diff rhodecode/controllers/admin/settings.py @ 4116:ffd45b185016 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl

Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5. This imports changes between changesets 21af6c4eab3d and 6177597791c2 in RhodeCode's original repository, including only changes to Python files and HTML. RhodeCode clearly licensed its changes to these files under GPLv3 in their /LICENSE file, which states the following: The Python code and integrated HTML are licensed under the GPLv3 license. (See: https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/v2.2.5/LICENSE or http://web.archive.org/web/20140512193334/https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/f3b123159901f15426d18e3dc395e8369f70ebe0/LICENSE for an online copy of that LICENSE file) Conservancy reviewed these changes and confirmed that they can be licensed as a whole to the Kallithea project under GPLv3-only. While some of the contents committed herein are clearly licensed GPLv3-or-later, on the whole we must assume the are GPLv3-only, since the statement above from RhodeCode indicates that they intend GPLv3-only as their license, per GPLv3ยง14 and other relevant sections of GPLv3.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn@sfconservancy.org>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:03:13 -0400
parents 7676606f7622
children 31e119cb02ef
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/rhodecode/controllers/admin/settings.py	Wed Jul 02 19:03:10 2014 -0400
+++ b/rhodecode/controllers/admin/settings.py	Wed Jul 02 19:03:13 2014 -0400
@@ -1,15 +1,4 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    rhodecode.controllers.admin.settings
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    settings controller for rhodecode admin
-    :created_on: Jul 14, 2010
-    :author: marcink
-    :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski <marcin@python-works.com>
-    :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details.
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
@@ -22,39 +11,42 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+settings controller for rhodecode admin
+:created_on: Jul 14, 2010
+:author: marcink
+:copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH.
+:license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
+import time
 import logging
 import traceback
 import formencode
-import pkg_resources
-import platform
-from sqlalchemy import func
 from formencode import htmlfill
-from pylons import request, session, tmpl_context as c, url, config
-from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect
+from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c, url, config
+from pylons.controllers.util import redirect
 from pylons.i18n.translation import _
 from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
-from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasPermissionAllDecorator, \
-    HasPermissionAnyDecorator, NotAnonymous, HasPermissionAny,\
-    HasReposGroupPermissionAll, HasReposGroupPermissionAny, AuthUser
+from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasPermissionAllDecorator
 from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseController, render
 from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import tasks, run_task
 from rhodecode.lib.exceptions import HgsubversionImportError
-from rhodecode.lib.utils import repo2db_mapper, set_rhodecode_config, \
-    check_git_version
-from rhodecode.model.db import RhodeCodeUi, Repository, RepoGroup, \
-    RhodeCodeSetting, PullRequest, PullRequestReviewers
-from rhodecode.model.forms import UserForm, ApplicationSettingsForm, \
+from rhodecode.lib.utils import repo2db_mapper, set_rhodecode_config
+from rhodecode.model.db import RhodeCodeUi, Repository, RhodeCodeSetting
+from rhodecode.model.forms import ApplicationSettingsForm, \
     ApplicationUiSettingsForm, ApplicationVisualisationForm
-from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel, RepoGroupList
-from rhodecode.model.user import UserModel
-from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
-from rhodecode.model.db import User
+from rhodecode.model.license import LicenseModel
+from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel
 from rhodecode.model.notification import EmailNotificationModel
 from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
-from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool, safe_unicode
+from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool, safe_unicode, safe_str
 from rhodecode.lib.compat import json
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -69,168 +61,37 @@
     def __before__(self):
         super(SettingsController, self).__before__()
-        c.modules = sorted([(p.project_name, p.version)
-                            for p in pkg_resources.working_set]
-                           + [('git', check_git_version())],
-                           key=lambda k: k[0].lower())
-        c.py_version = platform.python_version()
-        c.platform = platform.platform()
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def index(self, format='html'):
-        """GET /admin/settings: All items in the collection"""
-        # url('admin_settings')
-        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
-        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+    def _get_hg_ui_settings(self):
+        ret = RhodeCodeUi.query().all()
-        return htmlfill.render(
-            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
-            defaults=defaults,
-            encoding="UTF-8",
-            force_defaults=False
-        )
+        if not ret:
+            raise Exception('Could not get application ui settings !')
