view @ 7961:34c8cb3198d8

diff: fix 2-way diff panel height Since a jQuery upgrade in commit c225c37c069d, 2-way diff was broken: the height was not correct, and sometimes the source code was shown in gray boxes. Analysis showed that in the invocation of mergely (templates/files/diff_2way.html), '$("#footer").height()' is undefined, in turn caused by the absence of an HTML element with id 'footer'. In jQuery 3.0, the height function returns 'undefined' on empty sets, while it was 'null' in older versions. This is important because in a mathematical expression, 'null' behaves as the number 0, but 'undefined' causes a NaN (not-a-number) result. See: The 'id' property on the footer was removed in commit 61c99cdbbfff, retaining only the 'class="footer"'. Fix the problem by using the class-based selector to get the footer height. As the footer height will now be an actual value instead of '0' originally, we can update the calculation without 'magic' values like '36' which was actually a reference to the footer size. When we initialize mergely, the page only contains the header and footer. All window space below the footer can be assigned to the compare panes. The height specified to mergely is thus the total window height minus the header height (the top position of the footer) and the footer height. Note: another change in this context is that jQuery 3.0 can now return non-integer values for .height(), e.g. 138.0345. In the case of 2-way diff, this is not an actual problem. See:
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Wed, 20 Nov 2019 15:12:23 +0100
parents 8e0efe7b3b10
children 7433775cc53b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import platform
import sys

import setuptools
# monkey patch setuptools to use distutils owner/group functionality
from setuptools.command import sdist

if sys.version_info < (2, 6) or sys.version_info >= (3,):
    raise Exception('Kallithea requires python 2.7')

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

def _get_meta_var(name, data, callback_handler=None):
    import re
    matches = re.compile(r'(?:%s)\s*=\s*(.*)' % name).search(data)
    if matches:
        if not callable(callback_handler):
            callback_handler = lambda v: v

        return callback_handler(eval(matches.groups()[0]))

_meta = open(os.path.join(here, 'kallithea', ''), 'rb')
_metadata =

callback = lambda V: ('.'.join(map(str, V[:3])) + '.'.join(V[3:]))
__version__ = _get_meta_var('VERSION', _metadata, callback)
__license__ = _get_meta_var('__license__', _metadata)
__author__ = _get_meta_var('__author__', _metadata)
__url__ = _get_meta_var('__url__', _metadata)
# defines current platform
__platform__ = platform.system()

is_windows = __platform__ in ['Windows']

requirements = [
    "alembic >= 0.8.0, < 1.1",
    "gearbox >= 0.1.0, < 1",
    "waitress >= 0.8.8, < 1.4",
    "WebOb >= 1.7, < 1.9",
    "backlash >= 0.1.2, < 1",
    "TurboGears2 >= 2.3.10, < 2.5",
    "tgext.routes >= 0.2.0, < 1",
    "Beaker >= 1.7.0, < 2",
    "WebHelpers >= 1.3, < 1.4",
    "WebHelpers2 >= 2.0, < 2.1",
    "FormEncode >= 1.3.0, < 1.4",
    "SQLAlchemy >= 1.1, < 1.4",
    "Mako >= 0.9.0, < 1.1",
    "Pygments >= 2.2.0, < 2.5",
    "Whoosh >= 2.5.0, < 2.8",
    "celery >= 3.1, < 4.0", # TODO: celery 4 doesn't work
    "Babel >= 1.3, < 2.8",
    "python-dateutil >= 1.5.0, < 2.9",
    "Markdown >= 2.2.1, < 3.2",
    "docutils >= 0.11, < 0.15",
    "URLObject >= 2.3.4, < 2.5",
    "Routes >= 1.13, < 2", # TODO: bumping to 2.0 will make test_file_annotation fail
    "dulwich >= 0.14.1, < 0.20",
    "mercurial >= 4.5, < 5.3",
    "decorator >= 3.3.2, < 4.5",
    "Paste >= 2.0.3, < 3.1",
    "bleach >= 3.0, < 3.2",
    "Click >= 7.0, < 8",
    "ipaddr >= 2.1.10, < 2.3",

if not is_windows:
    requirements.append("bcrypt >= 3.1.0, < 3.2")

dependency_links = [

classifiers = [
    'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
    'Environment :: Web Environment',
    'Framework :: Pylons',
    'Intended Audience :: Developers',
    'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
    'Operating System :: OS Independent',
    'Programming Language :: Python',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
    'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control',

# additional files from project that goes somewhere in the filesystem
# relative to sys.prefix
data_files = []

description = ('Kallithea is a fast and powerful management tool '
               'for Mercurial and Git with a built in push/pull server, '
               'full text search and code-review.')

keywords = ' '.join([
    'kallithea', 'mercurial', 'git', 'code review',
    'repo groups', 'ldap', 'repository management', 'hgweb replacement',
    'hgwebdir', 'gitweb replacement', 'serving hgweb',

# long description
    long_description = open(README_FILE).read()
except IOError as err:
        "[WARNING] Cannot find file specified as long_description (%s)\n"
        % README_FILE
    long_description = description

sdist_org = sdist.sdist
class sdist_new(sdist_org):
    def initialize_options(self):
        self.owner = = 'root'
sdist.sdist = sdist_new

packages = setuptools.find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup'])

    message_extractors={'kallithea': [
            ('**.py', 'python', None),
            ('templates/**.mako', 'mako', {'input_encoding': 'utf-8'}),
            ('templates/**.html', 'mako', {'input_encoding': 'utf-8'}),
            ('public/**', 'ignore', None)]},
    kallithea-api =    kallithea.bin.kallithea_api:main
    kallithea-gist =   kallithea.bin.kallithea_gist:main
    kallithea-config = kallithea.bin.kallithea_config:main
    kallithea-cli =    kallithea.bin.kallithea_cli:cli

    main = kallithea.config.middleware:make_app