diff rhodecode/controllers/admin/repo_groups.py @ 4116:ffd45b185016 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl

Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5. This imports changes between changesets 21af6c4eab3d and 6177597791c2 in RhodeCode's original repository, including only changes to Python files and HTML. RhodeCode clearly licensed its changes to these files under GPLv3 in their /LICENSE file, which states the following: The Python code and integrated HTML are licensed under the GPLv3 license. (See: https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/v2.2.5/LICENSE or http://web.archive.org/web/20140512193334/https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/f3b123159901f15426d18e3dc395e8369f70ebe0/LICENSE for an online copy of that LICENSE file) Conservancy reviewed these changes and confirmed that they can be licensed as a whole to the Kallithea project under GPLv3-only. While some of the contents committed herein are clearly licensed GPLv3-or-later, on the whole we must assume the are GPLv3-only, since the statement above from RhodeCode indicates that they intend GPLv3-only as their license, per GPLv3ยง14 and other relevant sections of GPLv3.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn@sfconservancy.org>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:03:13 -0400
children 7e5f8c12a3fc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rhodecode/controllers/admin/repo_groups.py	Wed Jul 02 19:03:13 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Repository groups controller for RhodeCode
+:created_on: Mar 23, 2010
+:author: marcink
+:copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH.
+:license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
+import logging
+import traceback
+import formencode
+import itertools
+from formencode import htmlfill
+from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c, url
+from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
+from pylons.i18n.translation import _, ungettext
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
+import rhodecode
+from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
+from rhodecode.lib.compat import json
+from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasPermissionAnyDecorator,\
+    HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator, HasRepoGroupPermissionAll,\
+    HasPermissionAll
+from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseController, render
+from rhodecode.model.db import RepoGroup, Repository
+from rhodecode.model.scm import RepoGroupList
+from rhodecode.model.repo_group import RepoGroupModel
+from rhodecode.model.forms import RepoGroupForm, RepoGroupPermsForm
+from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
+from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
+from webob.exc import HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNotFound
+from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool, safe_int
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RepoGroupsController(BaseController):
+    """REST Controller styled on the Atom Publishing Protocol"""
+    @LoginRequired()
+    def __before__(self):
+        super(RepoGroupsController, self).__before__()
+    def __load_defaults(self, allow_empty_group=False, exclude_group_ids=[]):
+        if HasPermissionAll('hg.admin')('group edit'):
+            #we're global admin, we're ok and we can create TOP level groups
+            allow_empty_group = True
+        #override the choices for this form, we need to filter choices
+        #and display only those we have ADMIN right
+        groups_with_admin_rights = RepoGroupList(RepoGroup.query().all(),
+                                                 perm_set=['group.admin'])
+        c.repo_groups = RepoGroup.groups_choices(groups=groups_with_admin_rights,
+                                                 show_empty_group=allow_empty_group)
+        # exclude filtered ids
+        c.repo_groups = filter(lambda x: x[0] not in exclude_group_ids,
+                               c.repo_groups)
+        c.repo_groups_choices = map(lambda k: unicode(k[0]), c.repo_groups)
+        repo_model = RepoModel()
+        c.users_array = repo_model.get_users_js()
+        c.user_groups_array = repo_model.get_user_groups_js()
+    def __load_data(self, group_id):
+        """
+        Load defaults settings for edit, and update
+        :param group_id:
+        """
+        repo_group = RepoGroup.get_or_404(group_id)
+        data = repo_group.get_dict()
+        data['group_name'] = repo_group.name
+        # fill repository group users
+        for p in repo_group.repo_group_to_perm:
+            data.update({'u_perm_%s' % p.user.username:
+                             p.permission.permission_name})
+        # fill repository group groups
+        for p in repo_group.users_group_to_perm:
