view scripts/ @ 7633:1bafb2d07709 stable

hooks: make the Python interpreter for Git hooks configurable as 'git_hook_interpreter' (Issue #333) Commit 5e501b6ee639 introduced the use of 'sys.executable' as interpreter for git hooks instead of 'python2' with the following argument: "Windows doesn't necessarily have "python2" available in $PATH, but we still want to make sure we don't end up invoking a python3. Using the absolute path seems more safe." But, sys.executable does not necessarily point to Python. When Kallithea is started under uWSGI, sys.executable points to the uwsgi executable. As a result, the interpreter encoded in the git hooks on the server repositories would be: #!/path/to/uwsgi And pushing to such repo would result in following client errors: $ git push Password for 'http://user@localhost:5050': Enumerating objects: 3, done. Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 241 bytes | 241.00 KiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: unable to load configuration from hooks/pre-receive To http://localhost:5050/gitrepo-new ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'http://user@localhost:5050/gitrepo-new' Fix this problem by introducing a configuration setting 'git_hook_interpreter' that allow administrators to specify which Python interpreter to use. A subsequent commit will cause its value to be filled in automatically when generating a new ini file, but an administrator can always override it.
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Mon, 08 Apr 2019 21:32:57 +0200
parents 050a94de8e7f
children a44228cd208b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Kallithea script for maintaining contributor lists from version control

This script and the data in it is a best effort attempt at reverse engineering
previous attributions and correlate that with version control history while
preserving all existing copyright statements and attribution. This script is
processing and summarizing information found elsewhere - it is not by itself
making any claims. Comments in the script are an attempt at reverse engineering
possible explanations - they are not showing any intent or confirming it is

Three files are generated / modified by this script:

kallithea/templates/about.html claims to show copyright holders, and the GPL
license requires such existing "legal notices" to be preserved. We also try to
keep it updated with copyright holders, but do not claim it is a correct list.

CONTRIBUTORS has the purpose of giving credit where credit is due and list all
the contributor names in the source.

kallithea/templates/base/base.html contains the copyright years in the page

Both make a best effort of listing all copyright holders, but revision control
history might be a better and more definitive source.

Contributors are sorted "fairly" by copyright year and amount of

New contributors are listed, without considering if the contribution contains
copyrightable work.

When the copyright might belong to a different legal entity than the
contributor, the legal entity is given credit too.

import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import contributor_data

def sortkey(x):
    """Return key for sorting contributors "fairly":
    * latest contribution
    * first contribution
    * number of contribution years
    * name (with some unicode normalization)
    The entries must be 2-tuples of a list of string years and the unicode name"""
    return (x[0] and -int(x[0][-1]),
            x[0] and int(x[0][0]),
            x[1].decode('utf-8').lower().replace(u'\xe9', u'e').replace(u'\u0142', u'l')

def nice_years(l, dash='-', join=' '):
    """Convert a list of years into brief range like '1900-1901, 1921'."""
    if not l:
        return ''
    start = end = int(l[0])
    ranges = []
    for year in l[1:] + [0]:
        year = int(year)
        if year == end + 1:
            end = year
        if start == end:
            ranges.append('%s' % start)
            ranges.append('%s%s%s' % (start, dash, end))
        start = end = year
    assert start == 0 and end == 0, (start, end)
    return join.join(ranges)

def insert_entries(
    """Update file with contributor information.
    all_entries: list of tuples with year and name
    no_entries: set of names or name and year tuples to ignore
    domain_extra: map domain name to extra credit name
    split_re: regexp matching the part of file to rewrite
    normalize_name: function to normalize names for grouping and display
    format_f: function formatting year list and name to a string
    name_years = defaultdict(set)

    for year, name in all_entries:
        if name in no_entries or (name, year) in no_entries:
        domain = name.split('@', 1)[-1].rstrip('>')
        if domain in domain_extra:

    l = [(list(sorted(year for year in years if year)), name)
         for name, years in name_years.items()]

    with open(filename) as f:
        pre, post = re.split(split_re,

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(pre +
                ''.join(format_f(years, name) for years, name in l) +

def main():
    repo_entries = [
        (year, contributor_data.name_fixes.get(name) or contributor_data.name_fixes.get(name.rsplit('<', 1)[0].strip()) or name)
        for year, name in
        (line.strip().split(' ', 1)
         for line in os.popen("""hg log -r '::.' -T '{date(date,"%Y")} {author}\n'""").readlines())

        all_entries=repo_entries + contributor_data.other_about,
        split_re=r'(?:  <li>Copyright &copy; [^\n]*</li>\n)*',
        normalize_name=lambda name: name.split('<', 1)[0].strip(),
        format_f=lambda years, name: '  <li>Copyright &copy; %s, %s</li>\n' % (nice_years(years, '&ndash;', ', '), name),

        all_entries=repo_entries + contributor_data.other_contributors,
        split_re=r'(?:    [^\n]*\n)*',
        normalize_name=lambda name: name,
        format_f=lambda years, name: ('    %s%s%s\n' % (name, ' ' if years else '', nice_years(years))),

        split_re=r'(?<=&copy;) .* (?=by various authors)',
        normalize_name=lambda name: '',
        format_f=lambda years, name: ' ' + nice_years(years, '&ndash;', ', ') + ' ',

if __name__ == '__main__':

# To list new contributors since last tagging:
# { hg log -r '::tagged()' -T '    {author}\n    {author}\n'; hg log -r '::.' -T '    {author}\n' | sort | uniq; } | sort | uniq -u