+        settings = {}
+        for each in ret:
+            k = each.ui_key
+            v = each.ui_value
+            if k == '/':
+                k = 'root_path'
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def create(self):
-        """POST /admin/settings: Create a new item"""
-        # url('admin_settings')
+            if k == 'push_ssl':
+                v = str2bool(v)
+            if k.find('.') != -1:
+                k = k.replace('.', '_')
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def new(self, format='html'):
-        """GET /admin/settings/new: Form to create a new item"""
-        # url('admin_new_setting')
+            if each.ui_section in ['hooks', 'extensions']:
+                v = each.ui_active
+            settings[each.ui_section + '_' + k] = v
+        return settings
-    def update(self, setting_id):
-        """PUT /admin/settings/setting_id: Update an existing item"""
-        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
-        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
-        # Or using helpers:
-        #    h.form(url('admin_setting', setting_id=ID),
-        #           method='put')
-        # url('admin_setting', setting_id=ID)
-        if setting_id == 'mapping':
-            rm_obsolete = request.POST.get('destroy', False)
-            invalidate_cache = request.POST.get('invalidate', False)
-            log.debug('rescanning repo location with destroy obsolete=%s'
-                      % (rm_obsolete,))
-            if invalidate_cache:
-                log.debug('invalidating all repositories cache')
-                for repo in Repository.get_all():
-                    ScmModel().mark_for_invalidation(repo.repo_name)
-            filesystem_repos = ScmModel().repo_scan()
-            added, removed = repo2db_mapper(filesystem_repos, rm_obsolete)
-            _repr = lambda l: ', '.join(map(safe_unicode, l)) or '-'
-            h.flash(_('Repositories successfully '
-                      'rescanned added: %s ; removed: %s') %
-                    (_repr(added), _repr(removed)),
-                    category='success')
-        if setting_id == 'whoosh':
-            repo_location = self._get_hg_ui_settings()['paths_root_path']
-            full_index = request.POST.get('full_index', False)
-            run_task(tasks.whoosh_index, repo_location, full_index)
-            h.flash(_('Whoosh reindex task scheduled'), category='success')
-        if setting_id == 'global':
-            application_form = ApplicationSettingsForm()()
-            try:
-                form_result = application_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
-            except formencode.Invalid, errors:
-                return htmlfill.render(
-                     render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
-                     defaults=errors.value,
-                     errors=errors.error_dict or {},
-                     prefix_error=False,
-                     encoding="UTF-8"
-                )
-            try:
-                sett1 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('title')
-                sett1.app_settings_value = form_result['rhodecode_title']
-                Session().add(sett1)
-                sett2 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('realm')
-                sett2.app_settings_value = form_result['rhodecode_realm']
-                Session().add(sett2)
-                sett3 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('ga_code')
-                sett3.app_settings_value = form_result['rhodecode_ga_code']
-                Session().add(sett3)
-                Session().commit()
-                set_rhodecode_config(config)
-                h.flash(_('Updated application settings'), category='success')
-            except Exception:
-                log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-                h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating '
-                          'application settings'),
-                          category='error')
-        if setting_id == 'visual':
-            application_form = ApplicationVisualisationForm()()
-            try:
-                form_result = application_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
-            except formencode.Invalid, errors:
-                return htmlfill.render(
-                     render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
-                     defaults=errors.value,
-                     errors=errors.error_dict or {},
-                     prefix_error=False,
-                     encoding="UTF-8"
-                )
-            try:
-                #TODO: rewrite this to something less ugly
-                sett1 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('show_public_icon')
-                sett1.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_show_public_icon']
-                Session().add(sett1)
-                sett2 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('show_private_icon')
-                sett2.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_show_private_icon']
-                Session().add(sett2)
-                sett3 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('stylify_metatags')
-                sett3.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_stylify_metatags']
-                Session().add(sett3)
-                sett4 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('repository_fields')
-                sett4.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_repository_fields']
-                Session().add(sett4)
-                sett5 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('dashboard_items')
-                sett5.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_dashboard_items']
