
                    image: new Icon({
                      // we need to make sure the image is loaded by Vue Loader
                      src: require("../assets/linestring_arrow.png"),
                      // fiddling with the anchor's y value does not help to
                      // position the image more centered on the line ending, as the
                      // default line style seems to be slightly uncentered in the
                      // anti-aliasing, but the image is not placed with subpixel
                      // precision
                      anchor: [0.75, 0.5],
                      rotateWithView: true,
                      rotation: -rotation
            return styles;
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: false
        name: LAYERS.CUTTOOL,
        data: new VectorLayer({
          source: new VectorSource({ wrapX: false }),
          style: function(feature) {
            // adapted from OpenLayer's LineString Arrow Example
            var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
            var styles = [
              // linestring
              new Style({
                stroke: new Stroke({
                  color: "#333333",
                  width: 2,
                  lineDash: [7, 7]

            if (geometry.getType() === "LineString") {
              geometry.forEachSegment(function(start, end) {
                var dx = end[0] - start[0];
                var dy = end[1] - start[1];
                var rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
                // arrows
                  new Style({
                    geometry: new Point(end),
                    image: new Icon({
                      // we need to make sure the image is loaded by Vue Loader
                      src: require("../assets/linestring_arrow_grey.png"),
                      // fiddling with the anchor's y value does not help to
                      // position the image more centered on the line ending, as the
                      // default line style seems to be slightly uncentered in the
                      // anti-aliasing, but the image is not placed with subpixel
                      // precision
                      anchor: [0.75, 0.5],
                      rotateWithView: true,
                      rotation: -rotation
            return styles;
        isVisible: true,
        showInLegend: false

export default {
  namespaced: true,
  state: init(),
  getters: {
    layersForLegend: state => {
      return state.layers.filter(layer => layer.showInLegend);
    getLayerByName: state => name => {
      return state.layers.find(layer => === name);
    getVSourceByName: (state, getters) => name => {
      return getters.getLayerByName(name).data.getSource();
    filteredIdentifiedFeatures: state => {
      return state.identifiedFeatures.filter(f => f.getId());
  mutations: {
    initialLoad: (state, initialLoad) => {
      state.initialLoad = initialLoad;
    extent: (state, extent) => {
      state.extent = extent;
    setLayerVisible: (state, name) => {
      const layer = state.layers.findIndex(l => === name);
      state.layers[layer].isVisible = true;
    setLayerInvisible: (state, name) => {
      const layer = state.layers.findIndex(l => === name);
      state.layers[layer].isVisible = false;
    toggleVisibilityByName: (state, name) => {
      const layer = state.layers.findIndex(l => === name);
      state.layers[layer].isVisible = !state.layers[layer].isVisible;
    toggleVisibility: (state, layer) => {
      state.layers[layer].isVisible = !state.layers[layer].isVisible;
    openLayersMap: (state, map) => {
      state.openLayersMap = map;
    identifyTool: (state, events) => {
      state.identifyTool = events;
    setIdentifiedFeatures: (state, identifiedFeatures) => {
      state.identifiedFeatures = identifiedFeatures;
    setCurrentMeasurement: (state, measurement) => {
      state.currentMeasurement = measurement;
    lineTool: (state, lineTool) => {
      state.lineTool = lineTool;
    polygonTool: (state, polygonTool) => {
      state.polygonTool = polygonTool;
    cutTool: (state, cutTool) => {
      state.cutTool = cutTool;
    moveToBoundingBox: (state, { boundingBox, zoom, preventZoomOut }) => {
      const extent = transformExtent(boundingBox, "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857");
      let view = state.openLayersMap.getView();
      moveMap({ view, extent, zoom, preventZoomOut });
    moveToExtent: (state, { feature, zoom, preventZoomOut }) => {
      const boundingBox = bbox(feature.geometry);
      const extent = transformExtent(boundingBox, "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857");
      let view = state.openLayersMap.getView();
      moveMap({ view, extent, zoom, preventZoomOut });
    moveMap: (state, { coordinates, zoom, preventZoomOut }) => {
      let view = state.openLayersMap.getView();
      const currentZoom = view.getZoom();
        zoom: preventZoomOut ? Math.max(zoom, currentZoom) : zoom,
        center: fromLonLat(coordinates, view.getProjection()),
        duration: 700
    isolinesLegendImgDataURL: (state, isolinesLegendImgDataURL) => {
      state.isolinesLegendImgDataURL = isolinesLegendImgDataURL;
  actions: {
    openLayersMap({ commit, dispatch, getters }, map) {
      const drawVectorSrc = getters.getVSourceByName("Draw Tool");
      const cutVectorSrc = getters.getVSourceByName("Cut Tool");

