view rhodecode/controllers/admin/ @ 1818:cf51bbfb120e beta

auto white-space removal
author Marcin Kuzminski <>
date Thu, 29 Dec 2011 07:35:51 +0200
parents 2aee0dc1784e
children 89efedac4e6c
line wrap: on
line source

import logging
import traceback

from pylons import request
from pylons import tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import redirect

from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseController, render
from rhodecode.model.db import Notification

from rhodecode.model.notification import NotificationModel
from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, NotAnonymous
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
from rhodecode.model.meta import Session

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NotificationsController(BaseController):
    """REST Controller styled on the Atom Publishing Protocol"""
    # To properly map this controller, ensure your config/
    # file has a resource setup:
    #     map.resource('notification', 'notifications', controller='_admin/notifications',
    #         path_prefix='/_admin', name_prefix='_admin_')

    def __before__(self):
        super(NotificationsController, self).__before__()

    def index(self, format='html'):
        """GET /_admin/notifications: All items in the collection"""
        # url('notifications')
        c.user = self.rhodecode_user
        c.notifications = NotificationModel()\
        return render('admin/notifications/notifications.html')

    def mark_all_read(self):
        if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR'):
            nm = NotificationModel()
            # mark all read
            c.user = self.rhodecode_user
            c.notifications = nm.get_for_user(self.rhodecode_user.user_id)
            return render('admin/notifications/notifications_data.html')

    def create(self):
        """POST /_admin/notifications: Create a new item"""
        # url('notifications')

    def new(self, format='html'):
        """GET /_admin/notifications/new: Form to create a new item"""
        # url('new_notification')

    def update(self, notification_id):
        """PUT /_admin/notifications/id: Update an existing item"""
        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
        # Or using helpers:
        #    h.form(url('notification', notification_id=ID),
        #           method='put')
        # url('notification', notification_id=ID)

    def delete(self, notification_id):
        """DELETE /_admin/notifications/id: Delete an existing item"""
        # Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
        #    <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
        # Or using helpers:
        #    h.form(url('notification', notification_id=ID),
        #           method='delete')
        # url('notification', notification_id=ID)

            no = Notification.get(notification_id)
            owner = lambda: (no.notifications_to_users.user.user_id
                             == c.rhodecode_user.user_id)
            if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin', 'repository.admin')() or owner:
                    NotificationModel().delete(c.rhodecode_user.user_id, no)
                    return 'ok'
        except Exception:
        return 'fail'

    def show(self, notification_id, format='html'):
        """GET /_admin/notifications/id: Show a specific item"""
        # url('notification', notification_id=ID)
        c.user = self.rhodecode_user
        no = Notification.get(notification_id)

        owner = lambda: (no.notifications_to_users.user.user_id
                         == c.user.user_id)
        if no and (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin', 'repository.admin')() or owner):
            unotification = NotificationModel()\
                            .get_user_notification(c.user.user_id, no)

            # if this association to user is not valid, we don't want to show
            # this message
            if unotification:
                if is False:
                c.notification = no

                return render('admin/notifications/show_notification.html')

        return redirect(url('notifications'))

    def edit(self, notification_id, format='html'):
        """GET /_admin/notifications/id/edit: Form to edit an existing item"""
        # url('edit_notification', notification_id=ID)