-                Session().add(sett5)
-                sett6 = RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name_or_create('show_version')
-                sett6.app_settings_value = \
-                    form_result['rhodecode_show_version']
-                Session().add(sett6)
-                Session().commit()
-                set_rhodecode_config(config)
-                h.flash(_('Updated visualisation settings'),
-                        category='success')
-            except Exception:
-                log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-                h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating '
-                          'visualisation settings'),
-                        category='error')
-        if setting_id == 'vcs':
+    def settings_vcs(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings')
+        c.active = 'vcs'
+        if request.POST:
             application_form = ApplicationUiSettingsForm()()
                 form_result = application_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
@@ -290,7 +151,7 @@
                 sett.ui_active = form_result['extensions_hgsubversion']
                 if sett.ui_active:
-                        import hgsubversion
+                        import hgsubversion  # pragma: no cover
                     except ImportError:
                         raise HgsubversionImportError
@@ -320,16 +181,225 @@
                 h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating '
                           'application settings'), category='error')
-        if setting_id == 'hooks':
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_mapping(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/mapping: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_mapping')
+        c.active = 'mapping'
+        if request.POST:
+            rm_obsolete = request.POST.get('destroy', False)
+            install_git_hooks = request.POST.get('hooks', False)
+            invalidate_cache = request.POST.get('invalidate', False)
+            log.debug('rescanning repo location with destroy obsolete=%s and '
+                      'install git hooks=%s' % (rm_obsolete,install_git_hooks))
+            if invalidate_cache:
+                log.debug('invalidating all repositories cache')
+                for repo in Repository.get_all():
+                    ScmModel().mark_for_invalidation(repo.repo_name, delete=True)
+            filesystem_repos = ScmModel().repo_scan()
+            added, removed = repo2db_mapper(filesystem_repos, rm_obsolete,
+                                            install_git_hook=install_git_hooks)
+            _repr = lambda l: ', '.join(map(safe_unicode, l)) or '-'
+            h.flash(_('Repositories successfully '
+                      'rescanned added: %s ; removed: %s') %
+                    (_repr(added), _repr(removed)),
+                    category='success')
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_mapping'))
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_global(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/global: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_global')
+        c.active = 'global'
+        if request.POST:
+            application_form = ApplicationSettingsForm()()
+            try:
+                form_result = application_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
+            except formencode.Invalid, errors:
+                return htmlfill.render(
+                    render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+                    defaults=errors.value,
+                    errors=errors.error_dict or {},
+                    prefix_error=False,
+                    encoding="UTF-8")
+            try:
+                sett1 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('title',
+                                            form_result['rhodecode_title'])
+                Session().add(sett1)
+                sett2 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('realm',
+                                            form_result['rhodecode_realm'])
+                Session().add(sett2)
+                sett3 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('ga_code',
+                                            form_result['rhodecode_ga_code'])
+                Session().add(sett3)
+                sett4 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('captcha_public_key',
+                                    form_result['rhodecode_captcha_public_key'])
+                Session().add(sett4)
+                sett5 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('captcha_private_key',
+                                    form_result['rhodecode_captcha_private_key'])
+                Session().add(sett5)
+                Session().commit()
+                set_rhodecode_config(config)
+                h.flash(_('Updated application settings'), category='success')
+            except Exception:
+                log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+                h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating '
+                          'application settings'),
+                          category='error')
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_global'))
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_visual(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/visual: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_visual')
+        c.active = 'visual'
+        if request.POST:
+            application_form = ApplicationVisualisationForm()()
+            try:
+                form_result = application_form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
+            except formencode.Invalid, errors:
