view rhodecode/controllers/ @ 3625:260a7a01b054 beta

follow Python conventions for boolean values True and False might be singletons and the "default" values for "boolean" expressions, but "all" values in Python has a boolean value and should be evaluated as such. Checking with 'is True' and 'is False' is thus confusing, error prone and unnessarily complex. If we anywhere rely and nullable boolean fields from the database layer and don't want the null value to be treated as False then we should check explicitly for null with 'is None'.
author Mads Kiilerich <>
date Thu, 28 Mar 2013 01:10:45 +0100
parents fe012b7df29d
children ec6354949623
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Files controller for RhodeCode

    :created_on: Apr 21, 2010
    :author: marcink
    :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski <>
    :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import logging
import traceback
import tempfile
import shutil

from pylons import request, response, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.i18n.translation import _
from pylons.controllers.util import redirect
from rhodecode.lib.utils import jsonify

from rhodecode.lib import diffs
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h

from rhodecode.lib.compat import OrderedDict
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import convert_line_endings, detect_mode, safe_str,\
from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator
from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseRepoController, render
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyChangeset
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.conf import settings
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import RepositoryError, \
    ChangesetDoesNotExistError, EmptyRepositoryError, \
    ImproperArchiveTypeError, VCSError, NodeAlreadyExistsError,\
    NodeDoesNotExistError, ChangesetError, NodeError
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.nodes import FileNode

from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel
from rhodecode.model.db import Repository

from rhodecode.controllers.changeset import anchor_url, _ignorews_url,\
    _context_url, get_line_ctx, get_ignore_ws
from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FilesController(BaseRepoController):

    def __before__(self):
        super(FilesController, self).__before__()
        c.cut_off_limit = self.cut_off_limit

    def __get_cs_or_redirect(self, rev, repo_name, redirect_after=True):
        Safe way to get changeset if error occur it redirects to tip with
        proper message

        :param rev: revision to fetch
        :param repo_name: repo name to redirect after

            return c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(rev)
        except EmptyRepositoryError, e:
            if not redirect_after:
                return None
            url_ = url('files_add_home',
                       revision=0, f_path='')
            add_new = h.link_to(_('click here to add new file'), url_)
            h.flash(h.literal(_('There are no files yet %s') % add_new),
            redirect(h.url('summary_home', repo_name=repo_name))

        except RepositoryError, e:  # including ChangesetDoesNotExistError
            h.flash(str(e), category='error')
            raise HTTPNotFound()

    def __get_filenode_or_redirect(self, repo_name, cs, path):
        Returns file_node, if error occurs or given path is directory,
        it'll redirect to top level path

        :param repo_name: repo_name
        :param cs: given changeset
        :param path: path to lookup

            file_node = cs.get_node(path)
            if file_node.is_dir():
                raise RepositoryError('given path is a directory')
        except RepositoryError, e:
            h.flash(str(e), category='error')
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        return file_node

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def index(self, repo_name, revision, f_path, annotate=False):
        # redirect to given revision from form if given
        post_revision = request.POST.get('at_rev', None)
        if post_revision:
            cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(post_revision, repo_name)

        c.changeset = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
        c.branch = request.GET.get('branch', None)
        c.f_path = f_path
        c.annotate = annotate
        c.changeset = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
        cur_rev = c.changeset.revision

        # prev link
            prev_rev = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(cur_rev).prev(c.branch)
            c.url_prev = url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                         revision=prev_rev.raw_id, f_path=f_path)
            if c.branch:
                c.url_prev += '?branch=%s' % c.branch
        except (ChangesetDoesNotExistError, VCSError):
            c.url_prev = '#'

        # next link
            next_rev = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(cur_rev).next(c.branch)
            c.url_next = url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                     revision=next_rev.raw_id, f_path=f_path)
            if c.branch:
                c.url_next += '?branch=%s' % c.branch
        except (ChangesetDoesNotExistError, VCSError):
            c.url_next = '#'

        # files or dirs
            c.file = c.changeset.get_node(f_path)

            if c.file.is_file():
                c.load_full_history = False
                file_last_cs = c.file.last_changeset
                c.file_changeset = (c.changeset
                                    if c.changeset.revision < file_last_cs.revision
                                    else file_last_cs)
                #determine if we're on branch head
                _branches = c.rhodecode_repo.branches
                c.on_branch_head = revision in _branches.keys() + _branches.values()
                _hist = []
                c.file_history = []
                if c.load_full_history:
                    c.file_history, _hist = self._get_node_history(c.changeset, f_path)

                c.authors = []
                for a in set([ for x in _hist]):
                    c.authors.append((, h.person(a)))
                c.authors = c.file_history = []
        except RepositoryError, e:
            h.flash(str(e), category='error')
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR'):
            return render('files/files_ypjax.html')

        return render('files/files.html')

    def history(self, repo_name, revision, f_path, annotate=False):
        if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR'):
            c.changeset = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
            c.f_path = f_path
            c.annotate = annotate
            c.file = c.changeset.get_node(f_path)
            if c.file.is_file():
                file_last_cs = c.file.last_changeset
                c.file_changeset = (c.changeset
                                    if c.changeset.revision < file_last_cs.revision
                                    else file_last_cs)
                c.file_history, _hist = self._get_node_history(c.changeset, f_path)
                c.authors = []
                for a in set([ for x in _hist]):
                    c.authors.append((, h.person(a)))
                return render('files/files_history_box.html')