+            data.update({'g_perm_%s' % p.users_group.users_group_name:
+                             p.permission.permission_name})
+        return data
+    def _revoke_perms_on_yourself(self, form_result):
+        _up = filter(lambda u: c.rhodecode_user.username == u[0],
+                     form_result['perms_updates'])
+        _new = filter(lambda u: c.rhodecode_user.username == u[0],
+                      form_result['perms_new'])
+        if _new and _new[0][1] != 'group.admin' or _up and _up[0][1] != 'group.admin':
+            return True
+        return False
+    def index(self, format='html'):
+        """GET /repo_groups: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('repos_groups')
+        _list = RepoGroup.query()\
+                    .order_by(func.lower(RepoGroup.group_name))\
+                    .all()
+        group_iter = RepoGroupList(_list, perm_set=['group.admin'])
+        repo_groups_data = []
+        total_records = len(group_iter)
+        _tmpl_lookup = rhodecode.CONFIG['pylons.app_globals'].mako_lookup
+        template = _tmpl_lookup.get_template('data_table/_dt_elements.html')
+        repo_group_name = lambda repo_group_name, children_groups: (
+            template.get_def("repo_group_name")
+            .render(repo_group_name, children_groups, _=_, h=h, c=c)
+        )
+        repo_group_actions = lambda repo_group_id, repo_group_name, gr_count: (
+            template.get_def("repo_group_actions")
+            .render(repo_group_id, repo_group_name, gr_count, _=_, h=h, c=c,
+                    ungettext=ungettext)
+        )
+        for repo_gr in group_iter:
+            children_groups = map(h.safe_unicode,
+                itertools.chain((g.name for g in repo_gr.parents),
+                                (x.name for x in [repo_gr])))
+            repo_count = repo_gr.repositories.count()
+            repo_groups_data.append({
+                "raw_name": repo_gr.group_name,
+                "group_name": repo_group_name(repo_gr.group_name, children_groups),
+                "desc": repo_gr.group_description,
+                "repos": repo_count,
+                "owner": h.person(repo_gr.user.username),
+                "action": repo_group_actions(repo_gr.group_id, repo_gr.group_name,
+                                             repo_count)
+            })
+        c.data = json.dumps({
+            "totalRecords": total_records,
+            "startIndex": 0,
+            "sort": None,
+            "dir": "asc",
+            "records": repo_groups_data
+        })
+        return render('admin/repo_groups/repo_groups.html')
+    def create(self):
+        """POST /repo_groups: Create a new item"""
+        # url('repos_groups')
+        self.__load_defaults()
+        # permissions for can create group based on parent_id are checked
+        # here in the Form
+        repo_group_form = RepoGroupForm(available_groups=
+                                map(lambda k: unicode(k[0]), c.repo_groups))()
+        try:
+            form_result = repo_group_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
+            RepoGroupModel().create(
+                group_name=form_result['group_name'],
+                group_description=form_result['group_description'],
+                parent=form_result['group_parent_id'],
+                owner=self.rhodecode_user.user_id,
+                copy_permissions=form_result['group_copy_permissions']
+            )
+            Session().commit()
+            h.flash(_('Created repository group %s') \
+                    % form_result['group_name'], category='success')
+            #TODO: in futureaction_logger(, '', '', '', self.sa)
+        except formencode.Invalid, errors:
+            return htmlfill.render(
+                render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_add.html'),
+                defaults=errors.value,
+                errors=errors.error_dict or {},
+                prefix_error=False,
+                encoding="UTF-8")
+        except Exception:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            h.flash(_('Error occurred during creation of repository group %s') \
+                    % request.POST.get('group_name'), category='error')
+        parent_group_id = form_result['group_parent_id']
+        #TODO: maybe we should get back to the main view, not the admin one
+        return redirect(url('repos_groups', parent_group=parent_group_id))
+    def new(self):
+        """GET /repo_groups/new: Form to create a new item"""
+        # url('new_repos_group')
+        if HasPermissionAll('hg.admin')('group create'):
+            #we're global admin, we're ok and we can create TOP level groups
+            pass
+        else:
+            # we pass in parent group into creation form, thus we know
+            # what would be the group, we can check perms here !
