view @ 8769:d35d14b05b82

diff: handle some escaped characters in Git diffs There are some odd characters (like \r and \n) that the Kallithea UI doesn't allow in filenames in repos. Kallithea (through the routes module) will fail to generate URLs when browsing Files. That is a known limitation with minimal real-world impact, non-trivial to work around or fix. There are very few relevant use cases for tracking files with odd filenames. \t is valid but is hard to render in a meaningful way in the UI. And ASCII characters like \ and " are not usable on Windows and should just be avoided. Kallithea would parse Git diffs with odd characers incorrectly or fail, even before hitting the known limitation. With this change, Kallithea will parse diffs with odd filenames correctly (and then hit the limitation). Git will quote odd filenames and escape the odd characters when emitting diffs. (Mercurial does by design not allow \r and \n , and Mercurial will thus never have to quote file names in diffs.) Quotes are already handled (and ignored). With this change, Kallithea will handle \ unescaping of \\ and \", the usual letters like \r and \n and \t, and octal numbers like \033 (for ESC) . Filenames with \ and " will work perfectly (when not on Windows). Filenames with \t and ESC will work fine, but without helpful display in the UI. Filenames with \r and \n will still make the UI fail when trying to generate URLs. Thanks to stypr of Flatt Security for raising this.
author Mads Kiilerich <>
date Sat, 14 Nov 2020 15:41:39 +0100
parents f3fab7b124f2
children 385d1b31f386
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import platform
import re
import sys

import setuptools
# monkey patch setuptools to use distutils owner/group functionality
from setuptools.command import sdist

if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
    raise Exception('Kallithea requires Python 3.6 or later')

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

def _get_meta_var(name, data, callback_handler=None):
    matches = re.compile(r'(?:%s)\s*=\s*(.*)' % name).search(data)
    if matches:
        s = eval(matches.groups()[0])
        if callable(callback_handler):
            return callback_handler(s)
        return s

_meta = open(os.path.join(here, 'kallithea', ''), 'r')
_metadata =

def callback(V):
    return '.'.join(map(str, V[:3])) + '.'.join(V[3:])
__version__ = _get_meta_var('VERSION', _metadata, callback)
__license__ = _get_meta_var('__license__', _metadata)
__author__ = _get_meta_var('__author__', _metadata)
__url__ = _get_meta_var('__url__', _metadata)
# defines current platform
__platform__ = platform.system()

is_windows = __platform__ in ['Windows']

requirements = [
    "alembic >= 1.0.10, < 1.5",
    "gearbox >= 0.1.0, < 1",
    "waitress >= 0.8.8, < 1.5",
    "WebOb >= 1.8, < 1.9",
    "backlash >= 0.1.2, < 1",
    "TurboGears2 >= 2.4, < 2.5",
    "tgext.routes >= 0.2.0, < 1",
    "Beaker >= 1.10.1, < 2",
    "WebHelpers2 >= 2.0, < 2.1",
    "FormEncode >= 1.3.1, < 1.4",
    "SQLAlchemy >= 1.2.9, < 1.4",
    "Mako >= 0.9.1, < 1.2",
    "Pygments >= 2.2.0, < 2.7",
    "Whoosh >= 2.7.1, < 2.8",
    "celery >= 4.3, < 4.5, != 4.4.4", # 4.4.4 is broken due to unexpressed dependency on 'future', see
    "Babel >= 1.3, < 2.9",
    "python-dateutil >= 2.1.0, < 2.9",
    "Markdown >= 2.2.1, < 3.2",
    "docutils >= 0.11, < 0.17",
    "URLObject >= 2.3.4, < 2.5",
    "Routes >= 2.0, < 2.5",
    "dulwich >= 0.19.0, < 0.20",
    "mercurial >= 5.2, < 5.7",
    "decorator >= 4.2.1, < 4.5",
    "Paste >= 2.0.3, < 3.5",
    "bleach >= 3.0, < 3.1.4",
    "Click >= 7.0, < 8",
    "ipaddr >= 2.2.0, < 2.3",
    "paginate >= 0.5, < 0.6",
    "paginate_sqlalchemy >= 0.3.0, < 0.4",
    "bcrypt >= 3.1.0, < 3.2",
    "pip >= 20.0, < 999",

dependency_links = [

classifiers = [
    'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
    'Environment :: Web Environment',
    'Framework :: Pylons',
    'Intended Audience :: Developers',
    'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
    'Operating System :: OS Independent',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
    'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
    'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control',

# additional files from project that goes somewhere in the filesystem
# relative to sys.prefix
data_files = []

description = ('Kallithea is a fast and powerful management tool '
               'for Mercurial and Git with a built in push/pull server, '
               'full text search and code-review.')

keywords = ' '.join([
    'kallithea', 'mercurial', 'git', 'code review',
    'repo groups', 'ldap', 'repository management', 'hgweb replacement',
    'hgwebdir', 'gitweb replacement', 'serving hgweb',

# long description
    long_description = open(README_FILE).read()
except IOError as err:
        "[WARNING] Cannot find file specified as long_description (%s): %s\n"
        % (README_FILE, err)
    long_description = description

sdist_org = sdist.sdist
class sdist_new(sdist_org):
    def initialize_options(self):
        self.owner = = 'root'
sdist.sdist = sdist_new

packages = setuptools.find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup'])

    message_extractors={'kallithea': [
            ('**.py', 'python', None),
            ('templates/**.mako', 'mako', {'input_encoding': 'utf-8'}),
            ('templates/**.html', 'mako', {'input_encoding': 'utf-8'}),
            ('public/**', 'ignore', None)]},
    kallithea-api =    kallithea.bin.kallithea_api:main
    kallithea-gist =   kallithea.bin.kallithea_gist:main
    kallithea-cli =    kallithea.bin.kallithea_cli:cli

    main = kallithea.config.application:make_app