view rhodecode/lib/middleware/ @ 4116:ffd45b185016 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl

Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5. This imports changes between changesets 21af6c4eab3d and 6177597791c2 in RhodeCode's original repository, including only changes to Python files and HTML. RhodeCode clearly licensed its changes to these files under GPLv3 in their /LICENSE file, which states the following: The Python code and integrated HTML are licensed under the GPLv3 license. (See: or for an online copy of that LICENSE file) Conservancy reviewed these changes and confirmed that they can be licensed as a whole to the Kallithea project under GPLv3-only. While some of the contents committed herein are clearly licensed GPLv3-or-later, on the whole we must assume the are GPLv3-only, since the statement above from RhodeCode indicates that they intend GPLv3-only as their license, per GPLv3ยง14 and other relevant sections of GPLv3.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:03:13 -0400
parents dc4644865e8b
children 7e5f8c12a3fc
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import socket
import logging
import traceback

from webob import Request, Response, exc

import rhodecode
from rhodecode.lib.vcs import subprocessio

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FileWrapper(object):

    def __init__(self, fd, content_length):
        self.fd = fd
        self.content_length = content_length
        self.remain = content_length

    def read(self, size):
        if size <= self.remain:
                data =
            except socket.error:
                raise IOError(self)
            self.remain -= size
        elif self.remain:
            data =
            self.remain = 0
            data = None
        return data

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<FileWrapper %s len: %s, read: %s>' % (
            self.fd, self.content_length, self.content_length - self.remain

class GitRepository(object):
    git_folder_signature = set(['config', 'head', 'info', 'objects', 'refs'])
    commands = ['git-upload-pack', 'git-receive-pack']

    def __init__(self, repo_name, content_path, extras):
        files = set([f.lower() for f in os.listdir(content_path)])
        if  not (self.git_folder_signature.intersection(files)
                == self.git_folder_signature):
            raise OSError('%s missing git signature' % content_path)
        self.content_path = content_path
        self.valid_accepts = ['application/x-%s-result' %
                              c for c in self.commands]
        self.repo_name = repo_name
        self.extras = extras

    def _get_fixedpath(self, path):
        Small fix for repo_path

        :param path:
        return path.split(self.repo_name, 1)[-1].strip('/')

    def inforefs(self, request, environ):
        WSGI Response producer for HTTP GET Git Smart
        HTTP /info/refs request.

        git_command = request.GET.get('service')
        if git_command not in self.commands:
            log.debug('command %s not allowed' % git_command)
            return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        # note to self:
        # please, resist the urge to add '\n' to git capture and increment
        # line count by 1.
        # The code in Git client not only does NOT need '\n', but actually
        # blows up if you sprinkle "flush" (0000) as "0001\n".
        # It reads binary, per number of bytes specified.
        # if you do add '\n' as part of data, count it.
        server_advert = '# service=%s' % git_command
        packet_len = str(hex(len(server_advert) + 4)[2:].rjust(4, '0')).lower()
        _git_path = rhodecode.CONFIG.get('git_path', 'git')
            out = subprocessio.SubprocessIOChunker(
                r'%s %s --stateless-rpc --advertise-refs "%s"' % (
                    _git_path, git_command[4:], self.content_path),
                    packet_len + server_advert + '0000'
        except EnvironmentError, e:
            raise exc.HTTPExpectationFailed()
        resp = Response()
        resp.content_type = 'application/x-%s-advertisement' % str(git_command)
        resp.charset = None
        resp.app_iter = out
        return resp

    def backend(self, request, environ):
        WSGI Response producer for HTTP POST Git Smart HTTP requests.
        Reads commands and data from HTTP POST's body.
        returns an iterator obj with contents of git command's
        response to stdout
        _git_path = rhodecode.CONFIG.get('git_path', 'git')
        git_command = self._get_fixedpath(request.path_info)
        if git_command not in self.commands:
            log.debug('command %s not allowed' % git_command)
            return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in environ:
            inputstream = FileWrapper(environ['wsgi.input'],
            inputstream = environ['wsgi.input']

            gitenv = os.environ
            # forget all configs
            gitenv['GIT_CONFIG_NOGLOBAL'] = '1'
            opts = dict(
            cmd = r'%s %s --stateless-rpc "%s"' % (_git_path, git_command[4:],
            log.debug('handling cmd %s' % cmd)
            out = subprocessio.SubprocessIOChunker(
        except EnvironmentError, e:
            raise exc.HTTPExpectationFailed()

        if git_command in [u'git-receive-pack']:
            # updating refs manually after each push.
            # Needed for pre- git clients using regular HTTP mode.
            from rhodecode.lib.vcs import get_repo
            from dulwich.server import update_server_info
            repo = get_repo(self.content_path)
            if repo:

        resp = Response()
        resp.content_type = 'application/x-%s-result' % git_command.encode('utf8')
        resp.charset = None
        resp.app_iter = out
        return resp

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        request = Request(environ)
        _path = self._get_fixedpath(request.path_info)
        if _path.startswith('info/refs'):
            app = self.inforefs
        elif [a for a in self.valid_accepts if a in request.accept]:
            app = self.backend
            resp = app(request, environ)
        except exc.HTTPException, e:
            resp = e
        except Exception, e:
            resp = exc.HTTPInternalServerError()
        return resp(environ, start_response)

class GitDirectory(object):

    def __init__(self, repo_root, repo_name, extras):
        repo_location = os.path.join(repo_root, repo_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(repo_location):
            raise OSError(repo_location)

        self.content_path = repo_location
        self.repo_name = repo_name
        self.repo_location = repo_location
        self.extras = extras

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        content_path = self.content_path
            app = GitRepository(self.repo_name, content_path, self.extras)
        except (AssertionError, OSError):
            content_path = os.path.join(content_path, '.git')
            if os.path.isdir(content_path):
                app = GitRepository(self.repo_name, content_path, self.extras)
                return exc.HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response)
        return app(environ, start_response)

def make_wsgi_app(repo_name, repo_root, extras):
    from dulwich.web import LimitedInputFilter, GunzipFilter
    app = GitDirectory(repo_root, repo_name, extras)
    return GunzipFilter(LimitedInputFilter(app))