view docs/installation.rst @ 679:d85b0948e539 rhodecode-

fixed hooks broken symlink issue fixed python2.5 crash. fixed #58 missing graph.js bug Fixed tests to remove the forked repository when building enviroment version bump
author Marcin Kuzminski <>
date Thu, 11 Nov 2010 15:03:40 +0100
parents bee56f209c40
children 06cfcede13ab
line wrap: on
line source

.. _installation:


``RhodeCode`` is written entirely in Python, but in order to use it's full
potential there are some third-party requirements. When RhodeCode is used 
together with celery_ You have to install some kind of message broker,
recommended one is rabbitmq_ to make the async tasks work.

Of course RhodeCode works in sync mode also, then You don't have to install
any third party apps. Celery_ will give You large speed improvement when using
many big repositories. If You plan to use it for 5 or 10 small repositories, it
will work just fine without celery running.
After You decide to Run it with celery make sure You run celeryd and
message broker together with the application.   

Requirements for Celery

**Message Broker** 

- preferred is `RabbitMq <>`_
- possible other is `Redis <>`_

For installation instructions You can visit:
It's very nice tutorial how to start celery_ with rabbitmq_

Install from Cheese Shop

Easiest way to install ``rhodecode`` is to run::

 easy_install rhodecode


 pip install rhodecode

If you prefer to install manually simply grab latest release from, decompres archive and run::

 python install

Step by step installation example

- Assuming You have installed virtualenv_ create one using. 
  The `--no-site-packages` will make sure non of Your system libs are linked 
  with this virtualenv_  


 virtualenv --no-site-packages /var/www/rhodecode-venv

- this will install new virtualenv_ into `/var/www/rhodecode-venv`. 
- Activate the virtualenv_ by running 


  source activate /var/www/rhodecode-venv/bin/activate
- Make a folder for rhodecode somewhere on the filesystem for example 


  mkdir /var/www/rhodecode
- Run this command to install rhodecode


  easy_install rhodecode 

- this will install rhodecode together with pylons
  and all other required python libraries

You can now proceed to :ref:`setup`

.. _virtualenv:  
.. _python:
.. _mercurial:
.. _celery:
.. _rabbitmq: