changeset 4188:6c0215b29750 kallithea-2.2.5-rebrand

Rename rhodecode.js to base.js
author Bradley M. Kuhn <>
date Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:04:33 -0400
parents d1addaf7a91e
children 9793473d74be
files kallithea/public/js/base.js kallithea/public/js/rhodecode.js kallithea/templates/base/root.html
diffstat 3 files changed, 2150 insertions(+), 2150 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kallithea/public/js/base.js	Wed Jul 02 19:04:33 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2149 @@
+RhodeCode JS Files
+if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log == "undefined"){
+    console = { log: function() {} }
+ * INJECT .format function into String
+ * Usage: "My name is {0} {1}".format("Johny","Bravo")
+ * Return "My name is Johny Bravo"
+ * Inspired by
+ */
+String.prototype.format = function() {
+    function format() {
+        var str = this;
+        var len = arguments.length+1;
+        var safe = undefined;
+        var arg = undefined;
+        // For each {0} {1} {n...} replace with the argument in that position.  If
+        // the argument is an object or an array it will be stringified to JSON.
+        for (var i=0; i < len; arg = arguments[i++]) {
+            safe = typeof arg === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(arg) : arg;
+            str = str.replace(RegExp('\\{'+(i-1)+'\\}', 'g'), safe);
+        }
+        return str;
+    }
+    // Save a reference of what may already exist under the property native.
+    // Allows for doing something like: if("".format.native) { /* use native */ }
+    format.native = String.prototype.format;
+    // Replace the prototype property
+    return format;
+String.prototype.strip = function(char) {
+    if(char === undefined){
+        char = '\\s';
+    }
+    return this.replace(new RegExp('^'+char+'+|'+char+'+$','g'), '');
+String.prototype.lstrip = function(char) {
+    if(char === undefined){
+        char = '\\s';
+    }
+    return this.replace(new RegExp('^'+char+'+'),'');
+String.prototype.rstrip = function(char) {
+    if(char === undefined){
+        char = '\\s';
+    }
+    return this.replace(new RegExp(''+char+'+$'),'');
+   under MIT license / public domain, see
+ */
+if(!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
+    Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) {
+        if ( this === undefined || this === null ) {
+            throw new TypeError( '"this" is null or not defined' );
+        }
+        var length = this.length >>> 0; // Hack to convert object.length to a UInt32
+        fromIndex = +fromIndex || 0;
+        if (Math.abs(fromIndex) === Infinity) {
+            fromIndex = 0;
+        }
+        if (fromIndex < 0) {
+            fromIndex += length;
+            if (fromIndex < 0) {
+                fromIndex = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        for (;fromIndex < length; fromIndex++) {
+            if (this[fromIndex] === searchElement) {
+                return fromIndex;
+            }
+        }
+        return -1;
+    };
+   under MIT license / public domain, see
+ */
+if (!Array.prototype.filter)
+    Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisArg */)
+    {
+        "use strict";
+        if (this === void 0 || this === null)
+            throw new TypeError();
+        var t = Object(this);
+        var len = t.length >>> 0;
+        if (typeof fun !== "function")
+            throw new TypeError();
+        var res = [];
+        var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
+        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
+        {
+            if (i in t)
+            {
+                var val = t[i];
+                // NOTE: Technically this should Object.defineProperty at
+                //       the next index, as push can be affected by
+                //       properties on Object.prototype and Array.prototype.
+                //       But that method's new, and collisions should be
+                //       rare, so use the more-compatible alternative.
+                if (, val, i, t))
+                    res.push(val);
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    };
+ * A customized version of PyRoutes.JS from
+ * which is copyright Stephane Klein and was made available under the BSD License.
+ *
+ * Usage pyroutes.url('mark_error_fixed',{"error_id":error_id}) // /mark_error_fixed/<error_id>
+ */
+var pyroutes = (function() {
+    // access global map defined in special file pyroutes
+    var matchlist = PROUTES_MAP;
+    var sprintf = (function() {
+        function get_type(variable) {
+            return, -1).toLowerCase();
+        }
+        function str_repeat(input, multiplier) {
+            for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) {/* do nothing */}
+            return output.join('');
+        }
+        var str_format = function() {
+            if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) {
+                str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]);
+            }
+            return, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments);
+        };
+        str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) {
+            var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = '', arg, output = [], i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length;
+            for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {
+                node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i]);
+                if (node_type === 'string') {
+                    output.push(parse_tree[i]);
+                }
+                else if (node_type === 'array') {
+                    match = parse_tree[i]; // convenience purposes only
+                    if (match[2]) { // keyword argument
+                        arg = argv[cursor];
+                        for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) {
+                            if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) {
+                                throw(sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match[2][k]));
+                            }
+                            arg = arg[match[2][k]];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (match[1]) { // positional argument (explicit)
+                        arg = argv[match[1]];
+                    }
+                    else { // positional argument (implicit)
+                        arg = argv[cursor++];
+                    }
+                    if (/[^s]/.test(match[8]) && (get_type(arg) != 'number')) {
+                        throw(sprintf('[sprintf] expecting number but found %s', get_type(arg)));
+                    }
+                    switch (match[8]) {
+                        case 'b': arg = arg.toString(2); break;
+                        case 'c': arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); break;
+                        case 'd': arg = parseInt(arg, 10); break;
+                        case 'e': arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential(); break;
+                        case 'f': arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg); break;
+                        case 'o': arg = arg.toString(8); break;
+                        case 's': arg = ((arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg); break;
+                        case 'u': arg = Math.abs(arg); break;
+                        case 'x': arg = arg.toString(16); break;
+                        case 'X': arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); break;
+                    }
+                    arg = (/[def]/.test(match[8]) && match[3] && arg >= 0 ? '+'+ arg : arg);
+                    pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] == '0' ? '0' : match[4].charAt(1) : ' ';
+                    pad_length = match[6] - String(arg).length;
+                    pad = match[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : '';
+                    output.push(match[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg);
+                }
+            }
+            return output.join('');
+        };
+        str_format.cache = {};
+        str_format.parse = function(fmt) {
+            var _fmt = fmt, match = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0;
+            while (_fmt) {
+                if ((match = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
+                    parse_tree.push(match[0]);
+                }
+                else if ((match = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
+                    parse_tree.push('%');
+                }
+                else if ((match = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
+                    if (match[2]) {
+                        arg_names |= 1;
+                        var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = [];
+                        if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
+                            field_list.push(field_match[1]);
+                            while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== '') {
+                                if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
+                                    field_list.push(field_match[1]);
+                                }
+                                else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
+                                    field_list.push(field_match[1]);
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    throw('[sprintf] huh?');
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            throw('[sprintf] huh?');
+                        }
+                        match[2] = field_list;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        arg_names |= 2;
+                    }
+                    if (arg_names === 3) {
+                        throw('[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported');
+                    }
+                    parse_tree.push(match);
+                }
+                else {
+                    throw('[sprintf] huh?');
+                }
+                _fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length);
+            }
+            return parse_tree;
+        };
+        return str_format;
+    })();
+    var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv) {
+        argv.unshift(fmt);
+        return sprintf.apply(null, argv);
+    };
+    return {
+        'url': function(route_name, params) {
+            var result = route_name;
+            if (typeof(params) != 'object'){
+                params = {};
+            }
+            if (matchlist.hasOwnProperty(route_name)) {
+                var route = matchlist[route_name];
+                // param substitution
+                for(var i=0; i < route[1].length; i++) {
+                   if (!params.hasOwnProperty(route[1][i]))
+                        throw new Error(route[1][i] + ' missing in "' + route_name + '" route generation');
+                }
+                result = sprintf(route[0], params);
+                var ret = [];
+                //extra params => GET
+                for(param in params){
+                    if (route[1].indexOf(param) == -1){
+                        ret.push(encodeURIComponent(param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[param]));
+                    }
+                }
+                var _parts = ret.join("&");
+                if(_parts){
+                    result = result +'?'+ _parts
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
+        },
+        'register': function(route_name, route_tmpl, req_params) {
+            if (typeof(req_params) != 'object') {
+                req_params = [];
+            }
+            //fix escape
+            route_tmpl = unescape(route_tmpl);
+            keys = [];
+            for (var i=0; i < req_params.length; i++) {
+                keys.push(req_params[i])
+            }
+            matchlist[route_name] = [
+                route_tmpl,
+                keys
+            ]
+        },
+        '_routes': function(){
+            return matchlist;
+        }
+    }
+ * GLOBAL YUI Shortcuts
+ */
+var YUC = YAHOO.util.Connect;
+var YUD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
+var YUE = YAHOO.util.Event;
+var YUQ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query;
+/* Invoke all functions in callbacks */
+var _run_callbacks = function(callbacks){
+    if (callbacks !== undefined){
+        var _l = callbacks.length;
+        for (var i=0;i<_l;i++){
+            var func = callbacks[i];
+            if(typeof(func)=='function'){
+                try{
+                    func();
+                }catch (err){};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * turns objects into GET query string
+ */
+var _toQueryString = function(o) {
+    if(typeof o !== 'object') {
+        return false;
+    }
+    var _p, _qs = [];
+    for(_p in o) {
+        _qs.push(encodeURIComponent(_p) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(o[_p]));
+    }
+    return _qs.join('&');
+ * Partial Ajax Implementation
+ *
+ * @param url: defines url to make partial request
+ * @param container: defines id of container to input partial result
+ * @param s_call: success callback function that takes o as arg
+ *  o.tId
+ *  o.status
+ *  o.statusText
+ *  o.getResponseHeader[ ]
+ *  o.getAllResponseHeaders
+ *  o.responseText
+ *  o.responseXML
+ *  o.argument
+ * @param f_call: failure callback
+ * @param args arguments
+ */
+function ypjax(url,container,s_call,f_call,args){
+    var method='GET';
+    if(args===undefined){
+        args=null;
+    }
+    $container = $('#' + container);
+    // Set special header for partial ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
+    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
+    // wrapper of passed callback
+    var s_wrapper = (function(o){
+        return function(o){
+            $container.html(o.responseText);
+            $container.css('opacity','1.0');
+            //execute the given original callback
+            if (s_call !== undefined){
+                s_call(o);
+            }
+        }
+    })()
+    $container.css('opacity','0.3');
+    YUC.asyncRequest(method,url,{
+        success:s_wrapper,
+        failure:function(o){
+            console.log('ypjax failure: '+o);
+            $container.html('<span class="error_red">ERROR: {0}</span>'.format(o.status));
+            $container.css('opacity','1.0');
+        },
+        cache:false
+    },args);
+var ajaxGET = function(url,success) {
+    // Set special header for ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
+    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
+    var sUrl = url;
+    var callback = {
+        success: success,
+        failure: function (o) {
+            if (o.status != 0) {
+                alert("error: " + o.statusText);
+            };
+        },
+    };
+    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback);
+    return request;
+var ajaxPOST = function(url,postData,success) {
+    // Set special header for ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
+    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
+    var sUrl = url;
+    var callback = {
+        success: success,
+        failure: function (o) {
+            alert("error");
+        },
+    };
+    var postData = _toQueryString(postData);
+    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl, callback, postData);
+    return request;
+ * activate .show_more links
+ * the .show_more must have an id that is the the id of an element to hide prefixed with _
+ * the parentnode will be displayed
+ */
+var show_more_event = function(){
+    $('.show_more').click(function(e){
+        var el = e.currentTarget;
+        $('#' +;
+        $(el.parentNode).show();
+    });
+ * activate .lazy-cs mouseover for showing changeset tooltip
+ */
+var show_changeset_tooltip = function(){
+    $('.lazy-cs').mouseover(function(e){
+        var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
+        var rid = $target.attr('raw_id');
+        var repo_name = $target.attr('repo_name');
+        if(rid && !$target.hasClass('tooltip')){
+            _show_tooltip(e, _TM['loading ...']);
+            var url = pyroutes.url('changeset_info', {"repo_name": repo_name, "revision": rid});
+            ajaxGET(url, function(o){
+                    var json = JSON.parse(o.responseText);
+                    $target.addClass('tooltip')
+                    _show_tooltip(e, json['message']);
+                    _activate_tooltip($target);
+                });
+        }
+    });
+var _onSuccessFollow = function(target){
+    var $target = $(target);
+    var $f_cnt = $('#current_followers_count');
+    if($target.hasClass('follow')){
+        $target.attr('class', 'following');
+        $target.attr('title', _TM['Stop following this repository']);
+        if($f_cnt.html()){
+            var cnt = Number($f_cnt.html())+1;
+            $f_cnt.html(cnt);
+        }
+    }
+    else{
+        $target.attr('class', 'follow');
+        $target.attr('title', _TM['Start following this repository']);
+        if($f_cnt.html()){
+            var cnt = Number($f_cnt.html())-1;
+            $f_cnt.html(cnt);
+        }
+    }
+var toggleFollowingRepo = function(target, follows_repo_id, token, user_id){
+    args = 'follows_repo_id='+follows_repo_id;
+    args+= '&amp;auth_token='+token;
+    if(user_id != undefined){
+        args+="&amp;user_id="+user_id;
+    }
+    $.post(TOGGLE_FOLLOW_URL, args, function(data){
+            _onSuccessFollow(target);
+        });
+    return false;
+var showRepoSize = function(target, repo_name, token){
+    var args= 'auth_token='+token;
+    if(!$("#" + target).hasClass('loaded')){
+        $("#" + target).html(_TM['Loading ...']);
+        var url = pyroutes.url('repo_size', {"repo_name":repo_name});
+        $.post(url, args, function(data) {
+            $("#" + target).html(data);
+            $("#" + target).addClass('loaded');
+        });
+    }
+    return false;
+ * tooltips
+ */
+var tooltip_activate = function(){
+    $(document).ready(_init_tooltip);
+var _activate_tooltip = function($tt){
+    $tt.mouseover(_show_tooltip);
+    $tt.mousemove(_move_tooltip);
+    $tt.mouseout(_close_tooltip);
+var _init_tooltip = function(){
+    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
+    if(!$tipBox.length){
+        $tipBox = $('<div id="tip-box"></div>')
+        $(document.body).append($tipBox);
+    }
+    $tipBox.hide();
+    $tipBox.css('position', 'absolute');
+    $tipBox.css('max-width', '600px');
+    _activate_tooltip($('.tooltip'));
+var _show_tooltip = function(e, tipText){
+    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+    var el = e.currentTarget;
+    if(tipText){
+        // just use it
+    } else if(el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img'){
+        tipText = el.alt ? el.alt : '';
+    } else {
+        tipText = el.title ? el.title : '';
+    }
+    if(tipText !== ''){
+        // save org title
+        $(el).attr('tt_title', tipText);
+        // reset title to not show org tooltips
+        $(el).attr('title', '');
+        var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
+        $tipBox.html(tipText);
+        $tipBox.css('display', 'block');
+    }
+var _move_tooltip = function(e){
+    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
+    $tipBox.css('top', (e.pageY + 15) + 'px');
+    $tipBox.css('left', (e.pageX + 15) + 'px');
+var _close_tooltip = function(e){
+    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
+    $tipBox.hide();
+    var el = e.currentTarget;
+    $(el).attr('title', $(el).attr('tt_title'));
+ * Quick filter widget
+ *
+ * @param target: filter input target
+ * @param nodes: list of nodes in html we want to filter.
+ * @param display_element function that takes current node from nodes and
+ *    does hide or show based on the node
+ */
+var q_filter = function(target, nodes, display_element){
+    var nodes = nodes;
+    var $q_filter_field = $('#' + target);
+    var F = YAHOO.namespace(target);
+    $q_filter_field.keyup(function(e){
+        clearTimeout(F.filterTimeout);
+        F.filterTimeout = setTimeout(F.updateFilter, 600);
+    });
+    F.filterTimeout = null;
+    F.updateFilter  = function() {
+        // Reset timeout
+        F.filterTimeout = null;
+        var obsolete = [];
+        var req = $q_filter_field.val().toLowerCase();
+        var l = nodes.length;
+        var i;
+        var showing = 0;
+        for (i=0; i<l; i++ ){
+            var n = nodes[i];
+            var target_element = display_element(n)
+            if(req && n.innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(req) == -1){
+                $(target_element).hide();
+            }
+            else{
+                $(target_element).show();
+                showing += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        $('#repo_count').html(showing); /* FIXME: don't hardcode */
+    }
+/* return jQuery expression with a tr with body in 3rd column and class cls and id named after the body */
+var _table_tr = function(cls, body){
+    // like: <div class="comment" id="comment-8" line="o92"><div class="comment-wrapp">...
+    // except new inlines which are different ...
+    var comment_id = ($(body).attr('id') || 'comment-new').split('comment-')[1];
+    var tr_id = 'comment-tr-{0}'.format(comment_id);
+    return $(('<tr id="{0}" class="{1}">'+
+                  '<td class="lineno-inline new-inline"></td>'+
+                  '<td class="lineno-inline old-inline"></td>'+
+                  '<td>{2}</td>'+
+                 '</tr>').format(tr_id, cls, body));
+/** return jQuery expression with new inline form based on template **/
+var _createInlineForm = function(parent_tr, f_path, line) {
+    var $tmpl = $('#comment-inline-form-template').html().format(f_path, line);
+    var $form = _table_tr('comment-form-inline', $tmpl)
+    // create event for hide button
+    $form.find('.hide-inline-form').click(function(e) {
+        var newtr = e.currentTarget.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+        if($(newtr).next().hasClass('inline-comments-button')){
+            $(newtr).next().show();
+        }
+        $(newtr).remove();
+        $(parent_tr).removeClass('form-open');
+        $(parent_tr).removeClass('hl-comment');
+    });
+    return $form
+ * Inject inline comment for an given TR. This tr should always be a .line .
+ * The form will be inject after any comments.
