changeset 1016:0522289e8503

Removed the tools soundingresults, tin2octree and octree2contour. They are now all part of the importer job for sounding results.
author Sascha L. Teichmann <>
date Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:43:26 +0200
parents d2f30a784fb3
children a244b18cb916
files cmd/octree2contour/db.go cmd/octree2contour/main.go cmd/octree2contour/store.go cmd/soundingresults/main.go cmd/soundingresults/points.go cmd/tin2octree/main.go
diffstat 6 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 843 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/cmd/octree2contour/db.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"flag"
-	""
-	""
-var (
-	dbhost     = flag.String("dbhost", "localhost", "database host")
-	dbport     = flag.Uint("dbport", 5432, "database port")
-	dbname     = flag.String("dbname", "gemma", "database user")
-	dbuser     = flag.String("dbuser", "scott", "database user")
-	dbpassword = flag.String("dbpw", "tiger", "database password")
-	dbssl      = flag.String("dbssl", "prefer", "database SSL mode")
-func run(fn func(*sql.DB) error) error {
-	// To ease SSL config ride a bit on parsing.
-	cc, err := pgx.ParseConnectionString("sslmode=" + *dbssl)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Do the rest manually to allow whitespace in user/password.
-	cc.Host = *dbhost
-	cc.Port = uint16(*dbport)
-	cc.User = *dbuser
-	cc.Password = *dbpassword
-	cc.Database = *dbname
-	db := stdlib.OpenDB(cc)
-	defer db.Close()
-	return fn(db)
--- a/cmd/octree2contour/main.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"flag"
-	"log"
-	"runtime"
-	"sort"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	""
-var (
-	one        = flag.Bool("o", false, "create only a single contour")
-	step       = flag.Float64("s", 0.5, "step width")
-	tol        = flag.Float64("t", 0.1, "tolerance for simplification")
-	max        = flag.Float64("m", 10, "max height from lowest point")
-	bottleneck = flag.String("bottleneck", "", "bottleneck id")
-	date       = flag.String("date", "", "date info")
-func processLevels(
-	tree *octree.Tree,
-	jobs <-chan float64,
-	results chan<- result,
-	wg *sync.WaitGroup,
-) {
-	defer wg.Done()
-	for h := range jobs {
-		var lines octree.MultiLineStringZ
-		tree.Horizontal(h, func(t *octree.Triangle) {
-			line := t.IntersectHorizontal(h)
-			if len(line) > 1 {
-				lines = append(lines, line)
-			}
-		})
-		lines = lines.Merge()
-		results <- result{h, lines}
-	}
-func process(tree *octree.Tree) []result {
-	if *one {
-		var lines octree.MultiLineStringZ
-		tree.Horizontal(*step, func(t *octree.Triangle) {
-			line := t.IntersectHorizontal(*step)
-			if len(line) > 0 {
-				lines = append(lines, line)
-			}
-		})
-		lines = lines.Merge()
-		return []result{{*step, lines}}
-	}
-	results := make(chan result)
-	done := make(chan struct{})
-	var all []result
-	go func() {
-		for {
-			select {
-			case r := <-results:
-				all = append(all, r)
-			case <-done:
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	var wg sync.WaitGroup
-	jobs := make(chan float64)
-	for i, n := 0, runtime.NumCPU(); i < n; i++ {
-		wg.Add(1)
-		go processLevels(tree, jobs, results, &wg)
-	}
-	for h := tree.Min.Z; h <= tree.Max.Z; h += *step {
-		jobs <- h
-	}
-	close(jobs)
-	wg.Wait()
-	done <- struct{}{}
-	sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool {
-		return all[i].h < all[j].h
-	})
-	return all
-func main() {
-	flag.Parse()
-	if *bottleneck == "" || *date == "" {
-		log.Fatalln("missing bottleneck or date option.")
