diff rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate/migrate/versioning/api.py @ 833:9753e0907827 beta

added dbmigrate package, added model changes moved out upgrade db command to that package
author Marcin Kuzminski <marcin@python-works.com>
date Sat, 11 Dec 2010 01:54:12 +0100
children 08d2dcd71666
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate/migrate/versioning/api.py	Sat Dec 11 01:54:12 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+   This module provides an external API to the versioning system.
+   .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0
+    :func:`migrate.versioning.api.test` and schema diff functions
+    changed order of positional arguments so all accept `url` and `repository`
+    as first arguments.
+   .. versionchanged:: 0.5.4
+    ``--preview_sql`` displays source file when using SQL scripts.
+    If Python script is used, it runs the action with mocked engine and
+    returns captured SQL statements.
+   .. versionchanged:: 0.5.4
+    Deprecated ``--echo`` parameter in favour of new
+    :func:`migrate.versioning.util.construct_engine` behavior.
+# Dear migrate developers,
+# please do not comment this module using sphinx syntax because its
+# docstrings are presented as user help and most users cannot
+# interpret sphinx annotated ReStructuredText.
+# Thanks,
+# Jan Dittberner
+import sys
+import inspect
+import logging
+from migrate import exceptions
+from migrate.versioning import (repository, schema, version,
+    script as script_) # command name conflict
+from migrate.versioning.util import catch_known_errors, with_engine
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+command_desc = {
+    'help': 'displays help on a given command',
+    'create': 'create an empty repository at the specified path',
+    'script': 'create an empty change Python script',
+    'script_sql': 'create empty change SQL scripts for given database',
+    'version': 'display the latest version available in a repository',
+    'db_version': 'show the current version of the repository under version control',
+    'source': 'display the Python code for a particular version in this repository',
+    'version_control': 'mark a database as under this repository\'s version control',
+    'upgrade': 'upgrade a database to a later version',
+    'downgrade': 'downgrade a database to an earlier version',
+    'drop_version_control': 'removes version control from a database',
+    'manage': 'creates a Python script that runs Migrate with a set of default values',
+    'test': 'performs the upgrade and downgrade command on the given database',
+    'compare_model_to_db': 'compare MetaData against the current database state',
+    'create_model': 'dump the current database as a Python model to stdout',
+    'make_update_script_for_model': 'create a script changing the old MetaData to the new (current) MetaData',
+    'update_db_from_model': 'modify the database to match the structure of the current MetaData',
+__all__ = command_desc.keys()
+Repository = repository.Repository
+ControlledSchema = schema.ControlledSchema
+VerNum = version.VerNum
+PythonScript = script_.PythonScript
+SqlScript = script_.SqlScript
+# deprecated
+def help(cmd=None, **opts):
+    """%prog help COMMAND
+    Displays help on a given command.
+    """
+    if cmd is None:
+        raise exceptions.UsageError(None)
+    try:
+        func = globals()[cmd]
+    except:
+        raise exceptions.UsageError(
+            "'%s' isn't a valid command. Try 'help COMMAND'" % cmd)
+    ret = func.__doc__
+    if sys.argv[0]:
+        ret = ret.replace('%prog', sys.argv[0])
+    return ret
+def create(repository, name, **opts):
+    """%prog create REPOSITORY_PATH NAME [--table=TABLE]
+    Create an empty repository at the specified path.
+    You can specify the version_table to be used; by default, it is
+    'migrate_version'.  This table is created in all version-controlled
+    databases.
+    """
+    repo_path = Repository.create(repository, name, **opts)
+def script(description, repository, **opts):
+    Create an empty change script using the next unused version number
+    appended with the given description.
+    For instance, manage.py script "Add initial tables" creates:
+    repository/versions/001_Add_initial_tables.py
+    """
+    repo = Repository(repository)
+    repo.create_script(description, **opts)
+def script_sql(database, repository, **opts):
+    """%prog script_sql DATABASE REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Create empty change SQL scripts for given DATABASE, where DATABASE
+    is either specific ('postgres', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'sqlite', etc.)
