view Jenkinsfile @ 6740:f6076c096692

tests: vcs: remove influence of user's hg settings Certain settings in the user's hgrc file can cause test failures. For example, enabling a non-existent extension prints stderr messages like *** failed to import extension journal: No module named journal Tests that check stderr output for emptiness, like test_clone_hg_repo_by_admin, then fail. Instead, avoid all influence of the user's settings, by setting HGRCPATH and HGPLAIN to empty. In versions of Mercurial before 4.2, setting an empty HGRCPATH was generally enough to get expected behavior, but since 4.2 the behavior of some commands has changed, and a pager is now default. Setting HGPLAIN is a simple way of neutralizing even that.
author Thomas De Schampheleire <>
date Wed, 05 Jul 2017 21:17:47 +0200
parents 8a60eb2b7603
children 0acb46763886
line wrap: on
line source

def createvirtualenv = ''
def activatevirtualenv = ''

node {
    if (isUnix()) {
        createvirtualenv = 'rm -r $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME || true && virtualenv $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME'
        activatevirtualenv = '. $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME/bin/activate'
    } else {
        createvirtualenv = 'rmdir /s /q %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME% || true && virtualenv %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME%'
        activatevirtualenv = 'call %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME%\\Scripts\\activate.bat'

    stage('checkout') {
        checkout scm
        if (isUnix()) {
            sh 'hg --config extensions.purge= purge --all'
        } else {
            bat 'hg --config extensions.purge= purge --all'
    stage('virtual env') {
        def virtualenvscript = """$createvirtualenv
            python -m pip install --upgrade pip
            pip install --upgrade setuptools
            pip install --upgrade pylint
            pip install --upgrade pytest-cov
        if (isUnix()) {
            virtualenvscript += """
                pip install --upgrade python-ldap
                pip install --upgrade python-pam
            sh virtualenvscript
        } else {
            bat virtualenvscript
    stage('setup') {
        def virtualenvscript = """$activatevirtualenv
            pip install --upgrade -e .
            pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
            python compile_catalog
        if (isUnix()) {
            sh virtualenvscript
        } else {
            bat virtualenvscript
        stash name: 'kallithea', useDefaultExcludes: false
    stage('pylint') {
        sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
            pylint -j 0 --disable=C -f parseable kallithea > pylint.out
            """, returnStatus: true
        archiveArtifacts 'pylint.out'
        try {
            step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', canComputeNew: false, canResolveRelativePaths: false, defaultEncoding: '', excludePattern: '', healthy: '', includePattern: '', messagesPattern: '', parserConfigurations: [[parserName: 'PyLint', pattern: 'pylint.out']], unHealthy: ''])
        } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exc) {
            echo "You need to install the 'Warnings Plug-in' to display the pylint report."
            currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
            echo "Caught: ${exc}"

def pytests = [:]
pytests['sqlite'] = {
    node {
        ws {
            unstash name: 'kallithea'
            if (isUnix()) {
                sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
                    py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_sqlite.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                    """, returnStatus: true
            } else {
                bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
                    py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_sqlite.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                    """, returnStatus: true
            sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1SQLITE./g" pytest_sqlite.xml'
            archiveArtifacts 'pytest_sqlite.xml'
            junit 'pytest_sqlite.xml'
            try {
                step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false, coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml', failNoReports: false, failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false, maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, onlyStable: false, zoomCoverageChart: false])
            } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exc) {
                echo "You need to install the pipeline compatible 'CoberturaPublisher Plug-in' to display the coverage report."
                currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
                echo "Caught: ${exc}"

pytests['de'] = {
    node {
        if (isUnix()) {
            ws {
                unstash name: 'kallithea'
                ]) {
                    sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
                        py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_de.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                        """, returnStatus: true
                sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1DE./g" pytest_de.xml'
                archiveArtifacts 'pytest_de.xml'
                junit 'pytest_de.xml'
pytests['mysql'] = {
    node {
        if (isUnix()) {
            ws {
                unstash name: 'kallithea'
                sh """$activatevirtualenv
                    pip install --upgrade MySQL-python
                withEnv(['TEST_DB=mysql://kallithea:kallithea@jenkins_mysql/kallithea_test?charset=utf8']) {
                    if (isUnix()) {
                        sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
                            py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_mysql.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                            """, returnStatus: true
                    } else {
                        bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
                            py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_mysql.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                            """, returnStatus: true
                sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1MYSQL./g" pytest_mysql.xml'
                archiveArtifacts 'pytest_mysql.xml'
                junit 'pytest_mysql.xml'
pytests['postgresql'] = {
    node {
        if (isUnix()) {
            ws {
                unstash name: 'kallithea'
                sh """$activatevirtualenv
                    pip install --upgrade psycopg2
                withEnv(['TEST_DB=postgresql://kallithea:kallithea@jenkins_postgresql/kallithea_test']) {
                    if (isUnix()) {
                        sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
                            py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_postgresql.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                            """, returnStatus: true
                    } else {
                        bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
                            py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_postgresql.xml --cov=kallithea --cov-report xml
                            """, returnStatus: true
                sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1POSTGRES./g" pytest_postgresql.xml'
                archiveArtifacts 'pytest_postgresql.xml'
                junit 'pytest_postgresql.xml'
stage('Tests') {
    parallel pytests