      // init line tool
      const lineTool = new Draw({
        source: drawVectorSrc,
        type: "LineString",
        maxPoints: 2
      lineTool.on("drawstart", () => {
        commit("setCurrentMeasurement", null);
      lineTool.on("drawend", event => {
        commit("setCurrentMeasurement", {
          quantity: app.$gettext("Length"),
          unitSymbol: "m",
          value: Math.round(getLength(event.feature.getGeometry()) * 10) / 10
        commit("application/showIdentify", true, { root: true });

      // init polygon tool
      const polygonTool = new Draw({
        source: drawVectorSrc,
        type: "Polygon",
        maxPoints: 50
      polygonTool.on("drawstart", () => {
        commit("setCurrentMeasurement", null);
      polygonTool.on("drawend", event => {
        const areaSize = getArea(event.feature.getGeometry());
        commit("setCurrentMeasurement", {
          quantity: app.$gettext("Area"),
          unitSymbol: areaSize > 100000 ? "km²" : "m²",
            areaSize > 100000
              ? Math.round(areaSize / 1000) / 1000 // convert into 1 km² == 1000*1000 m² and round to 1000 m²
              : Math.round(areaSize)
        commit("application/showIdentify", true, { root: true });

      // init cut tool
      const cutTool = new Draw({
        source: cutVectorSrc,
        type: "LineString",
        maxPoints: 2,
        style: new Style({
          stroke: new Stroke({
            color: "#444",
            width: 2,
            lineDash: [7, 7]
          image: new Circle({
            fill: new Fill({ color: "#333" }),
            stroke: new Stroke({ color: "#fff", width: 1.5 }),
            radius: 6
      cutTool.on("drawstart", () => {
      cutTool.on("drawend", event => {
        commit("fairwayprofile/selectedCut", null, { root: true });
        dispatch("fairwayprofile/cut", event.feature, { root: true }).then(() =>
          // This setTimeout is an ugly workaround. If we would enable the
          // identifyTool here immediately then the click event from ending the
          // cut will trigger it. We don't want that.
          setTimeout(() => dispatch("enableIdentifyTool"), 1000)


      commit("lineTool", lineTool);
      commit("polygonTool", polygonTool);
      commit("cutTool", cutTool);
      commit("openLayersMap", map);
    disableIdentifyTool({ state }) {
      state.identifyTool = null;
    enableIdentifyTool({ state, rootState, commit, dispatch, getters }) {
      if (!state.identifyTool) {
        state.identifyTool = state.openLayersMap.on(
          ["singleclick", "dblclick"],
          event => {
            commit("setIdentifiedFeatures", []);
            // checking our WFS layers
            var features = state.openLayersMap.getFeaturesAtPixel(event.pixel, {
              hitTolerance: 7
            if (features) {
              let identifiedFeatures = [];

              for (let feature of features) {
                let id = feature.getId();

                // avoid identifying the same feature twice
                if (
                    f => f.getId() === feature.getId()
                  ) === -1
                ) {

                // get selected bottleneck
                // RegExp.prototype.test() works with number, str and undefined
                if (/^bottlenecks/.test(id)) {
                  if (
                    rootState.bottlenecks.selectedBottleneck !=
                  ) {
                      { root: true }
                    ).then(() => {
                    commit("moveMap", {
                      coordinates: getCenter(
                          .transform("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326")
                      zoom: 17,
                      preventZoomOut: true

              commit("setIdentifiedFeatures", identifiedFeatures);

            // DEBUG output and example how to remove the GeometryName
            for (let feature of features) {
              console.log("Identified:", feature.getId());
              for (let key of feature.getKeys()) {
                if (key != feature.getGeometryName()) {
                  console.log(key, feature.get(key));

            // trying the GetFeatureInfo way for WMS
            var wmsSource = getters.getVSourceByName(
              "Inland ECDIS chart Danube"
            var url = wmsSource.getGetFeatureInfoUrl(
              100 /* resolution */,
              // { INFO_FORMAT: "application/vnd.ogc.gml" } // not allowed by d4d
              { INFO_FORMAT: "text/plain" }

            if (url) {
              // cannot directly query here because of SOP
              console.log("GetFeatureInfo url:", url);

export { LAYERS };