+    or generic ('default').
+    For instance, manage.py script_sql postgres creates:
+    repository/versions/001_postgres_upgrade.sql and
+    repository/versions/001_postgres_postgres.sql
+    """
+    repo = Repository(repository)
+    repo.create_script_sql(database, **opts)
+def version(repository, **opts):
+    """%prog version REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Display the latest version available in a repository.
+    """
+    repo = Repository(repository)
+    return repo.latest
+def db_version(url, repository, **opts):
+    """%prog db_version URL REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Show the current version of the repository with the given
+    connection string, under version control of the specified
+    repository.
+    The url should be any valid SQLAlchemy connection string.
+    """
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    schema = ControlledSchema(engine, repository)
+    return schema.version
+def source(version, dest=None, repository=None, **opts):
+    """%prog source VERSION [DESTINATION] --repository=REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Display the Python code for a particular version in this
+    repository.  Save it to the file at DESTINATION or, if omitted,
+    send to stdout.
+    """
+    if repository is None:
+        raise exceptions.UsageError("A repository must be specified")
+    repo = Repository(repository)
+    ret = repo.version(version).script().source()
+    if dest is not None:
+        dest = open(dest, 'w')
+        dest.write(ret)
+        dest.close()
+        ret = None
+    return ret
+def upgrade(url, repository, version=None, **opts):
+    """%prog upgrade URL REPOSITORY_PATH [VERSION] [--preview_py|--preview_sql]
+    Upgrade a database to a later version.
+    This runs the upgrade() function defined in your change scripts.
+    By default, the database is updated to the latest available
+    version. You may specify a version instead, if you wish.
+    You may preview the Python or SQL code to be executed, rather than
+    actually executing it, using the appropriate 'preview' option.
+    """
+    err = "Cannot upgrade a database of version %s to version %s. "\
+        "Try 'downgrade' instead."
+    return _migrate(url, repository, version, upgrade=True, err=err, **opts)
+def downgrade(url, repository, version, **opts):
+    """%prog downgrade URL REPOSITORY_PATH VERSION [--preview_py|--preview_sql]
+    Downgrade a database to an earlier version.
+    This is the reverse of upgrade; this runs the downgrade() function
+    defined in your change scripts.
+    You may preview the Python or SQL code to be executed, rather than
+    actually executing it, using the appropriate 'preview' option.
+    """
+    err = "Cannot downgrade a database of version %s to version %s. "\
+        "Try 'upgrade' instead."
+    return _migrate(url, repository, version, upgrade=False, err=err, **opts)
+def test(url, repository, **opts):
+    """%prog test URL REPOSITORY_PATH [VERSION]
+    Performs the upgrade and downgrade option on the given
+    database. This is not a real test and may leave the database in a
+    bad state. You should therefore better run the test on a copy of
+    your database.
+    """
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    repos = Repository(repository)
+    script = repos.version(None).script()
+    # Upgrade
+    log.info("Upgrading...")
+    script.run(engine, 1)
+    log.info("done")
+    log.info("Downgrading...")
+    script.run(engine, -1)
+    log.info("done")
+    log.info("Success")
+def version_control(url, repository, version=None, **opts):
+    """%prog version_control URL REPOSITORY_PATH [VERSION]
+    Mark a database as under this repository's version control.
+    Once a database is under version control, schema changes should
+    only be done via change scripts in this repository.
+    This creates the table version_table in the database.
+    The url should be any valid SQLAlchemy connection string.
+    By default, the database begins at version 0 and is assumed to be
+    empty.  If the database is not empty, you may specify a version at
+    which to begin instead. No attempt is made to verify this
+    version's correctness - the database schema is expected to be
+    identical to what it would be if the database were created from
+    scratch.
