diff rhodecode/tests/functional/test_my_account.py @ 4116:ffd45b185016 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl

Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5. This imports changes between changesets 21af6c4eab3d and 6177597791c2 in RhodeCode's original repository, including only changes to Python files and HTML. RhodeCode clearly licensed its changes to these files under GPLv3 in their /LICENSE file, which states the following: The Python code and integrated HTML are licensed under the GPLv3 license. (See: https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/v2.2.5/LICENSE or http://web.archive.org/web/20140512193334/https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode/files/f3b123159901f15426d18e3dc395e8369f70ebe0/LICENSE for an online copy of that LICENSE file) Conservancy reviewed these changes and confirmed that they can be licensed as a whole to the Kallithea project under GPLv3-only. While some of the contents committed herein are clearly licensed GPLv3-or-later, on the whole we must assume the are GPLv3-only, since the statement above from RhodeCode indicates that they intend GPLv3-only as their license, per GPLv3ยง14 and other relevant sections of GPLv3.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn@sfconservancy.org>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:03:13 -0400
children da3c57422ee6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rhodecode/tests/functional/test_my_account.py	Wed Jul 02 19:03:13 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from rhodecode.model.db import User, UserFollowing, Repository, UserApiKeys
+from rhodecode.tests import *
+from rhodecode.tests.fixture import Fixture
+from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
+from rhodecode.model.user import UserModel
+from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
+fixture = Fixture()
+class TestMyAccountController(TestController):
+    test_user_1 = 'testme'
+    @classmethod
+    def teardown_class(cls):
+        if User.get_by_username(cls.test_user_1):
+            UserModel().delete(cls.test_user_1)
+            Session().commit()
+    def test_my_account(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account'))
+        response.mustcontain('value="test_admin')
+    def test_my_account_my_repos(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_repos'))
+        cnt = Repository.query().filter(Repository.user ==
+                           User.get_by_username(TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN)).count()
+        response.mustcontain('"totalRecords": %s' % cnt)
+    def test_my_account_my_watched(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_watched'))
+        cnt = UserFollowing.query().filter(UserFollowing.user ==
+                            User.get_by_username(TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN)).count()
+        response.mustcontain('"totalRecords": %s' % cnt)
+    def test_my_account_my_pullrequests(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_pullrequests'))
+        response.mustcontain('Nothing here yet')
+    def test_my_account_my_emails(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        response.mustcontain('No additional emails specified')
+    def test_my_account_my_emails_add_existing_email(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        response.mustcontain('No additional emails specified')
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_emails'),
+                                 {'new_email': TEST_USER_REGULAR_EMAIL})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'This e-mail address is already taken')
+    def test_my_account_my_emails_add_mising_email_in_form(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        response.mustcontain('No additional emails specified')
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_emails'),)
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Please enter an email address')
+    def test_my_account_my_emails_add_remove(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        response.mustcontain('No additional emails specified')
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_emails'),
+                                 {'new_email': 'foo@barz.com'})
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        from rhodecode.model.db import UserEmailMap
+        email_id = UserEmailMap.query()\
+            .filter(UserEmailMap.user == User.get_by_username(TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN))\
+            .filter(UserEmailMap.email == 'foo@barz.com').one().email_id
+        response.mustcontain('foo@barz.com')
+        response.mustcontain('<input id="del_email_id" name="del_email_id" type="hidden" value="%s" />' % email_id)
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_emails'),
+                                 {'del_email_id': email_id, '_method': 'delete'})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Removed email from user')
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_emails'))
+        response.mustcontain('No additional emails specified')
+    @parameterized.expand(
+        [('firstname', {'firstname': 'new_username'}),
+         ('lastname', {'lastname': 'new_username'}),
+         ('admin', {'admin': True}),
+         ('admin', {'admin': False}),
+         ('extern_type', {'extern_type': 'ldap'}),
+         ('extern_type', {'extern_type': None}),
+         #('extern_name', {'extern_name': 'test'}),
+         #('extern_name', {'extern_name': None}),
+         ('active', {'active': False}),
+         ('active', {'active': True}),
+         ('email', {'email': 'some@email.com'}),
+        # ('new_password', {'new_password': 'foobar123',
+        #                   'password_confirmation': 'foobar123'})
+        ])
+    def test_my_account_update(self, name, attrs):
+        usr = fixture.create_user(self.test_user_1, password='qweqwe',
+                                  email='testme@rhodecode.org',
+                                  extern_type='rhodecode',
+                                  extern_name=self.test_user_1,
+                                  skip_if_exists=True)
+        params = usr.get_api_data()  # current user data
+        user_id = usr.user_id
+        self.log_user(username=self.test_user_1, password='qweqwe')
+        params.update({'password_confirmation': ''})
+        params.update({'new_password': ''})
+        params.update({'extern_type': 'rhodecode'})
+        params.update({'extern_name': self.test_user_1})
+        params.update(attrs)
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account'), params)
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response,
+                               'Your account was updated successfully')
+        updated_user = User.get_by_username(self.test_user_1)
+        updated_params = updated_user.get_api_data()
+        updated_params.update({'password_confirmation': ''})
+        updated_params.update({'new_password': ''})
+        params['last_login'] = updated_params['last_login']
+        if name == 'email':
+            params['emails'] = [attrs['email']]
+        if name == 'extern_type':
+            #cannot update this via form, expected value is original one
+            params['extern_type'] = "rhodecode"
+        if name == 'extern_name':
+            #cannot update this via form, expected value is original one
+            params['extern_name'] = str(user_id)
+        if name == 'active':
+            #my account cannot deactivate account
+            params['active'] = True
+        if name == 'admin':
+            #my account cannot make you an admin !