+            group_id = safe_int(request.GET.get('parent_group'))
+            group = RepoGroup.get(group_id) if group_id else None
+            group_name = group.group_name if group else None
+            if HasRepoGroupPermissionAll('group.admin')(group_name, 'group create'):
+                pass
+            else:
+                return abort(403)
+        self.__load_defaults()
+        return render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_add.html')
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def update(self, group_name):
+        """PUT /repo_groups/group_name: Update an existing item"""
+        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
+        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
+        # Or using helpers:
+        #    h.form(url('repos_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME),
+        #           method='put')
+        # url('repos_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        if HasPermissionAll('hg.admin')('group edit'):
+            #we're global admin, we're ok and we can create TOP level groups
+            allow_empty_group = True
+        elif not c.repo_group.parent_group:
+            allow_empty_group = True
+        else:
+            allow_empty_group = False
+        self.__load_defaults(allow_empty_group=allow_empty_group,
+                             exclude_group_ids=[c.repo_group.group_id])
+        repo_group_form = RepoGroupForm(
+            edit=True,
+            old_data=c.repo_group.get_dict(),
+            available_groups=c.repo_groups_choices,
+            can_create_in_root=allow_empty_group,
+        )()
+        try:
+            form_result = repo_group_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
+            new_gr = RepoGroupModel().update(group_name, form_result)
+            Session().commit()
+            h.flash(_('Updated repository group %s') \
+                    % form_result['group_name'], category='success')
+            # we now have new name !
+            group_name = new_gr.group_name
+            #TODO: in future action_logger(, '', '', '', self.sa)
+        except formencode.Invalid, errors:
+            return htmlfill.render(
+                render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_edit.html'),
+                defaults=errors.value,
+                errors=errors.error_dict or {},
+                prefix_error=False,
+                encoding="UTF-8")
+        except Exception:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of repository group %s') \
+                    % request.POST.get('group_name'), category='error')
+        return redirect(url('edit_repo_group', group_name=group_name))
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def delete(self, group_name):
+        """DELETE /repo_groups/group_name: Delete an existing item"""
+        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
+        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
+        # Or using helpers:
+        #    h.form(url('repos_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME),
+        #           method='delete')
+        # url('repos_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        gr = c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        repos = gr.repositories.all()
+        if repos:
+            h.flash(_('This group contains %s repositores and cannot be '
+                      'deleted') % len(repos), category='warning')
+            return redirect(url('repos_groups'))
+        children = gr.children.all()
+        if children:
+            h.flash(_('This group contains %s subgroups and cannot be deleted'
+                      % (len(children))), category='warning')
+            return redirect(url('repos_groups'))
+        try:
+            RepoGroupModel().delete(group_name)
+            Session().commit()
+            h.flash(_('Removed repository group %s') % group_name,
+                    category='success')
+            #TODO: in future action_logger(, '', '', '', self.sa)
+        except Exception:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            h.flash(_('Error occurred during deletion of repository group %s')
+                    % group_name, category='error')
+        return redirect(url('repos_groups'))
+    def show_by_name(self, group_name):
+        """
+        This is a proxy that does a lookup group_name -> id, and shows
+        the group by id view instead
+        """
+        group_name = group_name.rstrip('/')
+        id_ = RepoGroup.get_by_group_name(group_name)
+        if id_:
+            return self.show(group_name)
+        raise HTTPNotFound
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.read', 'group.write',
+                                         'group.admin')
+    def show(self, group_name):
+        """GET /repo_groups/group_name: Show a specific item"""
+        # url('repos_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        c.active = 'settings'
+        c.group = c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        c.group_repos = c.group.repositories.all()
+        #overwrite our cached list with current filter
+        gr_filter = c.group_repos
+        c.repo_cnt = 0
+        groups = RepoGroup.query().order_by(RepoGroup.group_name)\
+            .filter(RepoGroup.group_parent_id == c.group.group_id).all()
+        c.groups = self.scm_model.get_repo_groups(groups)
+        c.repos_list = Repository.query()\
+                        .filter(Repository.group_id == c.group.group_id)\
+                        .order_by(func.lower(Repository.repo_name))\
+                        .all()
+        repos_data = RepoModel().get_repos_as_dict(repos_list=c.repos_list,