+    """
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    ControlledSchema.create(engine, repository, version)
+def drop_version_control(url, repository, **opts):
+    """%prog drop_version_control URL REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Removes version control from a database.
+    """
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    schema = ControlledSchema(engine, repository)
+    schema.drop()
+def manage(file, **opts):
+    """%prog manage FILENAME [VARIABLES...]
+    Creates a script that runs Migrate with a set of default values.
+    For example::
+        %prog manage manage.py --repository=/path/to/repository \
+    would create the script manage.py. The following two commands
+    would then have exactly the same results::
+        python manage.py version
+        %prog version --repository=/path/to/repository
+    """
+    Repository.create_manage_file(file, **opts)
+def compare_model_to_db(url, repository, model, **opts):
+    """%prog compare_model_to_db URL REPOSITORY_PATH MODEL
+    Compare the current model (assumed to be a module level variable
+    of type sqlalchemy.MetaData) against the current database.
+    """  # TODO: get rid of EXPERIMENTAL label
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    return ControlledSchema.compare_model_to_db(engine, model, repository)
+def create_model(url, repository, **opts):
+    """%prog create_model URL REPOSITORY_PATH [DECLERATIVE=True]
+    Dump the current database as a Python model to stdout.
+    """  # TODO: get rid of EXPERIMENTAL label
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    declarative = opts.get('declarative', False)
+    return ControlledSchema.create_model(engine, repository, declarative)
+def make_update_script_for_model(url, repository, oldmodel, model, **opts):
+    """%prog make_update_script_for_model URL OLDMODEL MODEL REPOSITORY_PATH
+    Create a script changing the old Python model to the new (current)
+    Python model, sending to stdout.
+    """  # TODO: get rid of EXPERIMENTAL label
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    return PythonScript.make_update_script_for_model(
+        engine, oldmodel, model, repository, **opts)
+def update_db_from_model(url, repository, model, **opts):
+    """%prog update_db_from_model URL REPOSITORY_PATH MODEL
+    Modify the database to match the structure of the current Python
+    model. This also sets the db_version number to the latest in the
+    repository.
+    """  # TODO: get rid of EXPERIMENTAL label
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    schema = ControlledSchema(engine, repository)
+    schema.update_db_from_model(model)
+def _migrate(url, repository, version, upgrade, err, **opts):
+    engine = opts.pop('engine')
+    url = str(engine.url)
+    schema = ControlledSchema(engine, repository)
+    version = _migrate_version(schema, version, upgrade, err)
+    changeset = schema.changeset(version)
+    for ver, change in changeset:
+        nextver = ver + changeset.step
+        log.info('%s -> %s... ', ver, nextver)
+        if opts.get('preview_sql'):
+            if isinstance(change, PythonScript):
+                log.info(change.preview_sql(url, changeset.step, **opts))
+            elif isinstance(change, SqlScript):
+                log.info(change.source())
+        elif opts.get('preview_py'):
+            if not isinstance(change, PythonScript):
+                raise exceptions.UsageError("Python source can be only displayed"
+                    " for python migration files")
+            source_ver = max(ver, nextver)
+            module = schema.repository.version(source_ver).script().module
+            funcname = upgrade and "upgrade" or "downgrade"
+            func = getattr(module, funcname)
+            log.info(inspect.getsource(func))
+        else:
+            schema.runchange(ver, change, changeset.step)
+            log.info('done')
+def _migrate_version(schema, version, upgrade, err):
+    if version is None:
+        return version
+    # Version is specified: ensure we're upgrading in the right direction
+    # (current version < target version for upgrading; reverse for down)
+    version = VerNum(version)
+    cur = schema.version
+    if upgrade is not None:
+        if upgrade:
+            direction = cur <= version
+        else:
+            direction = cur >= version
+        if not direction:
+            raise exceptions.KnownError(err % (cur, version))
+    return version