-	}
-	dateInfo, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", *date)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-	}
-	for _, fname := range flag.Args() {
-		log.Printf("processing %s\n", fname)
-		start := time.Now()
-		tree, err := octree.LoadTree(fname)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		log.Printf("loading took: %v\n", time.Since(start))
-		start = time.Now()
-		all := process(tree)
-		log.Printf("processing took: %v\n", time.Since(start))
-		start = time.Now()
-		if err = store(all, tree.EPSG, *bottleneck, dateInfo, *tol); err != nil {
-			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-		}
-		log.Printf("storing took: %v\n", time.Since(start))
-	}
--- a/cmd/octree2contour/store.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"time"
-	""
-type result struct {
-	h     float64
-	lines octree.MultiLineStringZ
-const (
-	deleteSQL = `
-DELETE FROM waterway.sounding_results_contour_lines
-WHERE sounding_result_id IN (SELECT id
-FROM waterway.sounding_results
-WHERE bottleneck_id = $1 AND date_info = $2)
-	insertSQL = `
-INSERT INTO waterway.sounding_results_contour_lines
-  (sounding_result_id, height, lines)
-  $1,
-  ST_Transform(
-    ST_Multi(
-      ST_CollectionExtract(
-        ST_Intersection(
-          ST_Transform(sr.area::geometry, $3::integer),
-          ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(
-            ST_LineMerge(ST_GeomFromWKB($2, $3::integer)),
-            $6
-          )
-        ),
-        2
-      )
-    ),
-    4326
-  )
-FROM waterway.sounding_results sr
-WHERE bottleneck_id = $4 AND date_info = $5
-func store(
-	all []result, epsg uint32,
-	bottleneck string, date time.Time,
-	tol float64,
-) error {
-	return run(func(db *sql.DB) error {
-		tx, err := db.Begin()
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		defer tx.Rollback()
-		if _, err := tx.Exec(deleteSQL, bottleneck, date); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		stmt, err := tx.Prepare(insertSQL)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		for _, r := range all {
-			if _, err := stmt.Exec(
-				r.h, r.lines.AsWKB2D(), epsg,
-				bottleneck, date,
-				tol,
-			); err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return tx.Commit()
-	})
--- a/cmd/soundingresults/main.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"bufio"
-	"database/sql"
-	"encoding/hex"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"log"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"runtime"
-	"sort"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-var (
-	dump       = flag.Bool("dump", true, "dump SQL insert statements")
-	insecure   = flag.Bool("insecure", false, "skip SSL verification")
-	dbhost     = flag.String("dbhost", "localhost", "database host")
-	dbport     = flag.Uint("dbport", 5432, "database port")
-	dbname     = flag.String("dbname", "gemma", "database user")
-	dbuser     = flag.String("dbuser", "scott", "database user")
-	dbpassword = flag.String("dbpw", "tiger", "database password")
-	dbssl      = flag.String("dbssl", "prefer", "database SSL mode")
-func run(fn func(*sql.DB) error) error {
-	// To ease SSL config ride a bit on parsing.
-	cc, err := pgx.ParseConnectionString("sslmode=" + *dbssl)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Do the rest manually to allow whitespace in user/password.
-	cc.Host = *dbhost
-	cc.Port = uint16(*dbport)
-	cc.User = *dbuser
-	cc.Password = *dbpassword
-	cc.Database = *dbname
-	db := stdlib.OpenDB(cc)
-	defer db.Close()
-	return fn(db)
-// TODO: This should come from the depth_references table.