+                                                   admin=False)
+        #json used to render the grid
+        c.data = json.dumps(repos_data)
+        return render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_show.html')
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def edit(self, group_name):
+        """GET /repo_groups/group_name/edit: Form to edit an existing item"""
+        # url('edit_repo_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        c.active = 'settings'
+        c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        #we can only allow moving empty group if it's already a top-level
+        #group, ie has no parents, or we're admin
+        if HasPermissionAll('hg.admin')('group edit'):
+            #we're global admin, we're ok and we can create TOP level groups
+            allow_empty_group = True
+        elif not c.repo_group.parent_group:
+            allow_empty_group = True
+        else:
+            allow_empty_group = False
+        self.__load_defaults(allow_empty_group=allow_empty_group,
+                             exclude_group_ids=[c.repo_group.group_id])
+        defaults = self.__load_data(c.repo_group.group_id)
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_edit.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False
+        )
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def edit_repo_group_advanced(self, group_name):
+        """GET /repo_groups/group_name/edit: Form to edit an existing item"""
+        # url('edit_repo_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        c.active = 'advanced'
+        c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        return render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_edit.html')
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def edit_repo_group_perms(self, group_name):
+        """GET /repo_groups/group_name/edit: Form to edit an existing item"""
+        # url('edit_repo_group', group_name=GROUP_NAME)
+        c.active = 'perms'
+        c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        self.__load_defaults()
+        defaults = self.__load_data(c.repo_group.group_id)
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/repo_groups/repo_group_edit.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False
+        )
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def update_perms(self, group_name):
+        """
+        Update permissions for given repository group
+        :param group_name:
+        """
+        c.repo_group = RepoGroupModel()._get_repo_group(group_name)
+        valid_recursive_choices = ['none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all']
+        form_result = RepoGroupPermsForm(valid_recursive_choices)().to_python(request.POST)
+        if not c.rhodecode_user.is_admin:
+            if self._revoke_perms_on_yourself(form_result):
+                msg = _('Cannot revoke permission for yourself as admin')
+                h.flash(msg, category='warning')
+                return redirect(url('edit_repo_group_perms', group_name=group_name))
+        recursive = form_result['recursive']
+        # iterate over all members(if in recursive mode) of this groups and
+        # set the permissions !
+        # this can be potentially heavy operation
+        RepoGroupModel()._update_permissions(c.repo_group,
+                                             form_result['perms_new'],
+                                             form_result['perms_updates'],
+                                             recursive)
+        #TODO: implement this
+        #action_logger(self.rhodecode_user, 'admin_changed_repo_permissions',
+        #              repo_name, self.ip_addr, self.sa)
+        Session().commit()
+        h.flash(_('Repository Group permissions updated'), category='success')
+        return redirect(url('edit_repo_group_perms', group_name=group_name))
+    @HasRepoGroupPermissionAnyDecorator('group.admin')
+    def delete_perms(self, group_name):
+        """
+        DELETE an existing repository group permission user
+        :param group_name:
+        """
+        try:
+            obj_type = request.POST.get('obj_type')
+            obj_id = None
+            if obj_type == 'user':
+                obj_id = safe_int(request.POST.get('user_id'))
+            elif obj_type == 'user_group':
+                obj_id = safe_int(request.POST.get('user_group_id'))
+            if not c.rhodecode_user.is_admin:
+                if obj_type == 'user' and c.rhodecode_user.user_id == obj_id:
+                    msg = _('Cannot revoke permission for yourself as admin')
+                    h.flash(msg, category='warning')
+                    raise Exception('revoke admin permission on self')
+            recursive = request.POST.get('recursive', 'none')
+            if obj_type == 'user':
+                RepoGroupModel().delete_permission(repo_group=group_name,
+                                                   obj=obj_id, obj_type='user',
+                                                   recursive=recursive)
+            elif obj_type == 'user_group':
+                RepoGroupModel().delete_permission(repo_group=group_name,
+                                                   obj=obj_id,
+                                                   obj_type='user_group',
+                                                   recursive=recursive)
+            Session().commit()
+        except Exception:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            h.flash(_('An error occurred during revoking of permission'),
+                    category='error')
+            raise HTTPInternalServerError()