view docs/usage/customization.rst @ 7633:1bafb2d07709 stable

hooks: make the Python interpreter for Git hooks configurable as 'git_hook_interpreter' (Issue #333) Commit 5e501b6ee639 introduced the use of 'sys.executable' as interpreter for git hooks instead of 'python2' with the following argument: "Windows doesn't necessarily have "python2" available in $PATH, but we still want to make sure we don't end up invoking a python3. Using the absolute path seems more safe." But, sys.executable does not necessarily point to Python. When Kallithea is started under uWSGI, sys.executable points to the uwsgi executable. As a result, the interpreter encoded in the git hooks on the server repositories would be: #!/path/to/uwsgi And pushing to such repo would result in following client errors: $ git push Password for 'http://user@localhost:5050': Enumerating objects: 3, done. Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 241 bytes | 241.00 KiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: unable to load configuration from hooks/pre-receive To http://localhost:5050/gitrepo-new ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'http://user@localhost:5050/gitrepo-new' Fix this problem by introducing a configuration setting 'git_hook_interpreter' that allow administrators to specify which Python interpreter to use. A subsequent commit will cause its value to be filled in automatically when generating a new ini file, but an administrator can always override it.
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Mon, 08 Apr 2019 21:32:57 +0200
parents b66725ba01ed
children 3b54bcf6d128
line wrap: on
line source

.. _customization:


There are several ways to customize Kallithea to your needs depending on what
you want to achieve.

HTML/JavaScript/CSS customization

To customize the look-and-feel of the web interface (for example to add a
company banner or some JavaScript widget or to tweak the CSS style definitions)
you can enter HTML code (possibly with JavaScript and/or CSS) directly via the
*Admin > Settings > Global > HTML/JavaScript customization

Style sheet customization with Less

Kallithea uses `Bootstrap 3`_ and Less_ for its style definitions. If you want
to make some customizations, we recommend to do so by creating a ``theme.less``
file. When you create a file named ``theme.less`` in the Kallithea root
directory, you can use this file to override the default style. For example,
you can use this to override ``@kallithea-theme-main-color``,
``@kallithea-logo-url`` or other `Bootstrap variables`_.

After creating the ``theme.less`` file, you need to regenerate the CSS files, by

    kallithea-cli front-end-build --no-install-deps

.. _bootstrap 3:
.. _bootstrap variables:
.. _less:

Behavioral customization: rcextensions

Some behavioral customization can be done in Python using ``rcextensions``, a
custom Python package that can extend Kallithea functionality.

With ``rcextensions`` it's possible to add additional mappings for Whoosh
indexing and statistics, to add additional code into the push/pull/create/delete
repository hooks (for example to send signals to build bots such as Jenkins) and
even to monkey-patch certain parts of the Kallithea source code (for example
overwrite an entire function, change a global variable, ...).

To generate a skeleton extensions package, run::

    kallithea-cli extensions-create -c my.ini

This will create an ``rcextensions`` package next to the specified ``ini`` file.
See the ```` file inside the generated ``rcextensions`` package
for more details.

Behavioral customization: code changes

As Kallithea is open-source software, you can make any changes you like directly
in the source code.

We encourage you to send generic improvements back to the
community so that Kallithea can become better. See :ref:`contributing` for more