view rhodecode/templates/admin/repos_groups/repos_groups_show.html @ 2977:cff9d4e1d821 beta

Fixed issue when node didn't exists at 'tip' and we tried calculate history based on that assumption. Now fallback to the changeset the node exists in for history calculation
author Marcin Kuzminski <>
date Sun, 04 Nov 2012 13:08:27 +0100
parents 08f89c688592
children d7282940d779
line wrap: on
line source

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>

<%def name="title()">
    ${_('Repositories groups administration')} - ${c.rhodecode_name}

<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
    ${h.link_to(_('Admin'),h.url('admin_home'))} &raquo; ${_('Repositories')}
<%def name="page_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
    <!-- box / title -->
    <div class="title">
        <ul class="links">
            <span>${h.link_to(_(u'ADD NEW GROUP'),h.url('new_repos_group'))}</span>
    <!-- end box / title -->
    <div class="table">
           % if c.groups:
            <table class="table_disp">

                        <th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Group name')}</a></th>
                        <th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Description')}</a></th>
                        <th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Number of toplevel repositories')}</a></th>
                        <th class="left">${_('action')}</th>

                ## REPO GROUPS

                % for gr in c.groups:
                    <% gr_cn = gr.repositories.count() %>
                          <div style="white-space: nowrap">
                          <img class="icon" alt="${_('Repositories group')}" src="${h.url('/images/icons/database_link.png')}"/>
                          ${h.link_to(h.literal(' &raquo; '.join(map(h.safe_unicode,[ for g in gr.parents+[gr]]))),url('edit_repos_group',id=gr.group_id))}
		                 ${h.form(url('repos_group', id=gr.group_id),method='delete')}
		                   ${h.submit('remove_%s' %,_('delete'),class_="delete_icon action_button",onclick="return confirm('"+ungettext('Confirm to delete this group: %s with %s repository','Confirm to delete this group: %s with %s repositories',gr_cn) % (,gr_cn)+"');")}
                % endfor

            % else:
                ${_('There are no repositories groups yet')}
            % endif