+ */
+var injectInlineForm = function(tr){
+    $tr = $(tr);
+    if(!$tr.hasClass('line')){
+        return
+    }
+    var submit_url = AJAX_COMMENT_URL;
+    var $td = $tr.find('.code');
+    if($tr.hasClass('form-open') || $tr.hasClass('context') || $td.hasClass('no-comment')){
+        return
+    }
+    $tr.addClass('form-open hl-comment');
+    var $node = $tr.parent().parent().parent().find('.full_f_path');
+    var f_path = $node.attr('path');
+    var lineno = _getLineNo(tr);
+    var $form = _createInlineForm(tr, f_path, lineno, submit_url);
+    var $parent = $tr;
+    while ($'inline-comments')){
+        var $parent = $;
+    }
+    $form.insertAfter($parent);
+    var $overlay = $form.find('.overlay');
+    var $inlineform = $form.find('.inline-form');
+    $form.submit(function(e){
+        e.preventDefault();
+        if(lineno === undefined){
+            alert('missing line !');
+            return
+        }
+        if(f_path === undefined){
+            alert('missing file path !');
+            return
+        }
+        var text = $('#text_'+lineno).val();
+        if(text == ""){
+            return
+        }
+        if ($overlay.hasClass('overlay')){
+            $overlay.css('width', $inlineform.offsetWidth + 'px');
+            $overlay.css('height', $inlineform.offsetHeight + 'px');
+        }
+        $overlay.addClass('submitting');
+        var success = function(o){
+            $tr.removeClass('form-open');
+            $form.remove();
+            var json_data = JSON.parse(o.responseText);
+            _renderInlineComment(json_data);
+        };
+        var postData = {
+                'text': text,
+                'f_path': f_path,
+                'line': lineno
+        };
+        ajaxPOST(submit_url, postData, success);
+    });
+    $('#preview-btn_'+lineno).click(function(e){
+        var text = $('#text_'+lineno).val();
+        if(!text){
+            return
+        }
+        $('#preview-box_'+lineno).addClass('unloaded');
+        $('#preview-box_'+lineno).html(_TM['Loading ...']);
+        $('#edit-container_'+lineno).hide();
+        $('#preview-container_'+lineno).show();
+        var url = pyroutes.url('changeset_comment_preview', {'repo_name': REPO_NAME});
+        var post_data = {'text': text};
+        ajaxPOST(url, post_data, function(o){
+            $('#preview-box_'+lineno).html(o.responseText);
+            $('#preview-box_'+lineno).removeClass('unloaded');
+        })
+    })
+    $('#edit-btn_'+lineno).click(function(e){
+        $('#edit-container_'+lineno).show();
+        $('#preview-container_'+lineno).hide();
+    })
+    setTimeout(function(){
+        // callbacks
+        tooltip_activate();
+        MentionsAutoComplete('text_'+lineno, 'mentions_container_'+lineno,
+                             _USERS_AC_DATA, _GROUPS_AC_DATA);
+        $('#text_'+lineno).focus();
+    },10)
+var deleteComment = function(comment_id){
+    var url = AJAX_COMMENT_DELETE_URL.replace('__COMMENT_ID__',comment_id);
+    var postData = {'_method':'delete'};
+    var success = function(o){
+        var $deleted = $('#comment-tr-'+comment_id);
+        var $prev = $deleted.prev('tr');
+        $deleted.remove();
+        _placeAddButton($prev);
+    }
+    ajaxPOST(url,postData,success);
+var _getLineNo = function(tr) {
+    var line;
+    var o = $(tr).children()[0].id.split('_');
+    var n = $(tr).children()[1].id.split('_');
+    if (n.length >= 2) {
+        line = n[n.length-1];
+    } else if (o.length >= 2) {
+        line = o[o.length-1];
+    }
+    return line
+var _placeAddButton = function($line_tr){
+    var $tr = $line_tr;
+    while ($'inline-comments')){
+        $tr.find('.add-comment').remove();
+        $tr = $;
+    }
+    $tr.find('.add-comment').remove();
+    var label = TRANSLATION_MAP['Add another comment'];
+    var $html_el = $('<div class="add-comment"><span class="btn btn-mini">{0}</span></div>'.format(label));
+    $ {
+        injectInlineForm($line_tr);
+    });
+    $tr.find('.comment').after($html_el);
+ * Places the inline comment into the changeset block in proper line position
+ */
+var _placeInline = function(target_id, lineno, html){
+    var $td = $("#{0}_{1}".format(target_id, lineno));
+    // check if there are comments already !
+    var $line_tr = $td.parent(); // the tr
+    var $after_tr = $line_tr;
+    while ($'inline-comments')){
+        $after_tr = $;
+    }
+    // put in the comment at the bottom
+    $after_tr.after(_table_tr('inline-comments', html));
+    // scan nodes, and attach add button to last one
+    _placeAddButton($line_tr);
+ * make a single inline comment and place it inside
+ */
+var _renderInlineComment = function(json_data){
+    var html =  json_data['rendered_text'];
+    var lineno = json_data['line_no'];
+    var target_id = json_data['target_id'];
+    _placeInline(target_id, lineno, html);
+ * Iterates over all the inlines, and places them inside proper blocks of data
+ */
+var renderInlineComments = function(file_comments){
+    for (f in file_comments){
+        // holding all comments for a FILE
+        var box = file_comments[f];
+        var target_id = $(box).attr('target_id');
+        // actual comments with line numbers
+        var comments = box.children;
+        for(var i=0; i<comments.length; i++){
+            var data = {
+                'rendered_text': comments[i].outerHTML,
+                'line_no': $(comments[i]).attr('line'),
+                'target_id': target_id
+            }
+            _renderInlineComment(data);
+        }
+    }
+/* activate files.html stuff */
+var fileBrowserListeners = function(current_url, node_list_url, url_base){
+    var current_url_branch = "?branch=__BRANCH__";
+    $('#stay_at_branch').on('click',function(e){
+        if(e.currentTarget.checked){
+            var uri = current_url_branch;
+            uri = uri.replace('__BRANCH__',e.currentTarget.value);
+            window.location = uri;
+        }
+        else{
+            window.location = current_url;
+        }
+    })
+    var $node_filter = $('#node_filter');
+    var filterTimeout = null;
+    var nodes = null;
+    var initFilter = function(){
+        $('#node_filter_box_loading').show();
+        $('#search_activate_id').hide();
+        $('#add_node_id').hide();
+        YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
+        YUC.asyncRequest('GET', node_list_url, {
+            success:function(o){
+                nodes = JSON.parse(o.responseText).nodes;
+                $('#node_filter_box_loading').hide();
+                $('#node_filter_box').show();
+                $node_filter.focus();
+                if($node_filter.hasClass('init')){
+                    $node_filter.val('');
+                    $node_filter.removeClass('init');
+                }
+            },
+            failure:function(o){
+                console.log('failed to load');
+            }
+        },null);
+    }
+    var updateFilter = function(e) {
+        return function(){
+            // Reset timeout
+            filterTimeout = null;
+            var query = e.currentTarget.value.toLowerCase();
+            var match = [];
+            var matches = 0;
+            var matches_max = 20;
+            if (query != ""){
+                for(var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
+                    var pos = nodes[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query)
+                    if(query && pos != -1){
+                        matches++
+                        //show only certain amount to not kill browser
+                        if (matches > matches_max){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        var n = nodes[i].name;
+                        var t = nodes[i].type;
+                        var n_hl = n.substring(0,pos)
+                          +"<b>{0}</b>".format(n.substring(pos,pos+query.length))
+                          +n.substring(pos+query.length)
+                        var new_url = url_base.replace('__FPATH__',n);
+                        match.push('<tr><td><a class="browser-{0}" href="{1}">{2}</a></td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(t,new_url,n_hl));
+                    }
+                    if(match.length >= matches_max){
+                        match.push('<tr><td>{0}</td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(_TM['Search truncated']));
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(query != ""){
+                $('#tbody').hide();
+                $('#tbody_filtered').show();
+                if (match.length==0){
+                  match.push('<tr><td>{0}</td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(_TM['No matching files']));
+                }
+                $('#tbody_filtered').html(match.join(""));
+            }
+            else{
+                $('#tbody').show();
+                $('#tbody_filtered').hide();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    $('#filter_activate').click(function(){
+            initFilter();
+        });
+    ${
+            if($node_filter.hasClass('init')){
+                $node_filter.val('');
+                $node_filter.removeClass('init');
+            }
+        });
+    $node_filter.keyup(function(e){
+            clearTimeout(filterTimeout);
+            filterTimeout = setTimeout(updateFilter(e),600);
+        });
+var initCodeMirror = function(textarea_id, resetUrl){
+    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#' + textarea_id)[0], {
+            mode: "null",
+            lineNumbers: true,
+            indentUnit: 4,
+            autofocus: true,
+        });
+    $('#reset').click(function(e){
+            window.location=resetUrl;
+        });
+    $('#file_enable').click(function(){
+            $('#editor_container').show();
+            $('#upload_file_container').hide();
+            $('#filename_container').show();
+            $('#set_mode_header').show();
+        });
+    $('#upload_file_enable').click(function(){
+            $('#editor_container').hide();
+            $('#upload_file_container').show();
+            $('#filename_container').hide();
+            $('#set_mode_header').hide();
+        });
+    return myCodeMirror
+var setCodeMirrorMode = function(codeMirrorInstance, mode) {
+    codeMirrorInstance.setOption("mode", mode);
+    CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(codeMirrorInstance, mode);
+var _getIdentNode = function(n){
+    //iterate thrugh nodes until matching interesting node
+    if (typeof n == 'undefined'){
+        return -1
+    }
+    if(typeof != "undefined" &&'L[0-9]+')){
+        return n
+    }
+    else{
+        return _getIdentNode(n.parentNode);
+    }
+/* generate links for multi line selects that can be shown by files.html page_highlights.
