view docs/setup.rst @ 672:6f796f56a64c

Added tag v1.0.1 for changeset bee56f209c40
author Marcin Kuzminski <>
date Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:25:44 +0100
parents bee56f209c40
children 3d0661b8aaa4
line wrap: on
line source

.. _setup:


Setting up the application

 paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini

- This will create `production.ini` config inside the directory
  this config contain various settings for rhodecode, e.g port, email settings
  static files, cache and logging.


 paster setup-app production.ini

- This command will create all needed tables and an admin account. 
  When asked for a path You can either use a new location of one with already 
  existing ones. RhodeCode will simply add all new found repositories to 
  it's database. Also make sure You specify correct path to repositories.
- Remember that the given path for mercurial_ repositories must be write 
  accessible for the application. It's very important since RhodeCode web interface
  will work even without such an access but, when trying to do a push it'll 
  eventually fail with permission denied errors. 
- Run 

 paster serve production.ini
- This command runs the rhodecode server the app should be available at the This ip and port is configurable via the production.ini 
  file  created in previous step
- Use admin account you created to login.
- Default permissions on each repository is read, and owner is admin. So 
  remember to update these if needed.

RhodeCode when running without the celery it's running all it's task in sync
mode, for first few times when visiting summary page You can notice few
slow downs, this is due the statistics building it's cache. After all changesets
are parsed it'll take the stats from cache and run much faster. Each summary
page display parse at most 250 changesets in order to not stress the cpu, so
the full stats are going to be loaded after total_number_of_changesets/250
summary page visits.

Setting up Whoosh

- For full text search You can either put crontab entry for

 python /var/www/rhodecode/<rhodecode_installation_path>/lib/indexers/ incremental <put_here_path_to_repos>
When using incremental mode whoosh will check last modification date of each file
and add it to reindex if newer file is available. Also indexing daemon checks
for removed files and removes them from index. Sometime You might want to rebuild
index from scratch, in admin panel You can check `build from scratch` flag
and in standalone daemon You can pass `full` instead on incremental to build
remove previous index and build new one.

Nginx virtual host example

Sample config for nginx::

 server {
    listen          80;
    access_log      /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.access.log;
    error_log       /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.error.log;
    location / {
            root /var/www/rhodecode/rhodecode/public/;
            if (!-f $request_filename){
            #this is important for https !!!
            proxy_set_header X-Url-Scheme $scheme;
            include         /etc/nginx/proxy.conf;  
Here's the proxy.conf. It's tuned so it'll not timeout on long
pushes and also on large pushes::

    proxy_redirect              off;
    proxy_set_header            Host $host;
    proxy_set_header            X-Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header            X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header            X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header            Proxy-host $proxy_host;
    client_max_body_size        400m;
    client_body_buffer_size     128k;
    proxy_buffering             off;
    proxy_connect_timeout       3600;
    proxy_send_timeout          3600;
    proxy_read_timeout          3600;
    proxy_buffer_size           8k;
    proxy_buffers               8 32k;
    proxy_busy_buffers_size     64k;
    proxy_temp_file_write_size  64k;
Also when using root path with nginx You might set the static files to false
in production.ini file::

    use = egg:rhodecode
    full_stack = true
    static_files = false
    cache_dir = %(here)s/data

To not have the statics served by the application. And improve speed.

Other configuration files

Some extra configuration files and examples can be found here:

and also an celeryconfig file can be use from here:

.. _virtualenv:
.. _python:
.. _mercurial:
.. _celery:
.. _rabbitmq: