view schema/std_login_roles.sql @ 330:fd04bccae6ca

Create standard roles as part of the base schema. We will always need: 1. a gemma service user 2. an initial sys_admin user so these are now created as part of the base gemma schema. The install-db script now creates random default passwords for this accounts. As the complexity is sufficiently increased by now I also changed the Quick Start guide to use an configuration file and provided an example file.
author Sascha Wilde <>
date Fri, 03 Aug 2018 13:40:10 +0200
children 6c09aa214948
line wrap: on
line source


-- Standard users for the GEMMA database

-- NOTE: Passwords for these roels must be set during initial setup of
--       the database.

-- Admin User
-- This initial Admin account is used to bootstrap the personalized
-- accounts.
CREATE ROLE sysadmin IN ROLE sys_admin LOGIN;
-- We need an empty dumm country for the default admin, as the user is
-- not supposed to work on data, it should be only used to create
-- personalized accounts.
INSERT INTO countries (country_code) VALUES ('--');
INSERT INTO users.responsibility_areas (country, area)
  VALUES ('--', ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0)))', 4326));
-- Add user profile data for sysadminL
INSERT INTO internal.user_profiles
            (username, country, email_address, map_extent)
  VALUES ('sysadmin','--','',
          'BOX(9.52115482500011 46.3786430870001,17.1483378500001 49.0097744750001)');

-- Functional Users

-- Used by the back end (gemma)
CREATE ROLE gemma_service IN ROLE pw_reset LOGIN;

-- Remind the caller of his duties
DO language plpgsql $$
  RAISE NOTICE 'Don''t forget to set a password for the user "sysadmin".';
  RAISE NOTICE 'Don''t forget to set a password for the user "gemma_service".';