+ * This is a mouseup handler for hlcode from CodeHtmlFormatter and pygmentize */
+var getSelectionLink = function(e) {
+    //get selection from start/to nodes
+    if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") {
+        s = window.getSelection();
+        from = _getIdentNode(s.anchorNode);
+        till = _getIdentNode(s.focusNode);
+        f_int = parseInt('L',''));
+        t_int = parseInt('L',''));
+        var yoffset = 35;
+        var ranges = [parseInt('L','')), parseInt('L',''))];
+        if (ranges[0] > ranges[1]){
+            //highlight from bottom
+            yoffset = -yoffset;
+            ranges = [ranges[1], ranges[0]];
+        }
+        var $hl_div = $('div#linktt');
+        // if we select more than 2 lines
+        if (ranges[0] != ranges[1]){
+            if ($hl_div.length) {
+                $hl_div.html('');
+            } else {
+                $hl_div = $('<div id="linktt" class="hl-tip-box">');
+                $('body').prepend($hl_div);
+            }
+            $hl_div.append($('<a>').html(_TM['Selection link']).attr('href', location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf('#')) + '#L' + ranges[0] + '-'+ranges[1]));
+            xy = $(till).offset();
+            $hl_div.css('top', ( + yoffset) + 'px').css('left', xy.left + 'px');
+            $;
+        }
+        else{
+            $hl_div.hide();
+        }
+    }
+var deleteNotification = function(url, notification_id, callbacks){
+    var callback = {
+        success:function(o){
+            $("#notification_"+notification_id).remove();
+            _run_callbacks(callbacks);
+        },
+        failure:function(o){
+            alert("error");
+        },
+    };
+    var postData = '_method=delete';
+    var sUrl = url.replace('__NOTIFICATION_ID__',notification_id);
+    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl,
+                                                  callback, postData);
+var readNotification = function(url, notification_id, callbacks){
+    var callback = {
+        success:function(o){
+            var $obj = $("#notification_"+notification_id);
+            $obj.removeClass('unread');
+            $obj.find('.read-notification').remove();
+            _run_callbacks(callbacks);
+        },
+        failure:function(o){
+            alert("error");
+        },
+    };
+    var postData = '_method=put';
+    var sUrl = url.replace('__NOTIFICATION_ID__',notification_id);
+    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl,
+                                                  callback, postData);
+var _MembersAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
+    var myUsers = users_list;
+    var myGroups = groups_list;
+    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
+    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
+            // Case insensitive matching
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var i = 0;
+            var l = myUsers.length;
+            var matches = [];
+            // Match against each name of each contact
+            for (; i < l; i++) {
+                contact = myUsers[i];
+                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
+                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
+                }
+            }
+            return matches;
+        };
+    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of userGroups
+    var matchGroups = function (sQuery) {
+            // Case insensitive matching
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var i = 0;
+            var l = myGroups.length;
+            var matches = [];
+            // Match against each name of each contact
+            for (; i < l; i++) {
+                matched_group = myGroups[i];
+                if (matched_group.grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
+                    matches[matches.length] = matched_group;
+                }
+            }
+            return matches;
+        };
+    //match all
+    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
+            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
+            g = matchGroups(sQuery);
+            return u.concat(g);
+        };
+    // DataScheme for members
+    var memberDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchAll);
+    memberDS.responseSchema = {
+        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "grname", "grmembers", "gravatar_lnk"]
+    };
+    // DataScheme for owner
+    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
+    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
+        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
+    };
+    // Instantiate AutoComplete for perms
+    var membersAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, memberDS);
+    membersAC.useShadow = false;
+    membersAC.resultTypeList = false;
+    membersAC.animVert = false;
+    membersAC.animHoriz = false;
+    membersAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
+    // Instantiate AutoComplete for owner
+    var ownerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("user", "owner_container", ownerDS);
+    ownerAC.useShadow = false;
+    ownerAC.resultTypeList = false;
+    ownerAC.animVert = false;
+    ownerAC.animHoriz = false;
+    ownerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
+    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
+    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
+            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
+            + "<span class='match'>"
+            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
+            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
+        };
+    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
+    var custom_formatter = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
+                if (group !== undefined){
+                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
+                }
+                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
+                return tmpl.format(em,res)
+            }
+            // group
+            if (oResultData.grname != undefined) {
+                var grname = oResultData.grname;
+                var grmembers = oResultData.grmembers;
+                var grnameMatchIndex = grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query);
+                var grprefix = "{0}: ".format(_TM['Group']);
+                var grsuffix = " (" + grmembers + "  )";
+                var grsuffix = " ({0}  {1})".format(grmembers, _TM['members']);
+                if (grnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    return _gravatar(grprefix + highlightMatch(grname, query, grnameMatchIndex) + grsuffix,null,true);
+                }
+                return _gravatar(grprefix + oResultData.grname + grsuffix, null,true);
+            // Users
+            } else if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
+                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
+                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
+                var nname = oResultData.nname;
+                // Guard against null value
+                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
+                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displayfname = fname;
+                }
+                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displaylname = lname;
+                }
+                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
+                } else {
+                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
+                }
+                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
+            } else {
+                return '';
+            }
+        };
+    membersAC.formatResult = custom_formatter;
+    ownerAC.formatResult = custom_formatter;
+    var myHandler = function (sType, aArgs) {
+            var nextId = divid.split('perm_new_member_name_')[1];
+            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
+            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
+            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
+            //fill the autocomplete with value
+            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
+                //users
+                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.nname;
+                $('#perm_new_member_type_'+nextId).val('user');
+            } else {
+                //groups
+                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.grname;
+                $('#perm_new_member_type_'+nextId).val('users_group');
+            }
+        };
+    membersAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler);
+    if(ownerAC.itemSelectEvent){
+        ownerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler);
+    }
+    return {
+        memberDS: memberDS,
+        ownerDS: ownerDS,
+        membersAC: membersAC,
+        ownerAC: ownerAC,
+    };
+var MentionsAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
+    var myUsers = users_list;
+    var myGroups = groups_list;
+    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
+    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
+            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
+            if(this.mentionQuery == null){
+                return []
+            }
+            sQuery = this.mentionQuery;
+            // Case insensitive matching
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var i = 0;
+            var l = myUsers.length;
+            var matches = [];
+            // Match against each name of each contact
+            for (; i < l; i++) {
+                contact = myUsers[i];
+                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
+                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
+                }
+            }
+            return matches
+        };
+    //match all
+    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
+            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
+            return u
+        };
+    // DataScheme for owner
+    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
+    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
+        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
+    };
+    // Instantiate AutoComplete for mentions
+    var ownerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, ownerDS);
+    ownerAC.useShadow = false;
+    ownerAC.resultTypeList = false;
+    ownerAC.suppressInputUpdate = true;
+    ownerAC.animVert = false;
+    ownerAC.animHoriz = false;
+    ownerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
+    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
+    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
+            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
+            + "<span class='match'>"
+            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
+            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
+        };
+    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
+    ownerAC.formatResult = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
+            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
+            if(this.dataSource.mentionQuery != null){
+                sQuery = this.dataSource.mentionQuery;
+            }
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
+                if (group !== undefined){
+                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
+                }
+                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
+                return tmpl.format(em,res)
+            }
+            if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
+                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
+                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
+                var nname = oResultData.nname;
+                // Guard against null value
+                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
+                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displayfname = fname;
+                }
+                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displaylname = lname;
+                }
+                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
+                } else {
+                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
+                }
+                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
+            } else {
+                return '';
+            }
+        };
+    if(ownerAC.itemSelectEvent){
+        ownerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function (sType, aArgs) {
+            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
+            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
+            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
+            //fill the autocomplete with value
+            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
+                //users
+                //Replace the mention name with replaced
+                var re = new RegExp();
+                var org = myAC.getInputEl().value;
+                var chunks = myAC.dataSource.chunks
+                // replace middle chunk(the search term) with actuall  match
+                chunks[1] = chunks[1].replace('@'+myAC.dataSource.mentionQuery,
+                                              '@'+oData.nname+' ');
+                myAC.getInputEl().value = chunks.join('')
+                myAC.getInputEl().focus(); // Y U NO WORK !?
+            } else {
+                //groups
+                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.grname;
+                $('#perm_new_member_type').val('users_group');
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    // in this keybuffer we will gather current value of search !
+    // since we need to get this just when someone does `@` then we do the
+    // search
+    ownerAC.dataSource.chunks = [];
+    ownerAC.dataSource.mentionQuery = null;
+    ownerAC.get_mention = function(msg, max_pos) {
+        var org = msg;
+        var re = new RegExp('(?:^@|\s@)([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)$')
+        var chunks  = [];
+        // cut first chunk until curret pos
+        var to_max = msg.substr(0, max_pos);
+        var at_pos = Math.max(0,to_max.lastIndexOf('@')-1);
+        var msg2 = to_max.substr(at_pos);
+        chunks.push(org.substr(0,at_pos))// prefix chunk
+        chunks.push(msg2)                // search chunk
+        chunks.push(org.substr(max_pos)) // postfix chunk
+        // clean up msg2 for filtering and regex match
+        var msg2 = msg2.lstrip(' ').lstrip('\n');
+        if(re.test(msg2)){
