view kallithea/tests/models/ @ 6913:24a9bec8138c

diffs: inline prepare() into __init__ and make the result available as .parsed Make it more clear what the DiffProcessor is: Something that works on a raw diff as input, mainly compute when initialized, and returns an object where the result is available in different ways.
author Mads Kiilerich <>
date Tue, 03 Oct 2017 00:14:40 +0200
parents 8d98924c58b1
children ceaa65df5add
line wrap: on
line source

from kallithea.tests.base import *
from kallithea.lib.diffs import DiffProcessor, NEW_FILENODE, DEL_FILENODE, \
from kallithea.tests.fixture import Fixture

fixture = Fixture()

    'hg_diff_add_single_binary_file.diff': [
        ('US Warszawa.jpg', 'A',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {NEW_FILENODE: 'new file 100755',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
    'hg_diff_mod_single_binary_file.diff': [
        ('US Warszawa.jpg', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),

    'hg_diff_mod_single_file_and_rename_and_chmod.diff': [
        ('README', 'R',
         {'added': 3,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from README.rst to README',
                  CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100755 => 100644'}}),
    'hg_diff_mod_file_and_rename.diff': [
        ('README.rst', 'R',
         {'added': 3,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from README to README.rst'}}),
    'hg_diff_del_single_binary_file.diff': [
        ('US Warszawa.jpg', 'D',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {DEL_FILENODE: 'deleted file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
    'hg_diff_chmod_and_mod_single_binary_file.diff': [
        ('gravatar.png', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100644 => 100755',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
    'hg_diff_chmod.diff': [
        ('file', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100755 => 100644'}}),
    'hg_diff_rename_file.diff': [
        ('file_renamed', 'R',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from file to file_renamed'}}),
    'hg_diff_rename_and_chmod_file.diff': [
        ('README', 'R',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100644 => 100755',
                  RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from README.rst to README'}}),
    'hg_diff_binary_and_normal.diff': [
        ('img/baseline-10px.png', 'A',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {NEW_FILENODE: 'new file 100644',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
        ('img/baseline-20px.png', 'D',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {DEL_FILENODE: 'deleted file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
        ('index.html', 'M',
         {'added': 3,
          'deleted': 2,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('js/global.js', 'D',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 75,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {DEL_FILENODE: 'deleted file'}}),
        ('js/jquery/hashgrid.js', 'A',
         {'added': 340,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {NEW_FILENODE: 'new file 100755'}}),
        ('less/docs.less', 'M',
         {'added': 34,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('less/scaffolding.less', 'M',
         {'added': 1,
          'deleted': 3,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('readme.markdown', 'M',
         {'added': 1,
          'deleted': 10,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
    'git_diff_chmod.diff': [
        ('work-horus.xls', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100644 => 100755'}})
    'git_diff_rename_file.diff': [
        ('file.xls', 'R',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from work-horus.xls to file.xls'}}),
         {'added': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'deleted': 0,
          'ops': {4: 'file renamed from files/var/www/favicon.ico to files/var/www/favicon.ico/DEFAULT',
                  6: 'modified file chmod 100644 => 100755'}})
    'git_diff_mod_single_binary_file.diff': [
        ('US Warszawa.jpg', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}})
    'git_diff_binary_and_normal.diff': [
        ('img/baseline-10px.png', 'A',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {NEW_FILENODE: 'new file 100644',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
        ('img/baseline-20px.png', 'D',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {DEL_FILENODE: 'deleted file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}}),
        ('index.html', 'M',
         {'added': 3,
          'deleted': 2,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('js/global.js', 'D',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 75,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {DEL_FILENODE: 'deleted file'}}),
        ('js/jquery/hashgrid.js', 'A',
         {'added': 340,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {NEW_FILENODE: 'new file 100755'}}),
        ('less/docs.less', 'M',
         {'added': 34,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('less/scaffolding.less', 'M',
         {'added': 1,
          'deleted': 3,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('readme.markdown', 'M',
         {'added': 1,
          'deleted': 10,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
    'diff_with_diff_data.diff': [
        ('vcs/backends/', 'M',
         {'added': 18,
          'deleted': 2,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('vcs/backends/git/', 'M',
         {'added': 46,
          'deleted': 15,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('vcs/backends/', 'M',
         {'added': 22,
          'deleted': 3,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('vcs/tests/', 'M',
         {'added': 5,
          'deleted': 5,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
        ('vcs/tests/', 'M',
         {'added': 174,
          'deleted': 2,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
    'git_diff_modify_binary_file.diff': [
        ('', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file',
                  BIN_FILENODE: 'binary diff not shown'}})
    'hg_diff_copy_file.diff': [
        ('file2', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {COPIED_FILENODE: 'file copied from file1 to file2'}}),
    'hg_diff_copy_and_modify_file.diff': [
        ('file3', 'M',
         {'added': 1,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {COPIED_FILENODE: 'file copied from file2 to file3',
                  MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
    'hg_diff_copy_and_chmod_file.diff': [
        ('file4', 'M',
         {'added': 0,
          'deleted': 0,
          'binary': True,
          'ops': {COPIED_FILENODE: 'file copied from file3 to file4',
                  CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100644 => 100755'}}),
    'hg_diff_copy_chmod_and_edit_file.diff': [
        ('file5', 'M',
         {'added': 2,
          'deleted': 1,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {COPIED_FILENODE: 'file copied from file4 to file5',
                  CHMOD_FILENODE: 'modified file chmod 100755 => 100644',
                  MOD_FILENODE: 'modified file'}}),
    'hg_diff_rename_space_cr.diff': [
        ('oh yes', 'R',
         {'added': 3,
          'deleted': 2,
          'binary': False,
          'ops': {RENAMED_FILENODE: 'file renamed from oh no to oh yes'}}),