+                return htmlfill.render(
+                    render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+                    defaults=errors.value,
+                    errors=errors.error_dict or {},
+                    prefix_error=False,
+                    encoding="UTF-8"
+                )
+            try:
+                settings = [
+                    ('show_public_icon', 'rhodecode_show_public_icon', 'bool'),
+                    ('show_private_icon', 'rhodecode_show_private_icon', 'bool'),
+                    ('stylify_metatags', 'rhodecode_stylify_metatags', 'bool'),
+                    ('repository_fields', 'rhodecode_repository_fields', 'bool'),
+                    ('dashboard_items', 'rhodecode_dashboard_items', 'int'),
+                    ('admin_grid_items', 'rhodecode_admin_grid_items', 'int'),
+                    ('show_version', 'rhodecode_show_version', 'bool'),
+                    ('use_gravatar', 'rhodecode_use_gravatar', 'bool'),
+                    ('gravatar_url', 'rhodecode_gravatar_url', 'unicode'),
+                    ('clone_uri_tmpl', 'rhodecode_clone_uri_tmpl', 'unicode'),
+                ]
+                for setting, form_key, type_ in settings:
+                    sett = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update(setting,
+                                        form_result[form_key], type_)
+                    Session().add(sett)
+                Session().commit()
+                set_rhodecode_config(config)
+                h.flash(_('Updated visualisation settings'),
+                        category='success')
+            except Exception:
+                log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+                h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating '
+                          'visualisation settings'),
+                        category='error')
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_visual'))
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_email(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/email: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_email')
+        c.active = 'email'
+        if request.POST:
+            test_email = request.POST.get('test_email')
+            test_email_subj = 'RhodeCode test email'
+            test_email_body = ('RhodeCode Email test, '
+                               'RhodeCode version: %s' % c.rhodecode_version)
+            if not test_email:
+                h.flash(_('Please enter email address'), category='error')
+                return redirect(url('admin_settings_email'))
+            test_email_html_body = EmailNotificationModel()\
+                .get_email_tmpl(EmailNotificationModel.TYPE_DEFAULT,
+                                body=test_email_body)
+            recipients = [test_email] if test_email else None
+            run_task(tasks.send_email, recipients, test_email_subj,
+                     test_email_body, test_email_html_body)
+            h.flash(_('Send email task created'), category='success')
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_email'))
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        import rhodecode
+        c.rhodecode_ini = rhodecode.CONFIG
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_hooks(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/hooks: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_hooks')
+        c.active = 'hooks'
+        if request.POST:
             if c.visual.allow_custom_hooks_settings:
                 ui_key = request.POST.get('new_hook_ui_key')
                 ui_value = request.POST.get('new_hook_ui_value')
+                hook_id = request.POST.get('hook_id')
                     if ui_value and ui_key:
                         RhodeCodeUi.create_or_update_hook(ui_key, ui_value)
-                        h.flash(_('Added new hook'),
-                                category='success')
+                        h.flash(_('Added new hook'), category='success')
+                    elif hook_id:
+                        RhodeCodeUi.delete(hook_id)
+                        Session().commit()
                     # check for edits
                     update = False
@@ -347,190 +417,163 @@
                     h.flash(_('Error occurred during hook creation'),
-            return redirect(url('admin_edit_setting', setting_id='hooks'))
-        if setting_id == 'email':
-            test_email = request.POST.get('test_email')
-            test_email_subj = 'RhodeCode TestEmail'
-            test_email_body = 'RhodeCode Email test'
-            test_email_html_body = EmailNotificationModel()\
-                .get_email_tmpl(EmailNotificationModel.TYPE_DEFAULT,
-                                body=test_email_body)
-            recipients = [test_email] if test_email else None
-            run_task(tasks.send_email, recipients, test_email_subj,
-                     test_email_body, test_email_html_body)
-            h.flash(_('Email task created'), category='success')
-        return redirect(url('admin_settings'))
+                return redirect(url('admin_settings_hooks'))
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def delete(self, setting_id):
-        """DELETE /admin/settings/setting_id: Delete an existing item"""
-        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
-        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
-        # Or using helpers:
-        #    h.form(url('admin_setting', setting_id=ID),
-        #           method='delete')
-        # url('admin_setting', setting_id=ID)
-        if setting_id == 'hooks':
-            hook_id = request.POST.get('hook_id')
-            RhodeCodeUi.delete(hook_id)
-            Session().commit()
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def show(self, setting_id, format='html'):