+            var unam = re.exec(msg2)[1];
+            return [unam, chunks];
+        }
+        return [null, null];
+    };
+    $divid = $('#'+divid);
+    $divid.keyup(function(e){
+            var currentMessage = $divid.val();
+            var currentCaretPosition = $divid[0].selectionStart;
+            var unam = ownerAC.get_mention(currentMessage, currentCaretPosition);
+            var curr_search = null;
+            if(unam[0]){
+                curr_search = unam[0];
+            }
+            ownerAC.dataSource.chunks = unam[1];
+            ownerAC.dataSource.mentionQuery = curr_search;
+        });
+var addReviewMember = function(id,fname,lname,nname,gravatar_link){
+    var displayname = "{0} {1} ({2})".format(fname, lname, nname);
+    var element = (
+        '     <li id="reviewer_{2}">\n'+
+        '       <div class="reviewers_member">\n'+
+        '           <div class="reviewer_status tooltip" title="not_reviewed">\n'+
+        '             <img src="/images/icons/flag_status_not_reviewed.png"/>\n'+
+        '           </div>\n'+
+        '         <div class="reviewer_gravatar gravatar"><img alt="gravatar" src="{0}"/> </div>\n'+
+        '         <div style="float:left;">{1}</div>\n'+
+        '         <input type="hidden" value="{2}" name="review_members" />\n'+
+        '         <div class="reviewer_member_remove action_button" onclick="removeReviewMember({2})">\n'+
+        '             <i class="icon-remove-sign" style="color: #FF4444;"></i>\n'+
+        '         </div>\n'+
+        '       </div>\n'+
+        '     </li>\n'
+        ).format(gravatar_link, displayname, id);
+    // check if we don't have this ID already in
+    var ids = [];
+    $('#review_members').find('li').each(function() {
+            ids.push(;
+        });
+    if(ids.indexOf('reviewer_'+id) == -1){
+        //only add if it's not there
+        $('#review_members').append(element);
+    }
+var removeReviewMember = function(reviewer_id, repo_name, pull_request_id){
+    $('#reviewer_{0}'.format(reviewer_id)).remove();
+/* handle "Save Changes" of addReviewMember and removeReviewMember on PR */
+var updateReviewers = function(reviewers_ids, repo_name, pull_request_id){
+    if (reviewers_ids === undefined){
+        var reviewers_ids = [];
+        $('#review_members').find('input').each(function(){
+                reviewers_ids.push(this.value);
+            });
+    }
+    var url = pyroutes.url('pullrequest_update', {"repo_name":repo_name,
+                                                  "pull_request_id": pull_request_id});
+    var postData = {'_method':'put',
+                    'reviewers_ids': reviewers_ids};
+    var success = function(o){
+        window.location.reload();
+    }
+    ajaxPOST(url,postData,success);
+/* activate auto completion of users and groups ... but only used for users as PR reviewers */
+var PullRequestAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
+    var myUsers = users_list;
+    var myGroups = groups_list;
+    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
+    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
+            // Case insensitive matching
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var i = 0;
+            var l = myUsers.length;
+            var matches = [];
+            // Match against each name of each contact
+            for (; i < l; i++) {
+                contact = myUsers[i];
+                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
+                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
+                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
+                }
+            }
+            return matches;
+        };
+    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of userGroups
+    var matchGroups = function (sQuery) {
+            // Case insensitive matching
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var i = 0;
+            var l = myGroups.length;
+            var matches = [];
+            // Match against each name of each contact
+            for (; i < l; i++) {
+                matched_group = myGroups[i];
+                if (matched_group.grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
+                    matches[matches.length] = matched_group;
+                }
+            }
+            return matches;
+        };
+    //match all
+    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
+            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
+            return u
+        };
+    // DataScheme for owner
+    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
+    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
+        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
+    };
+    // Instantiate AutoComplete for mentions
+    var reviewerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, ownerDS);
+    reviewerAC.useShadow = false;
+    reviewerAC.resultTypeList = false;
+    reviewerAC.suppressInputUpdate = true;
+    reviewerAC.animVert = false;
+    reviewerAC.animHoriz = false;
+    reviewerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
+    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
+    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
+            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
+            + "<span class='match'>"
+            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
+            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
+        };
+    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
+    reviewerAC.formatResult = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
+            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
+            if(this.dataSource.mentionQuery != null){
+                sQuery = this.dataSource.mentionQuery;
+            }
+            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
+            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
+                if (group !== undefined){
+                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
+                }
+                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
+                return tmpl.format(em,res)
+            }
+            if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
+                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
+                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
+                var nname = oResultData.nname;
+                // Guard against null value
+                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
+                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
+                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displayfname = fname;
+                }
+                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
+                } else {
+                    displaylname = lname;
+                }
+                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
+                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
+                } else {
+                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
+                }
+                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
+            } else {
+                return '';
+            }
+        };
+    //members cache to catch duplicates
+    reviewerAC.dataSource.cache = [];
+    // hack into select event
+    if(reviewerAC.itemSelectEvent){
+        reviewerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function (sType, aArgs) {
+            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
+            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
+            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
+            //fill the autocomplete with value
+            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
+                addReviewMember(, oData.fname, oData.lname, oData.nname,
+                                oData.gravatar_lnk);
+                myAC.dataSource.cache.push(;
+                $('#user').val('');
+            }
+        });
+    }
+ * Activate .quick_repo_menu
+ */
+var quick_repo_menu = function(){
+    $(".quick_repo_menu").mouseenter(function(e) {
+            var $menu = $(e.currentTarget).children().first().children().first();
+            if($menu.hasClass('hidden')){
+                $menu.removeClass('hidden').addClass('active');
+                $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('hidden').addClass('active');
+            }
+        })
+    $(".quick_repo_menu").mouseleave(function(e) {
+            var $menu = $(e.currentTarget).children().first().children().first();
+            if($menu.hasClass('active')){
+                $menu.removeClass('active').addClass('hidden');
+                $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('active').addClass('hidden');
+            }
+        })
+ */
+var revisionSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
+    var a_ = parseInt(a.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
+    var b_ = parseInt(b.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
+    return, b_, desc);
+var ageSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
+    // data is like: <span class="tooltip" date="2014-06-04 18:18:55.325474" title="Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:18:55">1 day and 23 hours ago</span>
+    var a_ = $(a.getData(field)).attr('date');
+    var b_ = $(b.getData(field)).attr('date');
+    return, b_, desc);
+var lastLoginSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
+    var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
+    var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
+    return, b_, desc);
+var nameSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
+    var a_ = a.getData('raw_name') || 0;
+    var b_ = b.getData('raw_name') || 0;
+    return, b_, desc);
+var dateSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
+    var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('raw_date') || 0);
+    var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('raw_date') || 0);
+    return, b_, desc);
+var addPermAction = function(_html, users_list, groups_list){
+    var $last_node = $('.last_new_member').last(); // empty tr between last and add
+    var next_id = $('.new_members').length;
+    $last_node.before($('<tr class="new_members">').append(_html.format(next_id)));
+    _MembersAutoComplete("perm_new_member_name_"+next_id,
+            "perm_container_"+next_id, users_list, groups_list);
+function ajaxActionRevokePermission(url, obj_id, obj_type, field_id, extra_data) {
+    var callback = {
+        success: function (o) {
+            $('#' + field_id).remove();
+        },
+        failure: function (o) {
+            alert(_TM['Failed to remoke permission'] + ": " + o.status);
+        },
+    };
+    query_params = {
+        '_method': 'delete'
+    }
+    // put extra data into POST
+    if (extra_data !== undefined && (typeof extra_data === 'object')){
+        for(k in extra_data){
+            query_params[k] = extra_data[k];
+        }
+    }
+    if (obj_type=='user'){
+        query_params['user_id'] = obj_id;
+        query_params['obj_type'] = 'user';
+    }
+    else if (obj_type=='user_group'){
+        query_params['user_group_id'] = obj_id;
+        query_params['obj_type'] = 'user_group';
+    }
+    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, callback,
+            _toQueryString(query_params));
+/* Multi selectors */
+var MultiSelectWidget = function(selected_id, available_id, form_id){
+    var $availableselect = $('#' + available_id);
+    var $selectedselect = $('#' + selected_id);
+    //fill available only with those not in selected
+    var $selectedoptions = $selectedselect.children('option');
+    $availableselect.children('option').filter(function(i, e){
+            for(var j = 0, node; node = $selectedoptions[j]; j++){
+                if(node.value == e.value){
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            return false;
+        }).remove();
+    $('#add_element').click(function(e){
+            $selectedselect.append($availableselect.children('option:selected'));
+        });
+    $('#remove_element').click(function(e){
+            $availableselect.append($selectedselect.children('option:selected'));
+        });
+    $('#add_all_elements').click(function(e){
+            $selectedselect.append($availableselect.children('option'));
+        });
+    $('#remove_all_elements').click(function(e){
+            $availableselect.append($selectedselect.children('option'));
+        });
+    $('#'+form_id).submit(function(){
+            $selectedselect.children('option').each(function(i, e){
+                e.selected = 'selected';
+            });
+        });
+// custom paginator
+var YUI_paginator = function(links_per_page, containers){
+    (function () {
+        var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
+            l         = YAHOO.lang,
+            setId     = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
+        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink = function (p) {
+            this.paginator = p;
+            p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
+            // TODO: make this work
+            p.subscribe('firstPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('firstPageLinkClassChange',this.update,this,true);
+        };
+        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.init = function (p) {
+            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkLabel', {
+                value : 1,
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkClass', {
+                value : 'yui-pg-first',
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkTitle', {
+                value : 'First Page',
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+        };
+        // Instance members and methods
+        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.prototype = {
+            current   : null,
+            leftmost_page: null,
+            rightmost_page: null,
+            link      : null,
+            span      : null,
+            dotdot    : null,
+            getPos    : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
+                var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
+                if (cur_page <= edge){
+                    var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
+                }
+                else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
+                    var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
+                }
+                else{
+                    var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
+                }
+                var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)))
