view rhodecode/lib/ @ 4116:ffd45b185016 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl

Imported some of the GPLv3'd changes from RhodeCode v2.2.5. This imports changes between changesets 21af6c4eab3d and 6177597791c2 in RhodeCode's original repository, including only changes to Python files and HTML. RhodeCode clearly licensed its changes to these files under GPLv3 in their /LICENSE file, which states the following: The Python code and integrated HTML are licensed under the GPLv3 license. (See: or for an online copy of that LICENSE file) Conservancy reviewed these changes and confirmed that they can be licensed as a whole to the Kallithea project under GPLv3-only. While some of the contents committed herein are clearly licensed GPLv3-or-later, on the whole we must assume the are GPLv3-only, since the statement above from RhodeCode indicates that they intend GPLv3-only as their license, per GPLv3ยง14 and other relevant sections of GPLv3.
author Bradley M. Kuhn <>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:03:13 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

"Rational" version definition and parsing for DistutilsVersionFight
discussion at PyCon 2009.

import sys
import re

class IrrationalVersionError(Exception):
    """This is an irrational version."""

class HugeMajorVersionNumError(IrrationalVersionError):
    """An irrational version because the major version number is huge
    (often because a year or date was used).

    See `error_on_huge_major_num` option in `NormalizedVersion` for details.
    This guard can be disabled by setting that option False.

# A marker used in the second and third parts of the `parts` tuple, for
# versions that don't have those segments, to sort properly. An example
# of versions in sort order ('highest' last):
#   1.0b1                 ((1,0), ('b',1), ('f',))
#   1.0.dev345            ((1,0), ('f',),  ('dev', 345))
#   1.0                   ((1,0), ('f',),  ('f',))
#   1.0.post256.dev345    ((1,0), ('f',),  ('f', 'post', 256, 'dev', 345))
#   1.0.post345           ((1,0), ('f',),  ('f', 'post', 345, 'f'))
#                                   ^        ^                 ^
#   'b' < 'f' ---------------------/         |                 |
#                                            |                 |
#   'dev' < 'f' < 'post' -------------------/                  |
#                                                              |
#   'dev' < 'f' ----------------------------------------------/
# Other letters would do, but 'f' for 'final' is kind of nice.

VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'''
    (?P<version>\d+\.\d+)          # minimum 'N.N'
    (?P<extraversion>(?:\.\d+)*)   # any number of extra '.N' segments
        (?P<prerel>[abc]|rc)       # 'a'=alpha, 'b'=beta, 'c'=release candidate
                                   # 'rc'= alias for release candidate
    $''', re.VERBOSE)

class NormalizedVersion(object):
    """A rational version.

        1.2         # equivalent to "1.2.0"
        TODO: fill this out

        1           # mininum two numbers
        1.2a        # release level must have a release serial
    def __init__(self, s, error_on_huge_major_num=True):
        """Create a NormalizedVersion instance from a version string.

        :param s {str} The version string.
        :param error_on_huge_major_num {bool} Whether to consider an
            apparent use of a year or full date as the major version number
            an error. Default True. One of the observed patterns on PyPI before
            the introduction of `NormalizedVersion` was version numbers like this:
            This guard is here to strongly encourage the package author to
            use an alternate version, because a release deployed into PyPI
            and, e.g. downstream Linux package managers, will forever remove
            the possibility of using a version number like "1.0" (i.e.
            where the major number is less than that huge major number).
        self._parse(s, error_on_huge_major_num)

    def from_parts(cls, version, prerelease=FINAL_MARKER,
        return cls(cls.parts_to_str((version, prerelease, devpost)))

    def _parse(self, s, error_on_huge_major_num=True):
        """Parses a string version into parts."""
        match =
        if not match:
            raise IrrationalVersionError(s)

        groups = match.groupdict()
        parts = []

        # main version
        block = self._parse_numdots(groups['version'], s, False, 2)
        extraversion = groups.get('extraversion')
        if extraversion not in ('', None):
            block += self._parse_numdots(extraversion[1:], s)

        # prerelease
        prerel = groups.get('prerel')
        if prerel is not None:
            block = [prerel]
            block += self._parse_numdots(groups.get('prerelversion'), s,

        # postdev
        if groups.get('postdev'):
            post = groups.get('post')
            dev = groups.get('dev')
            postdev = []
            if post is not None:
                postdev.extend([FINAL_MARKER[0], 'post', int(post)])
                if dev is None:
            if dev is not None:
                postdev.extend(['dev', int(dev)])
            parts.append(FINAL_MARKER) = tuple(parts)
        if error_on_huge_major_num and[0][0] > 1980:
            raise HugeMajorVersionNumError("huge major version number, %r, "
                "which might cause future problems: %r" % ([0][0], s))

    def _parse_numdots(self, s, full_ver_str, drop_trailing_zeros=True,
        """Parse 'N.N.N' sequences, return a list of ints.