+            params['admin'] = False
+        self.assertEqual(params, updated_params)
+    def test_my_account_update_err_email_exists(self):
+        self.log_user()
+        new_email = 'test_regular@mail.com'  # already exisitn email
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account'),
+                                params=dict(
+                                    username='test_admin',
+                                    new_password='test12',
+                                    password_confirmation='test122',
+                                    firstname='NewName',
+                                    lastname='NewLastname',
+                                    email=new_email,)
+                                )
+        response.mustcontain('This e-mail address is already taken')
+    def test_my_account_update_err(self):
+        self.log_user('test_regular2', 'test12')
+        new_email = 'newmail.pl'
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account'),
+                                 params=dict(
+                                            username='test_admin',
+                                            new_password='test12',
+                                            password_confirmation='test122',
+                                            firstname='NewName',
+                                            lastname='NewLastname',
+                                            email=new_email,))
+        response.mustcontain('An email address must contain a single @')
+        from rhodecode.model import validators
+        msg = validators.ValidUsername(edit=False, old_data={})\
+                ._messages['username_exists']
+        msg = h.html_escape(msg % {'username': 'test_admin'})
+        response.mustcontain(u"%s" % msg)
+    def test_my_account_api_keys(self):
+        usr = self.log_user('test_regular2', 'test12')
+        user = User.get(usr['user_id'])
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_api_keys'))
+        response.mustcontain(user.api_key)
+        response.mustcontain('expires: never')
+    @parameterized.expand([
+        ('forever', -1),
+        ('5mins', 60*5),
+        ('30days', 60*60*24*30),
+    ])
+    def test_my_account_add_api_keys(self, desc, lifetime):
+        usr = self.log_user('test_regular2', 'test12')
+        user = User.get(usr['user_id'])
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_api_keys'),
+                                 {'description': desc, 'lifetime': lifetime})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Api key successfully created')
+        try:
+            response = response.follow()
+            user = User.get(usr['user_id'])
+            for api_key in user.api_keys:
+                response.mustcontain(api_key)
+        finally:
+            for api_key in UserApiKeys.query().all():
+                Session().delete(api_key)
+                Session().commit()
+    def test_my_account_remove_api_key(self):
+        usr = self.log_user('test_regular2', 'test12')
+        user = User.get(usr['user_id'])
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_api_keys'),
+                                 {'description': 'desc', 'lifetime': -1})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Api key successfully created')
+        response = response.follow()
+        #now delete our key
+        keys = UserApiKeys.query().all()
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(keys))
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_api_keys'),
+                 {'_method': 'delete', 'del_api_key': keys[0].api_key})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Api key successfully deleted')
+        keys = UserApiKeys.query().all()
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(keys))
+    def test_my_account_reset_main_api_key(self):
+        usr = self.log_user('test_regular2', 'test12')
+        user = User.get(usr['user_id'])
+        api_key = user.api_key
+        response = self.app.get(url('my_account_api_keys'))
+        response.mustcontain(api_key)
+        response.mustcontain('expires: never')
+        response = self.app.post(url('my_account_api_keys'),
+                 {'_method': 'delete', 'del_api_key_builtin': api_key})
+        self.checkSessionFlash(response, 'Api key successfully reset')
+        response = response.follow()
+        response.mustcontain(no=[api_key])