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def rawfile(self, repo_name, revision, f_path):
        cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
        file_node = self.__get_filenode_or_redirect(repo_name, cs, f_path)

        response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=%s' % \

        response.content_type = file_node.mimetype
        return file_node.content

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def raw(self, repo_name, revision, f_path):
        cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
        file_node = self.__get_filenode_or_redirect(repo_name, cs, f_path)

        raw_mimetype_mapping = {
            # map original mimetype to a mimetype used for "show as raw"
            # you can also provide a content-disposition to override the
            # default "attachment" disposition.
            # orig_type: (new_type, new_dispo)

            # show images inline:
            'image/x-icon': ('image/x-icon', 'inline'),
            'image/png': ('image/png', 'inline'),
            'image/gif': ('image/gif', 'inline'),
            'image/jpeg': ('image/jpeg', 'inline'),
            'image/svg+xml': ('image/svg+xml', 'inline'),

        mimetype = file_node.mimetype
            mimetype, dispo = raw_mimetype_mapping[mimetype]
        except KeyError:
            # we don't know anything special about this, handle it safely
            if file_node.is_binary:
                # do same as download raw for binary files
                mimetype, dispo = 'application/octet-stream', 'attachment'
                # do not just use the original mimetype, but force text/plain,
                # otherwise it would serve text/html and that might be unsafe.
                # Note: underlying vcs library fakes text/plain mimetype if the
                # mimetype can not be determined and it thinks it is not
                # binary.This might lead to erroneous text display in some
                # cases, but helps in other cases, like with text files
                # without extension.
                mimetype, dispo = 'text/plain', 'inline'

        if dispo == 'attachment':
            dispo = 'attachment; filename=%s' % \

        response.content_disposition = dispo
        response.content_type = mimetype
        return file_node.content

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin')
    def edit(self, repo_name, revision, f_path):
        repo = c.rhodecode_db_repo
        if repo.enable_locking and repo.locked[0]:
            h.flash(_('This repository is has been locked by %s on %s')
                % (h.person_by_id(repo.locked[0]),
            return redirect(h.url('files_home',
                                  repo_name=repo_name, revision='tip'))

        # check if revision is a branch identifier- basically we cannot
        # create multiple heads via file editing
        _branches = repo.scm_instance.branches
        # check if revision is a branch name or branch hash
        if revision not in _branches.keys() + _branches.values():
            h.flash(_('You can only edit files with revision '
                      'being a valid branch '), category='warning')
            return redirect(h.url('files_home',
                                  repo_name=repo_name, revision='tip',

        r_post = request.POST

        c.cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
        c.file = self.__get_filenode_or_redirect(repo_name, c.cs, f_path)

        if c.file.is_binary:
            return redirect(url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                         revision=c.cs.raw_id, f_path=f_path))
        c.default_message = _('Edited file %s via RhodeCode') % (f_path)
        c.f_path = f_path

        if r_post:

            old_content = c.file.content
            sl = old_content.splitlines(1)
            first_line = sl[0] if sl else ''
            # modes:  0 - Unix, 1 - Mac, 2 - DOS
            mode = detect_mode(first_line, 0)
            content = convert_line_endings(r_post.get('content'), mode)

            message = r_post.get('message') or c.default_message
            author = self.rhodecode_user.full_contact

            if content == old_content:
                h.flash(_('No changes'), category='warning')
                return redirect(url('changeset_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                                             repo_name=repo_name, cs=c.cs,
                                             author=author, message=message,
                                             content=content, f_path=f_path)
                h.flash(_('Successfully committed to %s') % f_path,

            except Exception:
                h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error')
            return redirect(url('changeset_home',
                                repo_name=c.repo_name, revision='tip'))

        return render('files/files_edit.html')

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin')
    def add(self, repo_name, revision, f_path):

        repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
        if repo.enable_locking and repo.locked[0]:
            h.flash(_('This repository is has been locked by %s on %s')
                % (h.person_by_id(repo.locked[0]),
            return redirect(h.url('files_home',
                                  repo_name=repo_name, revision='tip'))

        r_post = request.POST
        c.cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name,
        if c.cs is None:
            c.cs = EmptyChangeset(alias=c.rhodecode_repo.alias)
        c.default_message = (_('Added file via RhodeCode'))
        c.f_path = f_path

        if r_post:
            unix_mode = 0
            content = convert_line_endings(r_post.get('content'), unix_mode)

            message = r_post.get('message') or c.default_message
            filename = r_post.get('filename')
            location = r_post.get('location')
            file_obj = r_post.get('upload_file', None)

            if file_obj is not None and hasattr(file_obj, 'filename'):
                filename = file_obj.filename
                content = file_obj.file

            if not content:
                h.flash(_('No content'), category='warning')
                return redirect(url('changeset_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
            if not filename:
                h.flash(_('No filename'), category='warning')
                return redirect(url('changeset_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
            if location.startswith('/') or location.startswith('.') or '../' in location:
                h.flash(_('location must be relative path and must not '
                          'contain .. in path'), category='warning')
                return redirect(url('changeset_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
            if location:
                location = os.path.normpath(location)
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            node_path = os.path.join(location, filename)
            author = self.rhodecode_user.full_contact

                                           repo_name=repo_name, cs=c.cs,
                                           author=author, message=message,
                                           content=content, f_path=node_path)
                h.flash(_('Successfully committed to %s') % node_path,
            except (NodeError, NodeAlreadyExistsError), e:
                h.flash(_(e), category='error')
            except Exception:
                h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error')
            return redirect(url('changeset_home',
                                repo_name=c.repo_name, revision='tip'))

        return render('files/files_add.html')

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def archivefile(self, repo_name, fname):

        fileformat = None
        revision = None
        ext = None
        subrepos = request.GET.get('subrepos') == 'true'

        for a_type, ext_data in settings.ARCHIVE_SPECS.items():
            archive_spec = fname.split(ext_data[1])
            if len(archive_spec) == 2 and archive_spec[1] == '':
                fileformat = a_type or ext_data[1]
                revision = archive_spec[0]
                ext = ext_data[1]

            dbrepo = RepoModel().get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
            if not dbrepo.enable_downloads:
                return _('downloads disabled')

            if c.rhodecode_repo.alias == 'hg':
                # patch and reset hooks section of UI config to not run any
                # hooks on fetching archives with subrepos
                for k, v in c.rhodecode_repo._repo.ui.configitems('hooks'):
                    c.rhodecode_repo._repo.ui.setconfig('hooks', k, None)

            cs = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(revision)
            content_type = settings.ARCHIVE_SPECS[fileformat][0]
        except ChangesetDoesNotExistError:
            return _('Unknown revision %s') % revision
        except EmptyRepositoryError:
            return _('Empty repository')
        except (ImproperArchiveTypeError, KeyError):
            return _('Unknown archive type')
        # archive cache
        from rhodecode import CONFIG
        rev_name = cs.raw_id[:12]
        archive_name = '%s-%s%s' % (safe_str(repo_name.replace('/', '_')),
                                    safe_str(rev_name), ext)

        use_cached_archive = False  # defines if we use cached version of archive
        archive_cache_enabled = CONFIG.get('archive_cache_dir')
        if not subrepos and archive_cache_enabled:
            #check if we it's ok to write
            if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG['archive_cache_dir']):
            cached_archive_path = os.path.join(CONFIG['archive_cache_dir'], archive_name)
            if os.path.isfile(cached_archive_path):
                log.debug('Found cached archive in %s' % cached_archive_path)
                fd, archive = None, cached_archive_path
                use_cached_archive = True
                log.debug('Archive %s is not yet cached' % (archive_name))

        if not use_cached_archive:
            #generate new archive
                fd, archive = tempfile.mkstemp()
                t = open(archive, 'wb')
                log.debug('Creating new temp archive in %s' % archive)
                cs.fill_archive(stream=t, kind=fileformat, subrepos=subrepos)
                if archive_cache_enabled:
                    #if we generated the archive and use cache rename that
                    log.debug('Storing new archive in %s' % cached_archive_path)
                    shutil.move(archive, cached_archive_path)
                    archive = cached_archive_path

        def get_chunked_archive(archive):
            stream = open(archive, 'rb')
            while True:
                data = * 1024)
                if not data:
                    if fd:  # fd means we used temporary file
                    if not archive_cache_enabled:
                        log.debug('Destroing temp archive %s' % archive)
                yield data

        response.content_disposition = str('attachment; filename=%s' % (archive_name))
        response.content_type = str(content_type)
        return get_chunked_archive(archive)