-var knownDepthReferences = []string{
-	"ADR", "ETRS", "FZP", "GLW", "HBO",
-	"HDC", "HNW", "HSW", "IGN", "KP",
-	"LDC", "LNW", "NAP", "NGM", "POT",
-	"PUL", "RN", "TAW", "WGS", "ZPG",
-func isKnownDepthReference(ref string) bool {
-	ref = strings.ToUpper(ref)
-	for _, r := range knownDepthReferences {
-		if r == ref {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-type meta struct {
-	date           time.Time
-	name           string
-	depthReference string
-func substituteName(fname, name string) string {
-	dir := filepath.Dir(fname)
-	info := filepath.Join(dir, "INFO.txt")
-	f, err := os.Open(info)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("warn: %v\n", err)
-		return name
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
-	for search := strings.ToLower(name); s.Scan(); {
-		line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
-		if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
-			continue
-		}
-		if parts := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2); len(parts) == 2 &&
-			strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(parts[0])) == search {
-			return strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
-		}
-	}
-	if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
-		log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-	}
-	return name
-func parseFilename(fname string) (*meta, error) {
-	base := filepath.Base(fname)
-	compressed := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(base))
-	for _, ext := range []string{".gz", ".bz2"} {
-		if ext == compressed {
-			base = base[:len(base)-len(ext)]
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	// Cut .txt
-	base = base[:len(base)-len(filepath.Ext(base))]
-	if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToUpper(base), "_WGS84") {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not in WGS84", base)
-	}
-	base = base[:len(base)-len("_WGS84")]
-	idx := strings.IndexRune(base, '_')
-	if idx == -1 {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no date", base)
-	}
-	datePart := base[:idx]
-	date, err := time.Parse("20060102", datePart)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error %s: %v\n", datePart, err)
-	}
-	rest := base[idx+1:]
-	if idx = strings.LastIndex(rest, "_"); idx == -1 {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no depth reference", base)
-	}
-	depthReference := rest[idx+1:]
-	if !isKnownDepthReference(depthReference) {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
-			"%s is not a known depth reference", depthReference)
-	}
-	rest = rest[:idx]
-	if !strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToUpper(rest), "_MB") {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not in WGS84", base)
-	}
-	name := rest[:len(rest)-len("_MB")]
-	name = substituteName(fname, name)
-	return &meta{
-		name:           name,
-		depthReference: depthReference,
-		date:           date,
-	}, nil
-type result struct {
-	m      *meta
-	points points3d
-	wkb    string
-func processor(fnames <-chan string, results chan<- result, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
-	defer wg.Done()
-	for fname := range fnames {
-		log.Printf("Processing %s\n", fname)
-		m, err := parseFilename(fname)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		_ = m
-		points, err := parseXYZ(fname)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		log.Printf("Number of points: %d\n", len(points))
-		wkb := points.asWKB()
-		log.Printf("WKB size %.2f MB\n", float64(len(wkb))/(1024*1024))
-		results <- result{m, points, wkb}
-	}
-func quote(s string) string {
-	return "'" + strings.Replace(s, "'", "'''", -1) + "'"
-func main() {
-	flag.Parse()
-	var wg sync.WaitGroup
-	fnames := make(chan string)
-	results := make(chan result)
-	done := make(chan struct{})
-	handler := func(result) {}
-	flush := func() {}
-	if *dump {
-		var results []result
-		handler = func(r result) { results = append(results, r) }
-		flush = func() {
-			sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
-				if a, b := results[i], results[j]; a != b {
-					return a < b
-				}
-				return results[i][j]
-			})
-			out := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
-			fmt.Fprintln(out, "BEGIN;")
-			for i := range results {
-				r := &results[i]
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "INSERT INTO waterway.sounding_results (")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "  bottleneck_id,")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "  date_info,")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "  depth_reference,")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "  point_cloud")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, ") VALUES (")
-				fmt.Fprintf(out,
-					"  (SELECT bottleneck_id from waterway.bottlenecks where objnam = %s),\n",
-					quote(
-				fmt.Fprintf(out, "  '%s'::date,\n","2006-01-02"))
-				fmt.Fprintf(out, "  %s,\n", quote(r.m.depthReference))
-				fmt.Fprintf(out, "  '")
-				io.Copy(hex.NewEncoder(out), strings.NewReader(r.wkb))
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, "'")
-				fmt.Fprintln(out, ");")
-			}
-			fmt.Fprintln(out, "COMMIT;")
-			out.Flush()
-		}
-	} else {
-		// TODO: Implement database stuff.