class TestDiffLib(TestController):

    @parametrize('diff_fixture', DIFF_FIXTURES)
    def test_diff(self, diff_fixture):
        raw_diff = fixture.load_resource(diff_fixture, strip=False)
        vcs = 'hg'
        if diff_fixture.startswith('git_'):
            vcs = 'git'
        diff_processor = DiffProcessor(raw_diff, vcs=vcs)
        data = [(x['filename'], x['operation'], x['stats']) for x in diff_processor.parsed]
        expected_data = DIFF_FIXTURES[diff_fixture]
        assert expected_data == data

    def test_diff_markup(self):
        raw_diff = fixture.load_resource('markuptest.diff', strip=False)
        diff_processor = DiffProcessor(raw_diff)
        chunks = diff_processor.parsed[0]['chunks']
        assert not chunks[0]
        #from pprint import pprint; pprint(chunks[1])
        l = ['\n']
        for d in chunks[1]:
            l.append('%(action)-7s %(new_lineno)3s %(old_lineno)3s %(line)r\n' % d)
        s = ''.join(l)
        print s
        assert s == r'''
context ... ... u'@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@\n'
unmod    51  51 u'<u>\t</u>begin();\n'
unmod    52  52 u'<u>\t</u>\n'
add      53     u'<u>\t</u>int foo;<u class="cr"></u>\n'
add      54     u'<u>\t</u>int bar; <u class="cr"></u>\n'
add      55     u'<u>\t</u>int baz;<u>\t</u><u class="cr"></u>\n'
add      56     u'<u>\t</u>int space; <i></i>'
add      57     u'<u>\t</u>int tab;<u>\t</u>\n'
add      58     u'<u>\t</u>\n'
unmod    59  53 u' <i></i>'
del          54 u'<u>\t</u>#define MAX_STEPS (48)\n'
add      60     u'<u>\t</u><u class="cr"></u>\n'
add      61     u'<u>\t</u>#define MAX_STEPS (64)<u class="cr"></u>\n'
unmod    62  55 u'\n'
del          56 u'<u>\t</u>#define MIN_STEPS (<del>48</del>)\n'
add      63     u'<u>\t</u>#define MIN_STEPS (<ins>42</ins>)\n'