+                var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius))
+                return [left, cur_page, right]
+            },
+            render : function (id_base) {
+                var p      = this.paginator,
+                    c      = p.get('firstPageLinkClass'),
+                    label  = p.get('firstPageLinkLabel'),
+                    title  = p.get('firstPageLinkTitle');
+           = document.createElement('a');
+                this.span     = document.createElement('span');
+                $(this.span).hide();
+                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
+                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
+                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
+                setId(, id_base + '-first-link');
+            = '#';
+       = c;
+       = label;
+           = title;
+                YUE.on(,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
+                setId(this.span, id_base + '-first-span');
+                this.span.className = c;
+                this.span.innerHTML = label;
+                this.current = p.getCurrentPage() > 1 ? : this.span;
+                return this.current;
+            },
+            update : function (e) {
+                var p      = this.paginator;
+                var _pos   = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
+                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
+                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
+                if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                var par = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null;
+                if (this.leftmost_page > 1) {
+                    if (par && this.current === this.span) {
+                        par.replaceChild(,this.current);
+                        this.current =;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (par && this.current === {
+                        par.replaceChild(this.span,this.current);
+                        this.current = this.span;
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            destroy : function () {
+                YUE.purgeElement(;
+                this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
+       = this.span = null;
+            },
+            onClick : function (e) {
+                YUE.stopEvent(e);
+                this.paginator.setPage(1);
+            }
+        };
+        })();
+    (function () {
+        var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
+            l         = YAHOO.lang,
+            setId     = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
+        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink = function (p) {
+            this.paginator = p;
+            p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
+            // TODO: make this work
+            p.subscribe('lastPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
+            p.subscribe('lastPageLinkClassChange', this.update,this,true);
+        };
+        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.init = function (p) {
+            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkLabel', {
+                value : -1,
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkClass', {
+                value : 'yui-pg-last',
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkTitle', {
+                value : 'Last Page',
+                validator : l.isString
+            });
+        };
+        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.prototype = {
+            current   : null,
+            leftmost_page: null,
+            rightmost_page: null,
+            link      : null,
+            span      : null,
+            dotdot    : null,
+            na        : null,
+            getPos    : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
+                var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
+                if (cur_page <= edge){
+                    var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
+                }
+                else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
+                    var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
+                }
+                else{
+                    var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
+                }
+                var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)))
+                var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius))
+                return [left, cur_page, right]
+            },
+            render : function (id_base) {
+                var p      = this.paginator,
+                    c      = p.get('lastPageLinkClass'),
+                    label  = p.get('lastPageLinkLabel'),
+                    last   = p.getTotalPages(),
+                    title  = p.get('lastPageLinkTitle');
+                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
+                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
+                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
+       = document.createElement('a');
+                this.span = document.createElement('span');
+                $(this.span).hide();
+         = this.span.cloneNode(false);
+                setId(, id_base + '-last-link');
+            = '#';
+       = c;
+       = label;
+           = title;
+                YUE.on(,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
+                setId(this.span, id_base + '-last-span');
+                this.span.className = c;
+                this.span.innerHTML = label;
+                setId(, id_base + '-last-na');
+                if (this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages()){
+                    this.current =;
+                }
+                else{
+                    this.current = this.span;
+                }
+                this.current.innerHTML = p.getTotalPages();
+                return this.current;
+            },
+            update : function (e) {
+                var p      = this.paginator;
+                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
+                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
+                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
+                if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                var par   = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null,
+                    after =;
+                if (par) {
+                    // only show the last page if the rightmost one is
+                    // lower, so we don't have doubled entries at the end
+                    if (!(this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages())){
+                        after = this.span
+                    }
+                    if (this.current !== after) {
+                        par.replaceChild(after,this.current);
+                        this.current = after;
+                    }
+                }
+                this.current.innerHTML = this.paginator.getTotalPages();
+            },
+            destroy : function () {
+                YUE.purgeElement(;
+                this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
+       = this.span = null;
+            },
+            onClick : function (e) {
+                YUE.stopEvent(e);
+                this.paginator.setPage(this.paginator.getTotalPages());
+            }
+        };
+        })();
+    var pagi = new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({
+        rowsPerPage: links_per_page,
+        alwaysVisible: false,
+        template : "{PreviousPageLink} {MyFirstPageLink} {PageLinks} {MyLastPageLink} {NextPageLink}",
+        pageLinks: 5,
+        containerClass: 'pagination-wh',
+        currentPageClass: 'pager_curpage',
+        pageLinkClass: 'pager_link',
+        nextPageLinkLabel: '&gt;',
+        previousPageLinkLabel: '&lt;',
+        containers:containers
+    })
+    return pagi
+var YUI_datatable = function(data, fields, columns, countnode, sortkey, rows){
+    var myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(data);
+    myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
+    myDataSource.responseSchema = {
+        resultsList: "records",
+        fields: fields,
+        };
+    myDataSource.doBeforeCallback = function(req, raw, res, cb) {
+        // This is the filter function
+        var data     = res.results || [],
+            filtered = [],
+            i, l;
+        if (req) {
+            req = req.toLowerCase();
+            for (i = 0; i<data.length; i++) {
+                var pos = data[i].raw_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(req)
+                if (pos != -1) {
+                    filtered.push(data[i]);
+                }
+            }
+            res.results = filtered;
+        }
+        $(countnode).html(res.results.length);
+        return res;
+    }
+    var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("datatable_list_wrap", columns, myDataSource, {
+        sortedBy: {key:sortkey, dir:"asc"},
+        paginator: YUI_paginator(rows !== undefined && rows ? rows : 25, ['user-paginator']),
+        MSG_EMPTY: _TM['MSG_EMPTY'],
+        MSG_ERROR: _TM['MSG_ERROR'],
+        });
+    myDataTable.subscribe('postRenderEvent',function(oArgs) {
+        tooltip_activate();
+        quick_repo_menu();
+        });
+    var filterTimeout = null;
+    var $q_filter = $('#q_filter');
+    updateFilter  = function () {
+        // Reset timeout
+        filterTimeout = null;
+        // Reset sort
+        var state = myDataTable.getState();
+        state.sortedBy = {key:sortkey, dir:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC};
+        // Get filtered data
+        myDataSource.sendRequest($q_filter.val(), {
+            success : myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable,
+            failure : myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable,
+            scope   : myDataTable,
+            argument: state});
+        };
+    ${
+            if(!$q_filter.hasClass('loaded')){
+                //TODO: load here full list later to do search within groups
+                $q_filter.addClass('loaded');
+            }
+        });
+    $q_filter.keyup(function (e) {
+            clearTimeout(filterTimeout);
+            filterTimeout = setTimeout(updateFilter, 600);
+        });
+// global hooks after DOM is loaded
+    $('.diff-collapse-button').click(function(e) {
+        var $button = $(e.currentTarget);
+        var $target = $('#' + $button.attr('target'));
+        if($target.hasClass('hidden')){
+            $target.removeClass('hidden');
+            $button.html("&uarr; {0} &uarr;".format(_TM['Collapse diff']));
+        }
+        else if(!$target.hasClass('hidden')){
+            $target.addClass('hidden');
+            $button.html("&darr; {0} &darr;".format(_TM['Expand diff']));
+        }
+    });
--- a/kallithea/public/js/rhodecode.js	Wed Jul 02 19:04:33 2014 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2149 +0,0 @@
-RhodeCode JS Files
-if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log == "undefined"){
-    console = { log: function() {} }
- * INJECT .format function into String
- * Usage: "My name is {0} {1}".format("Johny","Bravo")
- * Return "My name is Johny Bravo"
- * Inspired by
- */
-String.prototype.format = function() {
-    function format() {
-        var str = this;
-        var len = arguments.length+1;
-        var safe = undefined;
-        var arg = undefined;
-        // For each {0} {1} {n...} replace with the argument in that position.  If
-        // the argument is an object or an array it will be stringified to JSON.
-        for (var i=0; i < len; arg = arguments[i++]) {
-            safe = typeof arg === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(arg) : arg;
-            str = str.replace(RegExp('\\{'+(i-1)+'\\}', 'g'), safe);
-        }
-        return str;
-    }
-    // Save a reference of what may already exist under the property native.
-    // Allows for doing something like: if("".format.native) { /* use native */ }
-    format.native = String.prototype.format;
-    // Replace the prototype property
-    return format;
-String.prototype.strip = function(char) {
-    if(char === undefined){
-        char = '\\s';
-    }
-    return this.replace(new RegExp('^'+char+'+|'+char+'+$','g'), '');
-String.prototype.lstrip = function(char) {
-    if(char === undefined){
-        char = '\\s';
-    }
-    return this.replace(new RegExp('^'+char+'+'),'');
-String.prototype.rstrip = function(char) {
-    if(char === undefined){
-        char = '\\s';
-    }
-    return this.replace(new RegExp(''+char+'+$'),'');
-   under MIT license / public domain, see
- */
-if(!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
-    Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) {
-        if ( this === undefined || this === null ) {
-            throw new TypeError( '"this" is null or not defined' );
-        }
-        var length = this.length >>> 0; // Hack to convert object.length to a UInt32
-        fromIndex = +fromIndex || 0;
-        if (Math.abs(fromIndex) === Infinity) {
-            fromIndex = 0;
-        }
-        if (fromIndex < 0) {
-            fromIndex += length;
-            if (fromIndex < 0) {
-                fromIndex = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        for (;fromIndex < length; fromIndex++) {
-            if (this[fromIndex] === searchElement) {
-                return fromIndex;
-            }
-        }
-        return -1;
-    };
-   under MIT license / public domain, see
- */
-if (!Array.prototype.filter)
-    Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisArg */)
-    {
-        "use strict";
-        if (this === void 0 || this === null)
-            throw new TypeError();
-        var t = Object(this);
-        var len = t.length >>> 0;
-        if (typeof fun !== "function")
-            throw new TypeError();
-        var res = [];
-        var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
-        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
-        {
-            if (i in t)
-            {
-                var val = t[i];
-                // NOTE: Technically this should Object.defineProperty at
-                //       the next index, as push can be affected by
-                //       properties on Object.prototype and Array.prototype.
-                //       But that method's new, and collisions should be
-                //       rare, so use the more-compatible alternative.
-                if (, val, i, t))
-                    res.push(val);
-            }
-        }
-        return res;
-    };
- * A customized version of PyRoutes.JS from
- * which is copyright Stephane Klein and was made available under the BSD License.
