view docker/Dockerfile.db @ 1071:f8f398e36e38

client: improve area measurement * Change way of transfering data for display towards using the store where different quantities, symbols can be used. This way we do not depend on the identify tool to find our feature. It avoids the problem that the final click on a snap to point for an area may not hit our feshly drawn feature. At the same time it will get easier to display the measurement result in a different way, like translating the quantity. Right now it is displayed on top of the identified box.
author Bernhard Reiter <>
date Fri, 26 Oct 2018 10:31:52 +0200
parents 156a805941b5
children 5adee8b0e29f
line wrap: on
line source

FROM centos:7
LABEL authors=""

# Add the PostgreSQL PGP key to verify the official yum repository packages
RUN rpm --import &&\
    # Add PostgreSQL's repository. It contains the most recent release
    # of PostgreSQL, 10:
    yum -q -y install &&\
    # Install PostgreSQL 10 and PostGIS
    yum -q -y install postgresql10-server &&\
    yum -q -y install epel-release &&\
    yum -q -y install postgis24_10 pgtap10
USER postgres
ENV PGBIN /usr/pgsql-10/bin/

# initdb PostgreSQL 10:
ENV PGDATA /var/lib/pgsql/10/data
ENV PGCONF /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/postgresql.conf
RUN $PGBIN/initdb -E UTF8 2>&1 < /dev/null &&\
    # Adjust PostgreSQL configuration so that remote connections to the
    # database are possible.
    echo "host all  all  md5" >> /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf &&\
    echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> $PGCONF &&\
    # Keep log on stderr to be able to use docker logs
    sed -i '/logging_collector/s/on/off/' $PGCONF
# Expose the PostgreSQL port

# Create GEMMA role and database
WORKDIR /opt/gemma
COPY schema/*.sql schema/*.sh ./
COPY schema/demo-data ./demo-data/
RUN $PGBIN/pg_ctl start -wo "--config_file=$PGCONF" && \
    ./ --demo --metapw "geo2Serv" && \
    $PGBIN/pg_ctl stop -m smart

# Set the default command to run when starting the container
CMD ["/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgres", "-D", "/var/lib/pgsql/10/data"]