view kallithea/public/css/style.css @ 6432:5c828c042ce0

style: fix quick login dialog layout after 8bd7a63
author Mads Kiilerich <>
date Thu, 12 Jan 2017 01:34:07 +0100
parents d94e87f92a47
children 6c1bf3d48def
line wrap: on
line source

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div.readme .readme_box pre,
div.rst-block pre,
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div.formatted-fixed {
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/* Bootstrap compatible */
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/* avoid conflict with .container in changeset tables */
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.changeset-status-approved {
    color: #81ba51;
.changeset-status-rejected {
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.changeset-status-under_review {
    color: #ffc71e;

#graph_content .comments-cnt {
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    padding: 5px 0;

#shortlog_data .comments-cnt {
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.right .changes {
    clear: both;

.right .changes .changed_total {
    display: block;
    float: right;
    text-align: center;
    min-width: 45px;
    cursor: pointer;
    color: #444444;
    background: #FEA;
    border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 6px;
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.right .changes .added,
.changed, .removed {
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    padding: 1px;
    color: #444444;
    float: right;
    text-align: center;
    min-width: 15px;

.right .changes .added {
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.right .changes .changed {
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.right .changes .removed {
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.right .logtags {
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.spantag {
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#graph_content .divergenttag,
#graph_content .extincttag,
#graph_content .unstabletag,
#graph_content .branchtag,
#graph_content .tagtag,
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.booktag {
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.right .logtags .phasetag,
.right .logtags .bumpedtag,
.right .logtags .divergenttag,
.right .logtags .extincttag,
.right .logtags .unstabletag,
.right .logtags .branchtag,
.right .logtags .tagtag,
.right .logtags .booktag,
.right .mergetag,
.right .merge {
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    margin: 1px 1px !important;
    display: block;

.repotag {
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#context-bar .repotag,
.repo-icons .repotag {
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.repo-icons .repotag {
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.booktag {
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.tagtag {
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.unstabletag {
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.phasetag {
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.logtags .branchtag a:hover,
.logtags .branchtag a,
.branchtag a,
.branchtag a:hover {
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.logtags .tagtag {
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    background-color: #62cffc;
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.tagtag a,
.tagtag a:hover,
.logtags .tagtag a,
.logtags .tagtag a:hover {
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.logbooks .booktag,
.logbooks .booktag,
.logtags .booktag,
.logtags .booktag {
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    background-color: #46A546;
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.logbooks .booktag,
.logbooks .booktag a,
.right .logtags .booktag,
.logtags .booktag a {
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.logbooks .booktag,
.logbooks .booktag a:hover,
.logtags .booktag,
.logtags .booktag a:hover,
.booktag a,
.booktag a:hover {
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div.browserblock .browser-nav {
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div.browserblock .browser-branch {
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div.browserblock .browser-branch label {
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div.browserblock .browser-header span {
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div.browserblock .browser-search {
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div.browserblock #node_filter_box {

div.browserblock .search_activate {
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div.browserblock .add_node {
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div.browserblock .search_activate a:hover,
div.browserblock .add_node a:hover {
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div.browserblock .browser-body {
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table.code-browser tr {
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table.code-browser thead th {
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table.code-browser tbody td {
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table.code-browser .browser-file {
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.diffblock .changeset_file {
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.diffblock .diff-actions span.arrow {
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.diffblock .diff-actions a i {
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.diffblock.twoway {
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table.code-browser .browser-dir {
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    padding-left: 5px;
    text-align: left;

table.code-browser .submodule-dir {
    height: 16px;
    padding-left: 5px;
    text-align: left;

/* add some padding to the right of the file, folder, or submodule icon and
before the text */
table.code-browser i[class^='icon-'] {
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.panel .search {
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.panel .search div.search_path a {
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#path_unlock {
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    padding-left: 4px;

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.info_box .rev {
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.info_box input#at_rev,
.info_box input#size {
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.mentions-container .yui-ac-content {
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.ac {
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.ac .yui-ac {
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.ac .perm_ac {
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.ac .yui-ac-input {
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.ac .yui-ac-bd {
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#repo_size {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 4px;
    color: #666;
    float: right;

.currently_following {
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 5px;

#switch_repos {
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    height: 25px;
    z-index: 1;

#switch_repos select {
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    max-height: 250px;
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.breadcrumbs {
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.breadcrumbs .hash {
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.flash_msg {

.flash_msg ul {

.error_red {
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.flash_msg .alert-error {
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.flash_msg .alert-success {
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.flash_msg .alert-success a {
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.flash_msg .alert-info {
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.flash_msg .alert-info a {
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div#legend_data {
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div#legend_container table {
    border: none !important;
div#legend_container table,
div#legend_choices table {
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table#permissions_manage span.private_repo_msg {
    font-size: 0.8em;
    opacity: 0.6;

table#permissions_manage td.private_repo_msg {
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table#permissions_manage tr#add_perm_input td {
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div.gravatar {
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div.gravatar img {
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input.btn {
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.btn.btn-success {
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label.disabled {
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} {
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ins, div.options a:hover {
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img.icon, .right .merge img {
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#content div.panel div.message div.dismiss,
#content div.panel div.traffic div.legend ul {
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#content div.panel ol.left,
div#legend_data, div#legend_container, div#legend_choices {
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.caret:after {
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.branch-switcher .select2-choice,
.repo-switcher .select2-choice {
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    display: block;
    height: 100%;

.branch-switcher .select2-container,
.branch-switcher .select2-choice,
.branch-switcher .select2-choice span,
.repo-switcher .select2-container,
.repo-switcher .select2-choice,
.repo-switcher .select2-choice span {
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.repo-switcher .select2-arrow {
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.branch-switcher-dropdown.select2-drop.select2-drop-active .select2-results .select2-highlighted,
.repo-switcher-dropdown.select2-drop.select2-drop-active .select2-results .select2-highlighted {
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#content div.graph {
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#content div.panel ol.lower-roman,
#content div.panel ol.upper-roman,
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#content div.panel ol.upper-alpha,
#content div.panel ol.decimal {
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/** RST STYLE **/

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/** comment main **/
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/** comment form **/

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/** comment inline form **/
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/** comment inline **/
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input.status_change_radio {
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} {
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#s2id_other_repo {
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#perms {
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                                  DIFFS CSS
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.diff-container {


.compare-revision-selector {
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div.diffblock {
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table.code-difftable td.code pre {
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table.code-highlighttable div.code-highlight pre u,
table.code-difftable td.code pre u {
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table.code-highlighttable div.code-highlight pre i,
table.code-difftable td.code pre i {
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table.code-difftable .lineno {
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table.code-difftable {
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table.code-difftable .lineno.old {
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table.code-difftable .lineno a {
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table.code-difftable .line:hover .lineno a {
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table.code-difftable .lineno-inline {
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/** CODE **/
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table.code-difftable .code td {
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table.code-difftable .code pre {
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table.code-difftable .del .code pre:before {
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table.code-difftable .add .code pre:before {
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table.code-difftable .unmod .code pre:before {
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.add-bubble {
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/* comment bubble, only visible when in a commentable diff */
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.commentable-diff tr.line.del:hover td .add-bubble,
.commentable-diff tr.line.unmod:hover td .add-bubble {
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.add-bubble div:hover {
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/* show some context of link targets - but only works when the link target
   can be extended with any visual difference */
div.comment:target:before {
  display: block;
  height: 100px;
  margin: -100px 0 0;
  content: "";

div.comment:target>.comment-wrapp {
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.lineno:target a {
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.btn-image-diff-swap {
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.img-diff {
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