- *
- * Usage pyroutes.url('mark_error_fixed',{"error_id":error_id}) // /mark_error_fixed/<error_id>
- */
-var pyroutes = (function() {
-    // access global map defined in special file pyroutes
-    var matchlist = PROUTES_MAP;
-    var sprintf = (function() {
-        function get_type(variable) {
-            return, -1).toLowerCase();
-        }
-        function str_repeat(input, multiplier) {
-            for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) {/* do nothing */}
-            return output.join('');
-        }
-        var str_format = function() {
-            if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) {
-                str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]);
-            }
-            return, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments);
-        };
-        str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) {
-            var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = '', arg, output = [], i, k, match, pad, pad_character, pad_length;
-            for (i = 0; i < tree_length; i++) {
-                node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i]);
-                if (node_type === 'string') {
-                    output.push(parse_tree[i]);
-                }
-                else if (node_type === 'array') {
-                    match = parse_tree[i]; // convenience purposes only
-                    if (match[2]) { // keyword argument
-                        arg = argv[cursor];
-                        for (k = 0; k < match[2].length; k++) {
-                            if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])) {
-                                throw(sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match[2][k]));
-                            }
-                            arg = arg[match[2][k]];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (match[1]) { // positional argument (explicit)
-                        arg = argv[match[1]];
-                    }
-                    else { // positional argument (implicit)
-                        arg = argv[cursor++];
-                    }
-                    if (/[^s]/.test(match[8]) && (get_type(arg) != 'number')) {
-                        throw(sprintf('[sprintf] expecting number but found %s', get_type(arg)));
-                    }
-                    switch (match[8]) {
-                        case 'b': arg = arg.toString(2); break;
-                        case 'c': arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); break;
-                        case 'd': arg = parseInt(arg, 10); break;
-                        case 'e': arg = match[7] ? arg.toExponential(match[7]) : arg.toExponential(); break;
-                        case 'f': arg = match[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]) : parseFloat(arg); break;
-                        case 'o': arg = arg.toString(8); break;
-                        case 's': arg = ((arg = String(arg)) && match[7] ? arg.substring(0, match[7]) : arg); break;
-                        case 'u': arg = Math.abs(arg); break;
-                        case 'x': arg = arg.toString(16); break;
-                        case 'X': arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); break;
-                    }
-                    arg = (/[def]/.test(match[8]) && match[3] && arg >= 0 ? '+'+ arg : arg);
-                    pad_character = match[4] ? match[4] == '0' ? '0' : match[4].charAt(1) : ' ';
-                    pad_length = match[6] - String(arg).length;
-                    pad = match[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : '';
-                    output.push(match[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg);
-                }
-            }
-            return output.join('');
-        };
-        str_format.cache = {};
-        str_format.parse = function(fmt) {
-            var _fmt = fmt, match = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0;
-            while (_fmt) {
-                if ((match = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
-                    parse_tree.push(match[0]);
-                }
-                else if ((match = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
-                    parse_tree.push('%');
-                }
-                else if ((match = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) {
-                    if (match[2]) {
-                        arg_names |= 1;
-                        var field_list = [], replacement_field = match[2], field_match = [];
-                        if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
-                            field_list.push(field_match[1]);
-                            while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== '') {
-                                if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
-                                    field_list.push(field_match[1]);
-                                }
-                                else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) {
-                                    field_list.push(field_match[1]);
-                                }
-                                else {
-                                    throw('[sprintf] huh?');
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            throw('[sprintf] huh?');
-                        }
-                        match[2] = field_list;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        arg_names |= 2;
-                    }
-                    if (arg_names === 3) {
-                        throw('[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported');
-                    }
-                    parse_tree.push(match);
-                }
-                else {
-                    throw('[sprintf] huh?');
-                }
-                _fmt = _fmt.substring(match[0].length);
-            }
-            return parse_tree;
-        };
-        return str_format;
-    })();
-    var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv) {
-        argv.unshift(fmt);
-        return sprintf.apply(null, argv);
-    };
-    return {
-        'url': function(route_name, params) {
-            var result = route_name;
-            if (typeof(params) != 'object'){
-                params = {};
-            }
-            if (matchlist.hasOwnProperty(route_name)) {
-                var route = matchlist[route_name];
-                // param substitution
-                for(var i=0; i < route[1].length; i++) {
-                   if (!params.hasOwnProperty(route[1][i]))
-                        throw new Error(route[1][i] + ' missing in "' + route_name + '" route generation');
-                }
-                result = sprintf(route[0], params);
-                var ret = [];
-                //extra params => GET
-                for(param in params){
-                    if (route[1].indexOf(param) == -1){
-                        ret.push(encodeURIComponent(param) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[param]));
-                    }
-                }
-                var _parts = ret.join("&");
-                if(_parts){
-                    result = result +'?'+ _parts
-                }
-            }
-            return result;
-        },
-        'register': function(route_name, route_tmpl, req_params) {
-            if (typeof(req_params) != 'object') {
-                req_params = [];
-            }
-            //fix escape
-            route_tmpl = unescape(route_tmpl);
-            keys = [];
-            for (var i=0; i < req_params.length; i++) {
-                keys.push(req_params[i])
-            }
-            matchlist[route_name] = [
-                route_tmpl,
-                keys
-            ]
-        },
-        '_routes': function(){
-            return matchlist;
-        }
-    }
- * GLOBAL YUI Shortcuts
- */
-var YUC = YAHOO.util.Connect;
-var YUD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
-var YUE = YAHOO.util.Event;
-var YUQ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query;
-/* Invoke all functions in callbacks */
-var _run_callbacks = function(callbacks){
-    if (callbacks !== undefined){
-        var _l = callbacks.length;
-        for (var i=0;i<_l;i++){
-            var func = callbacks[i];
-            if(typeof(func)=='function'){
-                try{
-                    func();
-                }catch (err){};
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * turns objects into GET query string
- */
-var _toQueryString = function(o) {
-    if(typeof o !== 'object') {
-        return false;
-    }
-    var _p, _qs = [];
-    for(_p in o) {
-        _qs.push(encodeURIComponent(_p) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(o[_p]));
-    }
-    return _qs.join('&');
- * Partial Ajax Implementation
- *
- * @param url: defines url to make partial request
- * @param container: defines id of container to input partial result
- * @param s_call: success callback function that takes o as arg
- *  o.tId
- *  o.status
- *  o.statusText
- *  o.getResponseHeader[ ]
- *  o.getAllResponseHeaders
- *  o.responseText
- *  o.responseXML
- *  o.argument
- * @param f_call: failure callback
- * @param args arguments
- */
-function ypjax(url,container,s_call,f_call,args){
-    var method='GET';
-    if(args===undefined){
-        args=null;
-    }
-    $container = $('#' + container);
-    // Set special header for partial ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
-    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
-    // wrapper of passed callback
-    var s_wrapper = (function(o){
-        return function(o){
-            $container.html(o.responseText);
-            $container.css('opacity','1.0');
-            //execute the given original callback
-            if (s_call !== undefined){
-                s_call(o);
-            }
-        }
-    })()
-    $container.css('opacity','0.3');
-    YUC.asyncRequest(method,url,{
-        success:s_wrapper,
-        failure:function(o){
-            console.log('ypjax failure: '+o);
-            $container.html('<span class="error_red">ERROR: {0}</span>'.format(o.status));
-            $container.css('opacity','1.0');
-        },
-        cache:false
-    },args);
-var ajaxGET = function(url,success) {
-    // Set special header for ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
-    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
-    var sUrl = url;
-    var callback = {
-        success: success,
-        failure: function (o) {
-            if (o.status != 0) {
-                alert("error: " + o.statusText);
-            };
-        },
-    };
-    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback);
-    return request;
-var ajaxPOST = function(url,postData,success) {
-    // Set special header for ajax == HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR
-    YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
-    var sUrl = url;
-    var callback = {
-        success: success,
-        failure: function (o) {
-            alert("error");
-        },
-    };
-    var postData = _toQueryString(postData);
-    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl, callback, postData);
-    return request;
- * activate .show_more links
- * the .show_more must have an id that is the the id of an element to hide prefixed with _
- * the parentnode will be displayed
- */
-var show_more_event = function(){
-    $('.show_more').click(function(e){
-        var el = e.currentTarget;
-        $('#' +;
-        $(el.parentNode).show();
-    });
- * activate .lazy-cs mouseover for showing changeset tooltip
- */
-var show_changeset_tooltip = function(){
-    $('.lazy-cs').mouseover(function(e){
-        var $target = $(e.currentTarget);
-        var rid = $target.attr('raw_id');
-        var repo_name = $target.attr('repo_name');
-        if(rid && !$target.hasClass('tooltip')){
-            _show_tooltip(e, _TM['loading ...']);
-            var url = pyroutes.url('changeset_info', {"repo_name": repo_name, "revision": rid});
-            ajaxGET(url, function(o){
-                    var json = JSON.parse(o.responseText);
-                    $target.addClass('tooltip')
-                    _show_tooltip(e, json['message']);
-                    _activate_tooltip($target);
-                });
-        }
-    });
-var _onSuccessFollow = function(target){
-    var $target = $(target);
-    var $f_cnt = $('#current_followers_count');
-    if($target.hasClass('follow')){
-        $target.attr('class', 'following');
-        $target.attr('title', _TM['Stop following this repository']);
-        if($f_cnt.html()){
-            var cnt = Number($f_cnt.html())+1;
-            $f_cnt.html(cnt);
-        }
-    }
-    else{
-        $target.attr('class', 'follow');
-        $target.attr('title', _TM['Start following this repository']);
-        if($f_cnt.html()){
-            var cnt = Number($f_cnt.html())-1;
-            $f_cnt.html(cnt);
-        }
-    }
-var toggleFollowingRepo = function(target, follows_repo_id, token, user_id){
-    args = 'follows_repo_id='+follows_repo_id;
-    args+= '&amp;auth_token='+token;
-    if(user_id != undefined){
-        args+="&amp;user_id="+user_id;
-    }
-    $.post(TOGGLE_FOLLOW_URL, args, function(data){
-            _onSuccessFollow(target);
-        });
-    return false;
-var showRepoSize = function(target, repo_name, token){
-    var args= 'auth_token='+token;
-    if(!$("#" + target).hasClass('loaded')){
-        $("#" + target).html(_TM['Loading ...']);
-        var url = pyroutes.url('repo_size', {"repo_name":repo_name});
-        $.post(url, args, function(data) {
-            $("#" + target).html(data);
-            $("#" + target).addClass('loaded');
-        });
-    }
-    return false;
- * tooltips
- */
-var tooltip_activate = function(){
-    $(document).ready(_init_tooltip);
-var _activate_tooltip = function($tt){
-    $tt.mouseover(_show_tooltip);
-    $tt.mousemove(_move_tooltip);
-    $tt.mouseout(_close_tooltip);
-var _init_tooltip = function(){
-    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
-    if(!$tipBox.length){
-        $tipBox = $('<div id="tip-box"></div>')
-        $(document.body).append($tipBox);
-    }
-    $tipBox.hide();
-    $tipBox.css('position', 'absolute');
-    $tipBox.css('max-width', '600px');
-    _activate_tooltip($('.tooltip'));
-var _show_tooltip = function(e, tipText){
-    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
-    var el = e.currentTarget;
-    if(tipText){
-        // just use it
-    } else if(el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img'){
-        tipText = el.alt ? el.alt : '';
-    } else {
-        tipText = el.title ? el.title : '';
-    }
-    if(tipText !== ''){
-        // save org title
-        $(el).attr('tt_title', tipText);
-        // reset title to not show org tooltips
-        $(el).attr('title', '');
-        var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
-        $tipBox.html(tipText);
-        $tipBox.css('display', 'block');
-    }
-var _move_tooltip = function(e){
-    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
-    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
-    $tipBox.css('top', (e.pageY + 15) + 'px');
-    $tipBox.css('left', (e.pageX + 15) + 'px');
-var _close_tooltip = function(e){
-    e.stopImmediatePropagation();
-    var $tipBox = $('#tip-box');
-    $tipBox.hide();
-    var el = e.currentTarget;
-    $(el).attr('title', $(el).attr('tt_title'));
- * Quick filter widget
- *
- * @param target: filter input target
- * @param nodes: list of nodes in html we want to filter.
