view kallithea/lib/ @ 4208:ad38f9f93b3b kallithea-2.2.5-rebrand

Correct licensing information in individual files. The top-level license file is now Also, in various places where there should have been joint copyright holders listed, a single copyright holder was listed. It does not appear easy to add a link to a large list of copyright holders in these places, so it simply refers to the fact that various authors hold copyright. In future, if an easy method is discovered to link to a list from those places, we should do so. Finally, text is added to to point to where the full list of copyright holders is, and that Kallithea as a whole is GPLv3'd.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <>
date Wed, 21 May 2014 16:59:37 -0400
parents 9daad8c50b37
children 1948ede028ef
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Hooks runned by rhodecode

:created_on: Aug 6, 2010
:author: marcink
:copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH.
:license: GPLv3, see for more details.

import os
import sys
import time
import binascii

from kallithea.lib.vcs.utils.hgcompat import nullrev, revrange
from kallithea.lib import helpers as h
from kallithea.lib.utils import action_logger
from kallithea.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyChangeset
from kallithea.lib.exceptions import HTTPLockedRC, UserCreationError
from kallithea.lib.utils2 import safe_str, _extract_extras
from kallithea.model.db import Repository, User

def _get_scm_size(alias, root_path):

    if not alias.startswith('.'):
        alias += '.'

    size_scm, size_root = 0, 0
    for path, dirs, files in os.walk(safe_str(root_path)):
        if path.find(alias) != -1:
            for f in files:
                    size_scm += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, f))
                except OSError:
            for f in files:
                    size_root += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, f))
                except OSError:

    size_scm_f = h.format_byte_size(size_scm)
    size_root_f = h.format_byte_size(size_root)
    size_total_f = h.format_byte_size(size_root + size_scm)

    return size_scm_f, size_root_f, size_total_f

def repo_size(ui, repo, hooktype=None, **kwargs):
    Presents size of repository after push

    :param ui:
    :param repo:
    :param hooktype:

    size_hg_f, size_root_f, size_total_f = _get_scm_size('.hg', repo.root)

    last_cs = repo[len(repo) - 1]

    msg = ('Repository size .hg:%s repo:%s total:%s\n'
           'Last revision is now r%s:%s\n') % (
        size_hg_f, size_root_f, size_total_f, last_cs.rev(), last_cs.hex()[:12]


def pre_push(ui, repo, **kwargs):
    # pre push function, currently used to ban pushing when
    # repository is locked
    ex = _extract_extras()

    usr = User.get_by_username(ex.username)
    if ex.locked_by[0] and usr.user_id != int(ex.locked_by[0]):
        locked_by = User.get(ex.locked_by[0]).username
        # this exception is interpreted in git/hg middlewares and based
        # on that proper return code is server to client
        _http_ret = HTTPLockedRC(ex.repository, locked_by)
        if str(_http_ret.code).startswith('2'):
            #2xx Codes don't raise exceptions
            raise _http_ret

def pre_pull(ui, repo, **kwargs):
    # pre push function, currently used to ban pushing when
    # repository is locked
    ex = _extract_extras()
    if ex.locked_by[0]:
        locked_by = User.get(ex.locked_by[0]).username
        # this exception is interpreted in git/hg middlewares and based
        # on that proper return code is server to client
        _http_ret = HTTPLockedRC(ex.repository, locked_by)
        if str(_http_ret.code).startswith('2'):
            #2xx Codes don't raise exceptions
            raise _http_ret

def log_pull_action(ui, repo, **kwargs):
    Logs user last pull action

    :param ui:
    :param repo:
    ex = _extract_extras()

    user = User.get_by_username(ex.username)
    action = 'pull'
    action_logger(user, action, ex.repository, ex.ip, commit=True)
    # extension hook call
    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'PULL_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        kw = {}

    if ex.make_lock is not None and ex.make_lock:
        Repository.lock(Repository.get_by_repo_name(ex.repository), user.user_id)
        #msg = 'Made lock on repo `%s`' % repository

    if ex.locked_by[0]:
        locked_by = User.get(ex.locked_by[0]).username
        _http_ret = HTTPLockedRC(ex.repository, locked_by)
        if str(_http_ret.code).startswith('2'):
            #2xx Codes don't raise exceptions
    return 0

def log_push_action(ui, repo, **kwargs):
    Maps user last push action to new changeset id, from mercurial

    :param ui:
    :param repo: repo object containing the `ui` object

    ex = _extract_extras()

    action_tmpl = ex.action + ':%s'
    revs = []
    if ex.scm == 'hg':
        node = kwargs['node']

        def get_revs(repo, rev_opt):
            if rev_opt:
                revs = revrange(repo, rev_opt)

                if len(revs) == 0:
                    return (nullrev, nullrev)
                return max(revs), min(revs)
                return len(repo) - 1, 0

        stop, start = get_revs(repo, [node + ':'])
        _h = binascii.hexlify
        revs = [_h(repo[r].node()) for r in xrange(start, stop + 1)]
    elif ex.scm == 'git':
        revs = kwargs.get('_git_revs', [])
        if '_git_revs' in kwargs:

    action = action_tmpl % ','.join(revs)
    action_logger(ex.username, action, ex.repository, ex.ip, commit=True)

    # extension hook call
    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'PUSH_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        kw = {'pushed_revs': revs}

    if ex.make_lock is not None and not ex.make_lock:
        msg = 'Released lock on repo `%s`\n' % ex.repository

    if ex.locked_by[0]:
        locked_by = User.get(ex.locked_by[0]).username
        _http_ret = HTTPLockedRC(ex.repository, locked_by)
        if str(_http_ret.code).startswith('2'):
            #2xx Codes don't raise exceptions

    return 0

def log_create_repository(repository_dict, created_by, **kwargs):
    Post create repository Hook.

    :param repository: dict dump of repository object
    :param created_by: username who created repository

    available keys of repository_dict:


    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'CREATE_REPO_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        kw = {}
        kw.update({'created_by': created_by})
        return callback(**kw)

    return 0

def check_allowed_create_user(user_dict, created_by, **kwargs):
    # pre create hooks
    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'PRE_CREATE_USER_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        allowed, reason = callback(created_by=created_by, **user_dict)
        if not allowed:
            raise UserCreationError(reason)

def log_create_user(user_dict, created_by, **kwargs):
    Post create user Hook.

    :param user_dict: dict dump of user object

    available keys for user_dict:


    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'CREATE_USER_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        return callback(created_by=created_by, **user_dict)

    return 0

def log_delete_repository(repository_dict, deleted_by, **kwargs):
    Post delete repository Hook.

    :param repository: dict dump of repository object
    :param deleted_by: username who deleted the repository

    available keys of repository_dict:


    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'DELETE_REPO_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        kw = {}
        kw.update({'deleted_by': deleted_by,
                   'deleted_on': time.time()})
        return callback(**kw)

    return 0

def log_delete_user(user_dict, deleted_by, **kwargs):
    Post delete user Hook.

    :param user_dict: dict dump of user object

    available keys for user_dict:


    from kallithea import EXTENSIONS
    callback = getattr(EXTENSIONS, 'DELETE_USER_HOOK', None)
    if callable(callback):
        return callback(deleted_by=deleted_by, **user_dict)

    return 0

handle_git_pre_receive = (lambda repo_path, revs, env:
    handle_git_receive(repo_path, revs, env, hook_type='pre'))
handle_git_post_receive = (lambda repo_path, revs, env:
    handle_git_receive(repo_path, revs, env, hook_type='post'))

def handle_git_receive(repo_path, revs, env, hook_type='post'):
    A really hacky method that is runned by git post-receive hook and logs
    an push action together with pushed revisions. It's executed by subprocess
    thus needs all info to be able to create a on the fly pylons enviroment,
    connect to database and run the logging code. Hacky as sh*t but works.

    :param repo_path:
    :param revs:
    :param env:
    from paste.deploy import appconfig
    from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
    from kallithea.config.environment import load_environment
    from kallithea.model import init_model
    from kallithea.model.db import Ui
    from kallithea.lib.utils import make_ui
    extras = _extract_extras(env)

    path, ini_name = os.path.split(extras['config'])
    conf = appconfig('config:%s' % ini_name, relative_to=path)
    load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf, test_env=False,

    engine = engine_from_config(conf, 'sqlalchemy.db1.')

    baseui = make_ui('db')
    # fix if it's not a bare repo
    if repo_path.endswith(os.sep + '.git'):
        repo_path = repo_path[:-5]

    repo = Repository.get_by_full_path(repo_path)
    if not repo:
        raise OSError('Repository %s not found in database'
                      % (safe_str(repo_path)))

    _hooks = dict(baseui.configitems('hooks')) or {}

    if hook_type == 'pre':
        repo = repo.scm_instance
        #post push shouldn't use the cached instance never
        repo = repo.scm_instance_no_cache()

    if hook_type == 'pre':
        pre_push(baseui, repo)

    # if push hook is enabled via web interface
    elif hook_type == 'post' and _hooks.get(Ui.HOOK_PUSH):
        rev_data = []
        for l in revs:
            old_rev, new_rev, ref = l.split(' ')
            _ref_data = ref.split('/')
            if _ref_data[1] in ['tags', 'heads']:
                rev_data.append({'old_rev': old_rev,
                                 'new_rev': new_rev,
                                 'ref': ref,
                                 'type': _ref_data[1],
                                 'name': _ref_data[2].strip()})

        git_revs = []

        for push_ref in rev_data:
            _type = push_ref['type']
            if _type == 'heads':
                if push_ref['old_rev'] == EmptyChangeset().raw_id:
                    # update the symbolic ref if we push new repo
                    if repo.is_empty():
                                            'refs/heads/%s' % push_ref['name'])

                    cmd = "for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' 'refs/heads/*'"
                    heads = repo.run_git_command(cmd)[0]
                    heads = heads.replace(push_ref['ref'], '')
                    heads = ' '.join(map(lambda c: c.strip('\n').strip(),
                    cmd = (('log %(new_rev)s' % push_ref) +
                           ' --reverse --pretty=format:"%H" --not ' + heads)
                    git_revs += repo.run_git_command(cmd)[0].splitlines()

                elif push_ref['new_rev'] == EmptyChangeset().raw_id:
                    #delete branch case
                    git_revs += ['delete_branch=>%s' % push_ref['name']]
                    cmd = (('log %(old_rev)s..%(new_rev)s' % push_ref) +
                           ' --reverse --pretty=format:"%H"')
                    git_revs += repo.run_git_command(cmd)[0].splitlines()

            elif _type == 'tags':
                git_revs += ['tag=>%s' % push_ref['name']]

        log_push_action(baseui, repo, _git_revs=git_revs)