        :param s {str} 'N.N.N..." sequence to be parsed
        :param full_ver_str {str} The full version string from which this
            comes. Used for error strings.
        :param drop_trailing_zeros {bool} Whether to drop trailing zeros
            from the returned list. Default True.
        :param pad_zeros_length {int} The length to which to pad the
            returned list with zeros, if necessary. Default 0.
        nums = []
        for n in s.split("."):
            if len(n) > 1 and n[0] == '0':
                raise IrrationalVersionError("cannot have leading zero in "
                    "version number segment: '%s' in %r" % (n, full_ver_str))
        if drop_trailing_zeros:
            while nums and nums[-1] == 0:
        while len(nums) < pad_zeros_length:
        return nums

    def __str__(self):
        return self.parts_to_str(

    def parts_to_str(cls, parts):
        """Transforms a version expressed in tuple into its string
        # XXX This doesn't check for invalid tuples
        main, prerel, postdev = parts
        s = '.'.join(str(v) for v in main)
        if prerel is not FINAL_MARKER:
            s += prerel[0]
            s += '.'.join(str(v) for v in prerel[1:])
        if postdev and postdev is not FINAL_MARKER:
            if postdev[0] == 'f':
                postdev = postdev[1:]
            i = 0
            while i < len(postdev):
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    s += '.'
                s += str(postdev[i])
                i += 1
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def _cannot_compare(self, other):
        raise TypeError("cannot compare %s and %s"
                % (type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, NormalizedVersion):
        return ==

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, NormalizedVersion):
        return <

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return not (self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other))

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other)

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other)

def suggest_normalized_version(s):
    """Suggest a normalized version close to the given version string.

    If you have a version string that isn't rational (i.e. NormalizedVersion
    doesn't like it) then you might be able to get an equivalent (or close)
    rational version from this function.

    This does a number of simple normalizations to the given string, based
    on observation of versions currently in use on PyPI. Given a dump of
    those version during PyCon 2009, 4287 of them:
    - 2312 (53.93%) match NormalizedVersion without change
    - with the automatic suggestion
    - 3474 (81.04%) match when using this suggestion method

    :param s {str} An irrational version string.
    :returns: A rational version string, or None, if couldn't determine one.
        return s   # already rational
    except IrrationalVersionError:

    rs = s.lower()

    # part of this could use maketrans
    for orig, repl in (('-alpha', 'a'), ('-beta', 'b'), ('alpha', 'a'),
                       ('beta', 'b'), ('rc', 'c'), ('-final', ''),
                       ('-pre', 'c'),
                       ('-release', ''), ('.release', ''), ('-stable', ''),
                       ('+', '.'), ('_', '.'), (' ', ''), ('.final', ''),
                       ('final', '')):
        rs = rs.replace(orig, repl)

    # if something ends with dev or pre, we add a 0
    rs = re.sub(r"pre$", r"pre0", rs)
    rs = re.sub(r"dev$", r"dev0", rs)

    # if we have something like "b-2" or "a.2" at the end of the
    # version, that is pobably beta, alpha, etc
    # let's remove the dash or dot
    rs = re.sub(r"([abc|rc])[\-\.](\d+)$", r"\1\2", rs)

    # 1.0-dev-r371 -> 1.0.dev371
    # 0.1-dev-r79 -> 0.1.dev79
    rs = re.sub(r"[\-\.](dev)[\-\.]?r?(\d+)$", r".\1\2", rs)

    # Clean: 2.0.a.3, 2.0.b1, 0.9.0~c1
    rs = re.sub(r"[.~]?([abc])\.?", r"\1", rs)

    # Clean: v0.3, v1.0
    if rs.startswith('v'):
        rs = rs[1:]

    # Clean leading '0's on numbers.
    #TODO: unintended side-effect on, e.g., "2003.05.09"
    # PyPI stats: 77 (~2%) better
    rs = re.sub(r"\b0+(\d+)(?!\d)", r"\1", rs)

    # Clean a/b/c with no version. E.g. "1.0a" -> "1.0a0". Setuptools infers
    # zero.
    # PyPI stats: 245 (7.56%) better
    rs = re.sub(r"(\d+[abc])$", r"\g<1>0", rs)

    # the 'dev-rNNN' tag is a dev tag
    rs = re.sub(r"\.?(dev-r|dev\.r)\.?(\d+)$", r".dev\2", rs)

    # clean the - when used as a pre delimiter
    rs = re.sub(r"-(a|b|c)(\d+)$", r"\1\2", rs)

    # a terminal "dev" or "devel" can be changed into ".dev0"
    rs = re.sub(r"[\.\-](dev|devel)$", r".dev0", rs)

    # a terminal "dev" can be changed into ".dev0"
    rs = re.sub(r"(?![\.\-])dev$", r".dev0", rs)

    # a terminal "final" or "stable" can be removed
    rs = re.sub(r"(final|stable)$", "", rs)

    # The 'r' and the '-' tags are post release tags
    #   0.4a1.r10       ->  0.4a1.post10
    #   0.9.33-17222    ->  0.9.3.post17222
    #   0.9.33-r17222   ->  0.9.3.post17222
    rs = re.sub(r"\.?(r|-|-r)\.?(\d+)$", r".post\2", rs)

    # Clean 'r' instead of 'dev' usage:
    #   0.9.33+r17222   ->  0.9.3.dev17222
    #   1.0dev123       ->  1.0.dev123
    #   1.0.git123      ->  1.0.dev123
    #   1.0.bzr123      ->  1.0.dev123
    #   0.1a0dev.123    ->  0.1a0.dev123
    # PyPI stats:  ~150 (~4%) better
    rs = re.sub(r"\.?(dev|git|bzr)\.?(\d+)$", r".dev\2", rs)

    # Clean '.pre' (normalized from '-pre' above) instead of 'c' usage:
    #   0.2.pre1        ->  0.2c1
    #   0.2-c1         ->  0.2c1
    #   1.0preview123   ->  1.0c123
    # PyPI stats: ~21 (0.62%) better
    rs = re.sub(r"\.?(pre|preview|-c)(\d+)$", r"c\g<2>", rs)

    # Tcl/Tk uses "px" for their post release markers
    rs = re.sub(r"p(\d+)$", r".post\1", rs)

        return rs   # already rational
    except IrrationalVersionError:
    return None