-        """
-        GET /admin/settings/setting_id: Show a specific item"""
-        # url('admin_setting', setting_id=ID)
-    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
-    def edit(self, setting_id, format='html'):
-        """
-        GET /admin/settings/setting_id/edit: Form to
-        edit an existing item"""
-        # url('admin_edit_setting', setting_id=ID)
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
         c.hooks = RhodeCodeUi.get_builtin_hooks()
         c.custom_hooks = RhodeCodeUi.get_custom_hooks()
         return htmlfill.render(
-            render('admin/settings/hooks.html'),
-            defaults={},
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
-            force_defaults=False
-        )
+            force_defaults=False)
-    def _load_my_repos_data(self):
-        repos_list = Session().query(Repository)\
-                     .filter(Repository.user_id ==
-                             self.rhodecode_user.user_id)\
-                     .order_by(func.lower(Repository.repo_name)).all()
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_search(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/search: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_search')
+        c.active = 'search'
+        if request.POST:
+            repo_location = self._get_hg_ui_settings()['paths_root_path']
+            full_index = request.POST.get('full_index', False)
+            run_task(tasks.whoosh_index, repo_location, full_index)
+            h.flash(_('Whoosh reindex task scheduled'), category='success')
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_search'))
-        repos_data = RepoModel().get_repos_as_dict(repos_list=repos_list,
-                                                   admin=True)
-        #json used to render the grid
-        return json.dumps(repos_data)
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
-    @NotAnonymous()
-    def my_account(self):
-        """
-        GET /_admin/my_account Displays info about my account
-        """
-        # url('admin_settings_my_account')
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)
-        c.user = User.get(self.rhodecode_user.user_id)
-        c.perm_user = AuthUser(user_id=self.rhodecode_user.user_id,
-                               ip_addr=self.ip_addr)
-        c.ldap_dn = c.user.ldap_dn
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_system(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/system: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_system')
+        c.active = 'system'
-        if c.user.username == 'default':
-            h.flash(_("You can't edit this user since it's"
-              " crucial for entire application"), category='warning')
-            return redirect(url('users'))
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
-        #json used to render the grid
-        c.data = self._load_my_repos_data()
+        import rhodecode
+        c.rhodecode_ini = rhodecode.CONFIG
+        c.rhodecode_update_url = defaults.get('rhodecode_update_url')
+        server_info = RhodeCodeSetting.get_server_info()
+        for key, val in server_info.iteritems():
+            setattr(c, key, val)
-        defaults = c.user.get_dict()
-        c.form = htmlfill.render(
-            render('admin/users/user_edit_my_account_form.html'),
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
-            force_defaults=False
-        )
-        return render('admin/users/user_edit_my_account.html')
+            force_defaults=False)
-    @NotAnonymous()
-    def my_account_update(self):
-        """PUT /_admin/my_account_update: Update an existing item"""
-        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
-        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
-        # Or using helpers:
-        #    h.form(url('admin_settings_my_account_update'),
-        #           method='put')
-        # url('admin_settings_my_account_update', id=ID)
-        uid = self.rhodecode_user.user_id
-        c.user = User.get(self.rhodecode_user.user_id)
-        c.perm_user = AuthUser(user_id=self.rhodecode_user.user_id,
-                               ip_addr=self.ip_addr)
-        c.ldap_dn = c.user.ldap_dn
-        email = self.rhodecode_user.email
-        _form = UserForm(edit=True,
-                         old_data={'user_id': uid, 'email': email})()
-        form_result = {}
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_system_update(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/system/updates: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_system_update')
+        import json
+        import urllib2
+        from rhodecode.lib.verlib import NormalizedVersion
+        from rhodecode import __version__
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
+        _update_url = defaults.get('rhodecode_update_url', '')
+        _err = lambda s: '<div style="color:#ff8888; padding:4px 0px">%s</div>' % (s)
-            form_result = _form.to_python(dict(request.POST))
-            skip_attrs = ['admin', 'active']  # skip attr for my account
-            if c.ldap_dn:
-                #forbid updating username for ldap accounts
-                skip_attrs.append('username')
-            UserModel().update(uid, form_result, skip_attrs=skip_attrs)
-            h.flash(_('Your account was updated successfully'),
-                    category='success')
-            Session().commit()
-        except formencode.Invalid, errors:
-            #json used to render the grid
-            c.data = self._load_my_repos_data()
-            c.form = htmlfill.render(
-                render('admin/users/user_edit_my_account_form.html'),
-                defaults=errors.value,
-                errors=errors.error_dict or {},
