view scripts/ @ 6816:f6f6bf39ce64

changeset range: move gravatar in front of revision link In the past this was done by setting float:left on the gravatar. This got lost during the partial bootstrap changes. But the html layout should try to reflect the same order as the visual representation. So this now does it in the html code.
author domruf <>
date Thu, 29 Jun 2017 23:24:42 +0200
parents 6e952212bf06
children 322ce5147fe0
line wrap: on
line source

#!/bin/bash -x

# Enforce some consistency in whitespace - just to avoid spurious whitespaces changes

files=`hg mani | egrep -v '/codemirror/|/fontello/|/email_templates/|(/|^LICENSE-MERGELY.html|^docs/Makefile|^scripts/|/(graph|mergely|native.history|select2/select2|yui.flot|yui.2.9|jquery.dataTables)\.js|/test_dump_html_mails.ref.html|\.png|\.gif|\.ico|\.pot|\.po|\.mo|\.tar\.gz|\.diff)$'`

sed -i "s/`printf '\r'`//g" $files
sed -i -e "s,`printf '\t'`,    ,g" $files
sed -i -e "s,  *$,,g" $files
sed -i -e 's,\([^ ]\)\\$,\1 \\,g' -e 's,\(["'"'"']["'"'"']["'"'"']\) \\$,\1\\,g' $files
# ensure one trailing newline - remove empty last line and make last line include trailing newline:
sed -i -e '$,${/^$/d}' -e '$a\' $files

sed -i -e 's,\([^ /]\){,\1 {,g' `hg loc '*.css'`
sed -i -e 's|^\([^ /].*,\)\([^ ]\)|\1 \2|g' `hg loc '*.css'`

sed -i -e 's/^\(    [^: ]*\) *: *\([^/]\)/\1: \2/g' kallithea/public/css/{style,contextbar}.css
sed -i -e '1s|, |,|g' kallithea/public/css/{style,contextbar}.css
sed -i -e 's/^\([^ ,/]\+ [^,]*[^ ,]\) *, *\(.\)/\1,\n\2/g' kallithea/public/css/{style,contextbar}.css
sed -i -e 's/^\([^ ,/].*\)   */\1 /g' kallithea/public/css/{style,contextbar}.css
sed -i -e 's,[ 	][ 	]*$,,g' -e 's, 	,	,g' kallithea/public/js/graph.js

hg mani | xargs chmod -x
hg loc 'set:!binary()&grep("^#!")&!(**!(**/template**)' | xargs chmod +x

hg diff