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def diff(self, repo_name, f_path):
        ignore_whitespace = request.GET.get('ignorews') == '1'
        line_context = request.GET.get('context', 3)
        diff1 = request.GET.get('diff1', '')
        diff2 = request.GET.get('diff2', '')
        c.action = request.GET.get('diff')
        c.no_changes = diff1 == diff2
        c.f_path = f_path
        c.big_diff = False
        c.anchor_url = anchor_url
        c.ignorews_url = _ignorews_url
        c.context_url = _context_url
        c.changes = OrderedDict()
        c.changes[diff2] = []

        #special case if we want a show rev only, it's impl here
        #to reduce JS and callbacks

        if request.GET.get('show_rev'):
            if str2bool(request.GET.get('annotate', 'False')):
                _url = url('files_annotate_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                           revision=diff1, f_path=c.f_path)
                _url = url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,
                           revision=diff1, f_path=c.f_path)

            return redirect(_url)
            if diff1 not in ['', None, 'None', '0' * 12, '0' * 40]:
                c.changeset_1 = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(diff1)
                    node1 = c.changeset_1.get_node(f_path)
                    if node1.is_dir():
                        raise NodeError('%s path is a %s not a file'
                                        % (node1, type(node1)))
                except NodeDoesNotExistError:
                    c.changeset_1 = EmptyChangeset(cs=diff1,
                    node1 = FileNode(f_path, '', changeset=c.changeset_1)
                c.changeset_1 = EmptyChangeset(repo=c.rhodecode_repo)
                node1 = FileNode(f_path, '', changeset=c.changeset_1)

            if diff2 not in ['', None, 'None', '0' * 12, '0' * 40]:
                c.changeset_2 = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(diff2)
                    node2 = c.changeset_2.get_node(f_path)
                    if node2.is_dir():
                        raise NodeError('%s path is a %s not a file'
                                        % (node2, type(node2)))
                except NodeDoesNotExistError:
                    c.changeset_2 = EmptyChangeset(cs=diff2,
                    node2 = FileNode(f_path, '', changeset=c.changeset_2)
                c.changeset_2 = EmptyChangeset(repo=c.rhodecode_repo)
                node2 = FileNode(f_path, '', changeset=c.changeset_2)
        except (RepositoryError, NodeError):
            return redirect(url('files_home', repo_name=c.repo_name,

        if c.action == 'download':
            _diff = diffs.get_gitdiff(node1, node2,
            diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(_diff, format='gitdiff')

            diff_name = '%s_vs_%s.diff' % (diff1, diff2)
            response.content_type = 'text/plain'
            response.content_disposition = (
                'attachment; filename=%s' % diff_name
            return diff.as_raw()

        elif c.action == 'raw':
            _diff = diffs.get_gitdiff(node1, node2,
            diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(_diff, format='gitdiff')
            response.content_type = 'text/plain'
            return diff.as_raw()

            fid = h.FID(diff2, node2.path)
            line_context_lcl = get_line_ctx(fid, request.GET)
            ign_whitespace_lcl = get_ignore_ws(fid, request.GET)

            lim = request.GET.get('fulldiff') or self.cut_off_limit
            _, cs1, cs2, diff, st = diffs.wrapped_diff(filenode_old=node1,
            op = ''
            filename = node1.path
            cs_changes = {
                'fid': [cs1, cs2, op, filename, diff, st]
            c.changes = cs_changes

        return render('files/file_diff.html')

    def _get_node_history(self, cs, f_path, changesets=None):
        get changesets history for given node

        :param cs: changeset to calculate history
        :param f_path: path for node to calculate history for
        :param changesets: if passed don't calculate history and take
            changesets defined in this list
        # calculate history based on tip
        tip_cs = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset()
        if changesets is None:
                changesets = tip_cs.get_file_history(f_path)
            except (NodeDoesNotExistError, ChangesetError):
                #this node is not present at tip !
                changesets = cs.get_file_history(f_path)
        hist_l = []

        changesets_group = ([], _("Changesets"))
        branches_group = ([], _("Branches"))
        tags_group = ([], _("Tags"))
        _hg = cs.repository.alias == 'hg'
        for chs in changesets:
            #_branch = '(%s)' % chs.branch if _hg else ''
            _branch = chs.branch
            n_desc = 'r%s:%s (%s)' % (chs.revision, chs.short_id, _branch)
            changesets_group[0].append((chs.raw_id, n_desc,))

        for name, chs in c.rhodecode_repo.branches.items():
            branches_group[0].append((chs, name),)

        for name, chs in c.rhodecode_repo.tags.items():
            tags_group[0].append((chs, name),)

        return hist_l, changesets

    @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('', 'repository.write',
    def nodelist(self, repo_name, revision, f_path):
        if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR'):
            cs = self.__get_cs_or_redirect(revision, repo_name)
            _d, _f = ScmModel().get_nodes(repo_name, cs.raw_id, f_path,
            return {'nodes': _d + _f}