-	}
-	fin := make(chan struct{})
-	go func() {
-		defer func() { flush(); close(fin) }()
-		for {
-			select {
-			case <-done:
-				return
-			case r := <-results:
-				handler(r)
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	for i, n := 0, runtime.NumCPU(); i < n; i++ {
-		wg.Add(1)
-		go processor(fnames, results, &wg)
-	}
-	for _, fname := range flag.Args() {
-		fnames <- fname
-	}
-	close(fnames)
-	wg.Wait()
-	close(done)
-	<-fin
--- a/cmd/soundingresults/points.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"bufio"
-	"bytes"
-	"compress/bzip2"
-	"compress/gzip"
-	"encoding/binary"
-	"io"
-	"log"
-	"math"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-type point3d struct {
-	x float64
-	y float64
-	z float64
-type points3d []*point3d
-func parseXYZ(fname string) (points3d, error) {
-	f, err := os.Open(fname)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	r, err := wrap(fname, f)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return readXYZ(r)
-func wrap(fname string, f io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
-	switch strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(fname)) {
-	case ".gz":
-		return gzip.NewReader(f)
-	case ".bz2":
-		return bzip2.NewReader(f), nil
-	}
-	return bufio.NewReader(f), nil
-func readXYZ(r io.Reader) (points3d, error) {
-	// Alloc in larger chunks to reduce pressure on memory management.
-	var chunk []point3d
-	alloc := func() *point3d {
-		if len(chunk) == 0 {
-			chunk = make([]point3d, 8*1024)
-		}
-		p := &chunk[0]
-		chunk = chunk[1:]
-		return p
-	}
-	var points points3d
-	s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
-	if s.Scan() { // Skip header line.
-		for line := 2; s.Scan(); line++ {
-			p := alloc()
-			text := s.Text()
-			// fmt.Sscanf(text, "%f,%f,%f") is 4 times slower.
-			idx := strings.IndexByte(text, ',')
-			if idx == -1 {
-				log.Printf("format error in line %d\n", line)
-				continue
-			}
-			var err error
-			if p.x, err = strconv.ParseFloat(text[:idx], 64); err != nil {
-				log.Printf("format error in line %d: %v\n", line, err)
-				continue
-			}
-			text = text[idx+1:]
-			if idx = strings.IndexByte(text, ','); idx == -1 {
-				log.Printf("format error in line %d\n", line)
-				continue
-			}
-			if p.y, err = strconv.ParseFloat(text[:idx], 64); err != nil {
-				log.Printf("format error in line %d: %v\n", line, err)
-				continue
-			}
-			text = text[idx+1:]
-			if p.z, err = strconv.ParseFloat(text, 64); err != nil {
-				log.Printf("format error in line %d: %v\n", line, err)
-				continue
-			}
-			points = append(points, p)
-		}
-	}
-	return points, s.Err()
-const (
-	wkbNDR         byte   = 1
-	wkbPointZ      uint32 = 1 + 1000
-	wkbMultiPointZ uint32 = 4 + 1000
-func (ps points3d) asWKB() string {
-	size := 1 + 4 + 4 + len(ps)*(1+4+3*8)
-	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, size))
-	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, wkbNDR)
-	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, wkbMultiPointZ)
-	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(len(ps)))
-	for _, p := range ps {
-		binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, wkbNDR)
-		binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, wkbPointZ)
-		binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, math.Float64bits(p.x))
-		binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, math.Float64bits(p.y))
-		binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, math.Float64bits(p.z))
-	}
-	return buf.String()
--- a/cmd/tin2octree/main.go	Tue Oct 23 14:28:43 2018 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"context"
-	"crypto/sha1"
-	"database/sql"
-	"encoding/base64"
-	"flag"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"log"
-	"math"
-	"os"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-var (
-	bottleneck = flag.String("bottleneck", "", "bottleneck id")
-	date       = flag.String("date", "", "date info")
-	file       = flag.String("file", "", "save to file")
-	insert     = flag.Bool("insert", false, "write as SQL insert statement")
-	dbhost     = flag.String("dbhost", "localhost", "database host")
-	dbport     = flag.Uint("dbport", 5432, "database port")
-	dbname     = flag.String("dbname", "gemma", "database user")
-	dbuser     = flag.String("dbuser", "scott", "database user")
-	dbpassword = flag.String("dbpw", "tiger", "database password")
-	dbssl      = flag.String("dbssl", "prefer", "database SSL mode")
-func run(fn func(*sql.DB) error) error {
-	// To ease SSL config ride a bit on parsing.
-	cc, err := pgx.ParseConnectionString("sslmode=" + *dbssl)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Do the rest manually to allow whitespace in user/password.
-	cc.Host = *dbhost
-	cc.Port = uint16(*dbport)
-	cc.User = *dbuser
-	cc.Password = *dbpassword
-	cc.Database = *dbname
-	db := stdlib.OpenDB(cc)
-	defer db.Close()
-	return fn(db)
-const (
-	centroidSQL = `
-SELECT ST_X(ST_Centroid(point_cloud::geometry)), ST_Y(ST_Centroid(point_cloud::geometry))
-FROM waterway.sounding_results
-WHERE bottleneck_id = $1 AND date_info = $2
-func utmZone(x, y float64) uint32 {
-	var pref uint32
-	if y > 0 {
-		pref = 32600
-	} else {
-		pref = 32700
-	}
-	zone := uint32(math.Floor((x+180)/6)) + 1
-	return zone + pref
-func main() {
-	flag.Parse()
-	if *bottleneck == "" || *date == "" {
-		log.Fatalln("missing bottleneck or date option.")
-	}
-	dateInfo, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", *date)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-	}
-	var t *octree.Tin
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	if err := run(func(db *sql.DB) error {
-		conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		defer conn.Close()
-		var utmZ uint32
-		var cx, cy float64
-		conn.QueryRowContext(ctx, centroidSQL, *bottleneck, dateInfo).Scan(&cx, &cy)
-		switch {
-		case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
-			return nil
-		case err != nil:
-			return err
-		}
-		log.Printf("lat/lon: [%f, %f]\n", cx, cy)
-		utmZ = utmZone(cx, cy)
-		log.Printf("UTM zone: %d\n", utmZ)
-		start := time.Now()
-		t, err = octree.GenerateTin(conn, ctx, *bottleneck, dateInfo, utmZ)
-		log.Printf("query took: %s\n", time.Since(start))
-		return err
-	}); err != nil {
-		log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-	}
-	if t == nil {
-		log.Fatalf("error: No such sounding result (%s, %s)\n",
-			*bottleneck, dateInfo)
-	}
-	tb := octree.NewBuilder(t)
-	tb.Build()
-	if *insert {
-		var w io.Writer
-		var f *os.File
-		if *file != "" {
-			if f, err = os.Create(*file); err != nil {
-				log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-			}
-			w = f
-		} else {
-			w = os.Stdout
-		}
-		var buf bytes.Buffer
-		if err := tb.WriteTo(&buf); err != nil {
-			log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-		}
-		data := buf.String()
-		h := sha1.New()
-		buf.WriteTo(h)
-		fmt.Fprintln(w, "BEGIN;")
-		fmt.Fprintln(w, "INSERT INTO waterway.octrees")
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, "SELECT, '%x',\n", h.Sum(nil))
-		fmt.Fprint(w, "decode('")
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(data)))
-		fmt.Fprintln(w, "', 'base64')")
-		fmt.Fprintln(w, "FROM waterway.sounding_results sr")
-		fmt.Fprintf(w,
-			"WHERE sr.bottleneck_id = '%s' AND sr.date_info = '%s'::date;\n",
-			*bottleneck, *date)
-		fmt.Fprintln(w, "END;")
-		if f != nil {
-			if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
-				log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-			}
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	if *file != "" {
-		f, err := os.Create(*file)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
-		}
-		err = tb.WriteTo(f)
-		if err2 := f.Close(); err == nil {
-			if err != nil {
-				err = err2
-			}
-		}
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
-		}
-	}