diff rhodecode/model/forms.py @ 547:1e757ac98988

renamed project to rhodecode
author Marcin Kuzminski <marcin@python-works.com>
date Wed, 06 Oct 2010 03:18:16 +0200
parents pylons_app/model/forms.py@a08f610e545e
children b75b77ef649d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rhodecode/model/forms.py	Wed Oct 06 03:18:16 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+""" this is forms validation classes
+for list off all availible validators
+we can create our own validators
+The table below outlines the options which can be used in a schema in addition to the validators themselves
+pre_validators          []     These validators will be applied before the schema
+chained_validators      []     These validators will be applied after the schema
+allow_extra_fields      False     If True, then it is not an error when keys that aren't associated with a validator are present
+filter_extra_fields     False     If True, then keys that aren't associated with a validator are removed
+if_key_missing          NoDefault If this is given, then any keys that aren't available but are expected will be replaced with this value (and then validated). This does not override a present .if_missing attribute on validators. NoDefault is a special FormEncode class to mean that no default values has been specified and therefore missing keys shouldn't take a default value.
+ignore_key_missing      False     If True, then missing keys will be missing in the result, if the validator doesn't have .if_missing on it already    
+<name> = formencode.validators.<name of validator>
+<name> must equal form name
+for SELECT use formencode.All(OneOf(list), Int())
+from formencode import All
+from formencode.validators import UnicodeString, OneOf, Int, Number, Regex, \
+    Email, Bool, StringBoolean
+from pylons import session
+from pylons.i18n.translation import _
+from rhodecode.lib.auth import check_password, get_crypt_password
+from rhodecode.model import meta
+from rhodecode.model.user_model import UserModel
+from rhodecode.model.db import User, Repository
+from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
+from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound
+from webhelpers.pylonslib.secure_form import authentication_token
+import formencode
+import logging
+import os
+import rhodecode.lib.helpers as h
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+#this is needed to translate the messages using _() in validators
+class State_obj(object):
+    _ = staticmethod(_)
+class ValidAuthToken(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    messages = {'invalid_token':_('Token mismatch')}
+    def validate_python(self, value, state):
+        if value != authentication_token():
+            raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_token', state,
+                                            search_number=value), value, state)
+def ValidUsername(edit, old_data):             
+    class _ValidUsername(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+        def validate_python(self, value, state):
+            if value in ['default', 'new_user']:
+                raise formencode.Invalid(_('Invalid username'), value, state)
+            #check if user is uniq
+            sa = meta.Session
+            old_un = None
+            if edit:
+                old_un = sa.query(User).get(old_data.get('user_id')).username
+            if old_un != value or not edit:    
+                if sa.query(User).filter(User.username == value).scalar():
+                    raise formencode.Invalid(_('This username already exists') ,
+                                             value, state)
+            meta.Session.remove()
+    return _ValidUsername   
+class ValidPassword(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        if value:
+            return get_crypt_password(value)
+class ValidAuth(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    messages = {
+            'invalid_password':_('invalid password'),
+            'invalid_login':_('invalid user name'),
+            'disabled_account':_('Your acccount is disabled')
+            }
+    #error mapping
+    e_dict = {'username':messages['invalid_login'],
+              'password':messages['invalid_password']}
+    e_dict_disable = {'username':messages['disabled_account']}
+    def validate_python(self, value, state):
+        password = value['password']
+        username = value['username']
+        user = UserModel().get_user_by_name(username)
+        if user is None:
+            raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_password',
+                                     state=State_obj), value, state,
+                                     error_dict=self.e_dict)            
+        if user:
+            if user.active:
+                if user.username == username and check_password(password,
+                                                                user.password):
+                    return value
+                else:
+                    log.warning('user %s not authenticated', username)
+                    raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_password',
+                                             state=State_obj), value, state,
+                                             error_dict=self.e_dict)
+            else:
+                log.warning('user %s is disabled', username)
+                raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('disabled_account',
+                                         state=State_obj),
+                                         value, state,
+                                         error_dict=self.e_dict_disable)
+class ValidRepoUser(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        try:
+            self.user_db = meta.Session.query(User)\
+                .filter(User.active == True)\
+                .filter(User.username == value).one()
+        except Exception:
+            raise formencode.Invalid(_('This username is not valid'),
+                                     value, state)
+        finally:
+            meta.Session.remove()
+        return self.user_db.user_id
+def ValidRepoName(edit, old_data):    
+    class _ValidRepoName(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+        def to_python(self, value, state):
+            slug = h.repo_name_slug(value)
+            if slug in ['_admin']:
+                raise formencode.Invalid(_('This repository name is disallowed'),
+                                         value, state)
+            if old_data.get('repo_name') != value or not edit:    
+                sa = meta.Session
+                if sa.query(Repository).filter(Repository.repo_name == slug).scalar():
+                    raise formencode.Invalid(_('This repository already exists') ,
+                                             value, state)
+                meta.Session.remove()
+            return slug 
+    return _ValidRepoName
+class ValidPerms(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    messages = {'perm_new_user_name':_('This username is not valid')}
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        perms_update = []
+        perms_new = []
+        #build a list of permission to update and new permission to create
+        for k, v in value.items():
+            if k.startswith('perm_'):
+                if  k.startswith('perm_new_user'):
+                    new_perm = value.get('perm_new_user', False)
+                    new_user = value.get('perm_new_user_name', False)
+                    if new_user and new_perm:
+                        if (new_user, new_perm) not in perms_new:
+                            perms_new.append((new_user, new_perm))
+                else:
+                    usr = k[5:]                    
+                    if usr == 'default':
+                        if value['private']:
+                            #set none for default when updating to private repo
+                            v = 'repository.none'
+                    perms_update.append((usr, v))
+        value['perms_updates'] = perms_update
+        value['perms_new'] = perms_new
+        sa = meta.Session
+        for k, v in perms_new:
+            try:
+                self.user_db = sa.query(User)\
+                    .filter(User.active == True)\
+                    .filter(User.username == k).one()
+            except Exception:
+                msg = self.message('perm_new_user_name',
+                                     state=State_obj)
+                raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state, error_dict={'perm_new_user_name':msg})            
+        return value
+class ValidSettings(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        #settings  form can't edit user
+        if value.has_key('user'):
+            del['value']['user']
+        return value
+class ValidPath(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        isdir = os.path.isdir(value.replace('*', ''))
+        if (value.endswith('/*') or value.endswith('/**')) and isdir:
+            return value
+        elif not isdir:
+            msg = _('This is not a valid path') 
+        else:
+            msg = _('You need to specify * or ** at the end of path (ie. /tmp/*)')
+        raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state,
+                                     error_dict={'paths_root_path':msg})            
+def UniqSystemEmail(old_data):
+    class _UniqSystemEmail(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+        def to_python(self, value, state):
+            if old_data.get('email') != value:
+                sa = meta.Session
+                try:
+                    user = sa.query(User).filter(User.email == value).scalar()
+                    if user:
+                        raise formencode.Invalid(_("That e-mail address is already taken") ,
+                                                 value, state)
+                finally:
+                    meta.Session.remove()
+            return value
+    return _UniqSystemEmail
+class ValidSystemEmail(formencode.validators.FancyValidator):
+    def to_python(self, value, state):
+        sa = meta.Session
+        try:
+            user = sa.query(User).filter(User.email == value).scalar()
+            if  user is None:
+                raise formencode.Invalid(_("That e-mail address doesn't exist.") ,
+                                         value, state)
+        finally:
+            meta.Session.remove()
+        return value     
+# FORMS        
+class LoginForm(formencode.Schema):
+    allow_extra_fields = True
+    filter_extra_fields = True
+    username = UnicodeString(
+                             strip=True,
+                             min=1,
+                             not_empty=True,
+                             messages={
+                                       'empty':_('Please enter a login'),
+                                       'tooShort':_('Enter a value %(min)i characters long or more')}
+                            )
+    password = UnicodeString(
+                            strip=True,
+                            min=6,
+                            not_empty=True,
+                            messages={
+                                      'empty':_('Please enter a password'),
+                                      'tooShort':_('Enter a value %(min)i characters long or more')}
+                                )
+    #chained validators have access to all data
+    chained_validators = [ValidAuth]
+def UserForm(edit=False, old_data={}):
+    class _UserForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = True
+        username = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidUsername(edit, old_data))
+        if edit:
+            new_password = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=False), ValidPassword)
+            admin = StringBoolean(if_missing=False)
+        else:
+            password = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=True), ValidPassword)
+        active = StringBoolean(if_missing=False)
+        name = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        lastname = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        email = All(Email(not_empty=True), UniqSystemEmail(old_data))
+    return _UserForm
+RegisterForm = UserForm
+def PasswordResetForm():
+    class _PasswordResetForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = True
+        email = All(ValidSystemEmail(), Email(not_empty=True))             
+    return _PasswordResetForm
+def RepoForm(edit=False, old_data={}):
+    class _RepoForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = False
+        repo_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidRepoName(edit, old_data))
+        description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False)
+        if edit:
+            user = All(Int(not_empty=True), ValidRepoUser)
+        chained_validators = [ValidPerms]
+    return _RepoForm
+def RepoForkForm(edit=False, old_data={}):
+    class _RepoForkForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = False
+        fork_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidRepoName(edit, old_data))
+        description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False)
+    return _RepoForkForm
+def RepoSettingsForm(edit=False, old_data={}):
+    class _RepoForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = False
+        repo_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidRepoName(edit, old_data))
+        description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False)
+        chained_validators = [ValidPerms, ValidSettings]
+    return _RepoForm
+def ApplicationSettingsForm():
+    class _ApplicationSettingsForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = False
+        hg_app_title = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+        hg_app_realm = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)
+    return _ApplicationSettingsForm
+def ApplicationUiSettingsForm():
+    class _ApplicationUiSettingsForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = False
+        web_push_ssl = OneOf(['true', 'false'], if_missing='false')
+        paths_root_path = All(ValidPath(), UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True))
+        hooks_changegroup_update = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False)
+        hooks_changegroup_repo_size = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False)
+    return _ApplicationUiSettingsForm
+def DefaultPermissionsForm(perms_choices, register_choices, create_choices):
+    class _DefaultPermissionsForm(formencode.Schema):
+        allow_extra_fields = True
+        filter_extra_fields = True
+        overwrite_default = OneOf(['true', 'false'], if_missing='false')
+        default_perm = OneOf(perms_choices)
+        default_register = OneOf(register_choices)
+        default_create = OneOf(create_choices)
+    return _DefaultPermissionsForm