view kallithea/alembic/versions/ @ 8648:af7b367f6b5a

db: introduce constraint ensuring no duplicate (reviewer, pullrequest) combinations A reviewer should only be added once to a review. Previously, this was not ensured by the database itself, although that the controller would try to not add duplicate reviewers. But there was no hard guarantee: e.g. simultaneous adding of the same reviewer to the same review by a review owner and admin, a framework bug that sends the same request twice, ... could still trigger duplicate addition. Additionally, code changes (e.g. a new API) could introduce bugs at the controller level. Existing production databases were found to contain such duplicate entries. Nevertheless, as the code displaying reviewers in a pull request filtered out duplicates, this never showed in the UI, and never was a 'real' problem. Add a UniqueConstraint in the database to prevent such entries, with a database migration step that will first find and remove existing duplicates.
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:37:55 +0200
children 5e46f73f0d1c
line wrap: on
line source

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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""add unique constraint on PullRequestReviewer

Revision ID: f62826179f39
Revises: a0a1bf09c143
Create Date: 2020-06-15 12:30:37.420321


# The following opaque hexadecimal identifiers ("revisions") are used
# by Alembic to track this migration script and its relations to others.
revision = 'f62826179f39'
down_revision = 'a0a1bf09c143'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic import op

from kallithea.model.db import PullRequestReviewer

def upgrade():
    session = sa.orm.session.Session(bind=op.get_bind())

    # there may be existing duplicates in the database, remove them first

    seen = set()
    # duplicate_values contains one copy of each duplicated pair
    duplicate_values = (
        .query(PullRequestReviewer.pull_request_id, PullRequestReviewer.user_id)
        .group_by(PullRequestReviewer.pull_request_id, PullRequestReviewer.user_id)
        .having(sa.func.count(PullRequestReviewer.pull_request_reviewers_id) > 1)

    for pull_request_id, user_id in duplicate_values:
        # duplicate_occurrences contains all db records of the duplicate_value
        # currently being processed
        duplicate_occurrences = (
            .filter(PullRequestReviewer.pull_request_id == pull_request_id)
            .filter(PullRequestReviewer.user_id == user_id)
        for prr in duplicate_occurrences:
            if (pull_request_id, user_id) in seen:
                seen.add((pull_request_id, user_id))


    # after deleting all duplicates, add the unique constraint
    with op.batch_alter_table('pull_request_reviewers', schema=None) as batch_op:
        batch_op.create_unique_constraint(batch_op.f('uq_pull_request_reviewers_pull_request_id'), ['pull_request_id', 'user_id'])

def downgrade():
    with op.batch_alter_table('pull_request_reviewers', schema=None) as batch_op:
        batch_op.drop_constraint(batch_op.f('uq_pull_request_reviewers_pull_request_id'), type_='unique')