-                prefix_error=False,
-                encoding="UTF-8")
-            return render('admin/users/user_edit_my_account.html')
-        except Exception:
+            import rhodecode
+            ver = rhodecode.__version__
+            log.debug('Checking for upgrade on `%s` server' % _update_url)
+            opener = urllib2.build_opener()
+            opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'RhodeCode-SCM/%s' % ver)]
+            response = opener.open(_update_url)
+            response_data = response.read()
+            data = json.loads(response_data)
+        except urllib2.URLError, e:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            return _err('Failed to contact upgrade server: %r' % e)
+        except ValueError, e:
-            h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of user %s') \
-                    % form_result.get('username'), category='error')
+            return _err('Bad data sent from update server')
+        latest = data['versions'][0]
+        c.update_url = _update_url
+        c.latest_data = latest
+        c.latest_ver = latest['version']
+        c.cur_ver = __version__
+        c.should_upgrade = False
+        if NormalizedVersion(c.latest_ver) > NormalizedVersion(c.cur_ver):
+            c.should_upgrade = True
+        c.important_notices = latest['general']
+        return render('admin/settings/settings_system_update.html'),
-        return redirect(url('my_account'))
-    @NotAnonymous()
-    def my_account_my_pullrequests(self):
-        c.show_closed = request.GET.get('pr_show_closed')
-        def _filter(pr):
-            s = sorted(pr, key=lambda o: o.created_on, reverse=True)
-            if not c.show_closed:
-                s = filter(lambda p: p.status != PullRequest.STATUS_CLOSED, s)
-            return s
+    @HasPermissionAllDecorator('hg.admin')
+    def settings_license(self):
+        """GET /admin/settings/hooks: All items in the collection"""
+        # url('admin_settings_license')
+        c.active = 'license'
+        if request.POST:
+            form_result = request.POST
+            try:
+                sett1 = RhodeCodeSetting.create_or_update('license_key',
+                                    form_result['rhodecode_license_key'],
+                                    'unicode')
+                Session().add(sett1)
+                Session().commit()
+                set_rhodecode_config(config)
+                h.flash(_('Updated license information'),
+                        category='success')
-        c.my_pull_requests = _filter(PullRequest.query()\
-                                .filter(PullRequest.user_id ==
-                                        self.rhodecode_user.user_id)\
-                                .all())
+            except Exception:
+                log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+                h.flash(_('Error occurred during updating license info'),
+                        category='error')
-        c.participate_in_pull_requests = _filter([
-                    x.pull_request for x in PullRequestReviewers.query()\
-                    .filter(PullRequestReviewers.user_id ==
-                            self.rhodecode_user.user_id).all()])
+            return redirect(url('admin_settings_license'))
-        return render('admin/users/user_edit_my_account_pullrequests.html')
+        defaults = RhodeCodeSetting.get_app_settings()
+        defaults.update(self._get_hg_ui_settings())
-    def _get_hg_ui_settings(self):
-        ret = RhodeCodeUi.query().all()
-        if not ret:
-            raise Exception('Could not get application ui settings !')
-        settings = {}
-        for each in ret:
-            k = each.ui_key
-            v = each.ui_value
-            if k == '/':
-                k = 'root_path'
+        import rhodecode
+        c.rhodecode_ini = rhodecode.CONFIG
+        c.license_token = c.rhodecode_ini.get('license_token')
+        c.generated_license_token = LicenseModel.generate_license_token()
+        c.license_info = {}
+        c.license_loaded = False
+        # try to read info about license
+        try:
+            license_key = defaults.get('rhodecode_license_key')
+            if c.license_token and license_key:
+                c.license_info = json.loads(
+                    LicenseModel(key=c.license_token).decrypt(license_key))
+                expires = h.fmt_date(h.time_to_datetime(c.license_info['valid_till']))
+                now = time.time()
+                if 0 < (c.license_info['valid_till'] - now) < 60*60*24*7:
+                    h.flash(_('Your license will expire on %s, please contact '
+                              'support to extend your license.' % expires), category='warning')
+                if c.license_info['valid_till'] - now < 0:
+                    h.flash(_('Your license has expired on %s, please contact '
+                              'support to extend your license.' % expires), category='error')
+                c.license_loaded = True
+        except Exception, e:
+            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            h.flash(_('Unexpected error while reading license key. Please '
+                      'make sure your license token and key are correct'),
+                    category='error')
-            if k == 'push_ssl':
-                v = str2bool(v)
-            if k.find('.') != -1:
-                k = k.replace('.', '_')
-            if each.ui_section in ['hooks', 'extensions']:
-                v = each.ui_active
-            settings[each.ui_section + '_' + k] = v
-        return settings
+        return htmlfill.render(
+            render('admin/settings/settings.html'),
+            defaults=defaults,
+            encoding="UTF-8",
+            force_defaults=False)