view scripts/ @ 6596:304aae43194c

gearbox: fix setup-db failure when db is created for the first time (Issue #272) The port to TG2 in e1ab82613133 replaced pylonsconfig.init_app for gearbox commands with middleware setup code. That introduced reading of the database for commands that don't need a database - for example the command for creating databases ... which thus failed. To fix that, move the middleware setup with database access so it only is run for gearbox command that requires a db session. There is apparently no need for a direct replacement for pylonsconfig.init_app .
author Mads Kiilerich <>
date Fri, 14 Apr 2017 21:30:42 +0200
parents fc6b1b0e1096
children ff287676b206
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
Based on kallithea/lib/paster_commands/template.ini.mako, generate

import re

makofile = 'kallithea/lib/paster_commands/template.ini.mako'

# the mako conditionals used in all other ini files and templates
selected_mako_conditionals = set([
    "database_engine == 'sqlite'",
    "http_server == 'waitress'",
    "error_aggregation_service == 'appenlight'",
    "error_aggregation_service == 'sentry'",

# the mako variables used in all other ini files and templates
mako_variable_values = {
    'host': '',
    'port': '5000',
    'here': '%(here)s',
    'uuid()': '${app_instance_uuid}',

# files to be generated from the mako template
ini_files = [
        Kallithea - config for tests:
        initial_repo_scan = true
        sqlalchemy and kallithea_test.sqlite
        custom logging

        The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file
            '[server:main]': {
                'port': '4999',
            '[app:main]': {
                'initial_repo_scan': 'true',
                'app_instance_uuid': 'test',
                'show_revision_number': 'true',
                'beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.expire': '1',
                'beaker.session.secret': '{74e0cd75-b339-478b-b129-07dd221def1f}',
                'cache_dir': '%(here)s/../../data/test/cache',
                'index_dir': '%(here)s/../../data/test/index',
                'archive_cache_dir': '%(here)s/../../data/test/tarballcache',
                'beaker.cache.data_dir': '%(here)s/../../data/test/cache/data',
                'beaker.cache.lock_dir': '%(here)s/../../data/test/cache/lock',
                'sqlalchemy.url': 'sqlite:///%(here)s/kallithea_test.sqlite',
            '[handler_console]': {
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'formatter': 'color_formatter',
            # The 'handler_console_sql' block is very similar to the one in
            # development.ini, but without the explicit 'level=DEBUG' setting:
            # it causes duplicate sqlalchemy debug logs, one through
            # handler_console_sql and another through another path.
            '[handler_console_sql]': {
                'formatter': 'color_formatter_sql',
        Kallithea - Development config:
        listening on *:5000
        sqlite and kallithea.db
        initial_repo_scan = true
        debug = true
        verbose and colorful logging

        The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file
            '[server:main]': {
                'host': '',
            '[app:main]': {
                'initial_repo_scan': 'true',
                'debug': 'true',
                'app_instance_uuid': 'development-not-secret',
                'beaker.session.secret': 'development-not-secret',
            '[handler_console]': {
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'formatter': 'color_formatter',
            '[handler_console_sql]': {
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'formatter': 'color_formatter_sql',

def main():
    # make sure all mako lines starting with '#' (the '##' comments) are marked up as <text>
    print 'reading:', makofile
    mako_org = file(makofile).read()
    mako_no_text_markup = re.sub(r'</?%text>', '', mako_org)
    mako_marked_up = re.sub(r'\n(##.*)', r'\n<%text>\1</%text>', mako_no_text_markup, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    if mako_marked_up != mako_org:
        print 'writing:', makofile
        file(makofile, 'w').write(mako_marked_up)

    # select the right mako conditionals for the other less sophisticated formats
    def sub_conditionals(m):
        """given a %if...%endif match, replace with just the selected
        conditional sections enabled and the rest as comments
        conditional_lines =
        def sub_conditional(m):
            """given a conditional and the corresponding lines, return them raw
            or commented out, based on whether conditional is selected
            criteria, lines = m.groups()
            if criteria not in selected_mako_conditionals:
                lines = '\n'.join((l if not l or l.startswith('#') else '#' + l) for l in lines.split('\n'))
            return lines
        conditional_lines = re.sub(r'^%(?:el)?if (.*):\n((?:^[^%\n].*\n|\n)*)',
            sub_conditional, conditional_lines, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        return conditional_lines
    mako_no_conditionals = re.sub(r'^(%if .*\n(?:[^%\n].*\n|%elif .*\n|\n)*)%endif\n',
        sub_conditionals, mako_no_text_markup, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # expand mako variables
    def pyrepl(m):
        return mako_variable_values.get(,
    mako_no_variables = re.sub(r'\${([^}]*)}', pyrepl, mako_no_conditionals)

    # remove utf-8 coding header
    base_ini = re.sub(r'^## -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*-\n', '', mako_no_variables)

    # create ini files
    for fn, desc, settings in ini_files:
        print 'updating:', fn
        ini_lines = re.sub(
            '# Kallithea - config file generated with kallithea-config *#\n',
            ''.join('# %-77s#\n' % l.strip() for l in desc.strip().split('\n')),
        def process_section(m):
            """process a ini section, replacing values as necessary"""
            sectionname, lines = m.groups()
            if sectionname in settings:
                section_settings = settings[sectionname]
                def process_line(m):
                    """process a section line and update value if necessary"""
                    setting, value = m.groups()
                    line =
                    if setting in section_settings:
                        line = '%s = %s' % (setting, section_settings[setting])
                        if '$' not in value:
                            line = '#%s = %s\n%s' % (setting, value, line)
                    return line.rstrip()
                lines = re.sub(r'^([^#\n].*) = ?(.*)', process_line, lines, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            return sectionname + '\n' + lines
        ini_lines = re.sub(r'^(\[.*\])\n((?:(?:[^[\n].*)?\n)*)', process_section, ini_lines, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        file(fn, 'w').write(ini_lines)

if __name__ == '__main__':