- * @param display_element function that takes current node from nodes and
- *    does hide or show based on the node
- */
-var q_filter = function(target, nodes, display_element){
-    var nodes = nodes;
-    var $q_filter_field = $('#' + target);
-    var F = YAHOO.namespace(target);
-    $q_filter_field.keyup(function(e){
-        clearTimeout(F.filterTimeout);
-        F.filterTimeout = setTimeout(F.updateFilter, 600);
-    });
-    F.filterTimeout = null;
-    F.updateFilter  = function() {
-        // Reset timeout
-        F.filterTimeout = null;
-        var obsolete = [];
-        var req = $q_filter_field.val().toLowerCase();
-        var l = nodes.length;
-        var i;
-        var showing = 0;
-        for (i=0; i<l; i++ ){
-            var n = nodes[i];
-            var target_element = display_element(n)
-            if(req && n.innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(req) == -1){
-                $(target_element).hide();
-            }
-            else{
-                $(target_element).show();
-                showing += 1;
-            }
-        }
-        $('#repo_count').html(showing); /* FIXME: don't hardcode */
-    }
-/* return jQuery expression with a tr with body in 3rd column and class cls and id named after the body */
-var _table_tr = function(cls, body){
-    // like: <div class="comment" id="comment-8" line="o92"><div class="comment-wrapp">...
-    // except new inlines which are different ...
-    var comment_id = ($(body).attr('id') || 'comment-new').split('comment-')[1];
-    var tr_id = 'comment-tr-{0}'.format(comment_id);
-    return $(('<tr id="{0}" class="{1}">'+
-                  '<td class="lineno-inline new-inline"></td>'+
-                  '<td class="lineno-inline old-inline"></td>'+
-                  '<td>{2}</td>'+
-                 '</tr>').format(tr_id, cls, body));
-/** return jQuery expression with new inline form based on template **/
-var _createInlineForm = function(parent_tr, f_path, line) {
-    var $tmpl = $('#comment-inline-form-template').html().format(f_path, line);
-    var $form = _table_tr('comment-form-inline', $tmpl)
-    // create event for hide button
-    $form.find('.hide-inline-form').click(function(e) {
-        var newtr = e.currentTarget.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
-        if($(newtr).next().hasClass('inline-comments-button')){
-            $(newtr).next().show();
-        }
-        $(newtr).remove();
-        $(parent_tr).removeClass('form-open');
-        $(parent_tr).removeClass('hl-comment');
-    });
-    return $form
- * Inject inline comment for an given TR. This tr should always be a .line .
- * The form will be inject after any comments.
- */
-var injectInlineForm = function(tr){
-    $tr = $(tr);
-    if(!$tr.hasClass('line')){
-        return
-    }
-    var submit_url = AJAX_COMMENT_URL;
-    var $td = $tr.find('.code');
-    if($tr.hasClass('form-open') || $tr.hasClass('context') || $td.hasClass('no-comment')){
-        return
-    }
-    $tr.addClass('form-open hl-comment');
-    var $node = $tr.parent().parent().parent().find('.full_f_path');
-    var f_path = $node.attr('path');
-    var lineno = _getLineNo(tr);
-    var $form = _createInlineForm(tr, f_path, lineno, submit_url);
-    var $parent = $tr;
-    while ($'inline-comments')){
-        var $parent = $;
-    }
-    $form.insertAfter($parent);
-    var $overlay = $form.find('.overlay');
-    var $inlineform = $form.find('.inline-form');
-    $form.submit(function(e){
-        e.preventDefault();
-        if(lineno === undefined){
-            alert('missing line !');
-            return
-        }
-        if(f_path === undefined){
-            alert('missing file path !');
-            return
-        }
-        var text = $('#text_'+lineno).val();
-        if(text == ""){
-            return
-        }
-        if ($overlay.hasClass('overlay')){
-            $overlay.css('width', $inlineform.offsetWidth + 'px');
-            $overlay.css('height', $inlineform.offsetHeight + 'px');
-        }
-        $overlay.addClass('submitting');
-        var success = function(o){
-            $tr.removeClass('form-open');
-            $form.remove();
-            var json_data = JSON.parse(o.responseText);
-            _renderInlineComment(json_data);
-        };
-        var postData = {
-                'text': text,
-                'f_path': f_path,
-                'line': lineno
-        };
-        ajaxPOST(submit_url, postData, success);
-    });
-    $('#preview-btn_'+lineno).click(function(e){
-        var text = $('#text_'+lineno).val();
-        if(!text){
-            return
-        }
-        $('#preview-box_'+lineno).addClass('unloaded');
-        $('#preview-box_'+lineno).html(_TM['Loading ...']);
-        $('#edit-container_'+lineno).hide();
-        $('#preview-container_'+lineno).show();
-        var url = pyroutes.url('changeset_comment_preview', {'repo_name': REPO_NAME});
-        var post_data = {'text': text};
-        ajaxPOST(url, post_data, function(o){
-            $('#preview-box_'+lineno).html(o.responseText);
-            $('#preview-box_'+lineno).removeClass('unloaded');
-        })
-    })
-    $('#edit-btn_'+lineno).click(function(e){
-        $('#edit-container_'+lineno).show();
-        $('#preview-container_'+lineno).hide();
-    })
-    setTimeout(function(){
-        // callbacks
-        tooltip_activate();
-        MentionsAutoComplete('text_'+lineno, 'mentions_container_'+lineno,
-                             _USERS_AC_DATA, _GROUPS_AC_DATA);
-        $('#text_'+lineno).focus();
-    },10)
-var deleteComment = function(comment_id){
-    var url = AJAX_COMMENT_DELETE_URL.replace('__COMMENT_ID__',comment_id);
-    var postData = {'_method':'delete'};
-    var success = function(o){
-        var $deleted = $('#comment-tr-'+comment_id);
-        var $prev = $deleted.prev('tr');
-        $deleted.remove();
-        _placeAddButton($prev);
-    }
-    ajaxPOST(url,postData,success);
-var _getLineNo = function(tr) {
-    var line;
-    var o = $(tr).children()[0].id.split('_');
-    var n = $(tr).children()[1].id.split('_');
-    if (n.length >= 2) {
-        line = n[n.length-1];
-    } else if (o.length >= 2) {
-        line = o[o.length-1];
-    }
-    return line
-var _placeAddButton = function($line_tr){
-    var $tr = $line_tr;
-    while ($'inline-comments')){
-        $tr.find('.add-comment').remove();
-        $tr = $;
-    }
-    $tr.find('.add-comment').remove();
-    var label = TRANSLATION_MAP['Add another comment'];
-    var $html_el = $('<div class="add-comment"><span class="btn btn-mini">{0}</span></div>'.format(label));
-    $ {
-        injectInlineForm($line_tr);
-    });
-    $tr.find('.comment').after($html_el);
- * Places the inline comment into the changeset block in proper line position
- */
-var _placeInline = function(target_id, lineno, html){
-    var $td = $("#{0}_{1}".format(target_id, lineno));
-    // check if there are comments already !
-    var $line_tr = $td.parent(); // the tr
-    var $after_tr = $line_tr;
-    while ($'inline-comments')){
-        $after_tr = $;
-    }
-    // put in the comment at the bottom
-    $after_tr.after(_table_tr('inline-comments', html));
-    // scan nodes, and attach add button to last one
-    _placeAddButton($line_tr);
- * make a single inline comment and place it inside
- */
-var _renderInlineComment = function(json_data){
-    var html =  json_data['rendered_text'];
-    var lineno = json_data['line_no'];
-    var target_id = json_data['target_id'];
-    _placeInline(target_id, lineno, html);
- * Iterates over all the inlines, and places them inside proper blocks of data
- */
-var renderInlineComments = function(file_comments){
-    for (f in file_comments){
-        // holding all comments for a FILE
-        var box = file_comments[f];
-        var target_id = $(box).attr('target_id');
-        // actual comments with line numbers
-        var comments = box.children;
-        for(var i=0; i<comments.length; i++){
-            var data = {
-                'rendered_text': comments[i].outerHTML,
-                'line_no': $(comments[i]).attr('line'),
-                'target_id': target_id
-            }
-            _renderInlineComment(data);
-        }
-    }
-/* activate files.html stuff */
-var fileBrowserListeners = function(current_url, node_list_url, url_base){
-    var current_url_branch = "?branch=__BRANCH__";
-    $('#stay_at_branch').on('click',function(e){
-        if(e.currentTarget.checked){
-            var uri = current_url_branch;
-            uri = uri.replace('__BRANCH__',e.currentTarget.value);
-            window.location = uri;
-        }
-        else{
-            window.location = current_url;
-        }
-    })
-    var $node_filter = $('#node_filter');
-    var filterTimeout = null;
-    var nodes = null;
-    var initFilter = function(){
-        $('#node_filter_box_loading').show();
-        $('#search_activate_id').hide();
-        $('#add_node_id').hide();
-        YUC.initHeader('X-PARTIAL-XHR',true);
-        YUC.asyncRequest('GET', node_list_url, {
-            success:function(o){
-                nodes = JSON.parse(o.responseText).nodes;
-                $('#node_filter_box_loading').hide();
-                $('#node_filter_box').show();
-                $node_filter.focus();
-                if($node_filter.hasClass('init')){
-                    $node_filter.val('');
-                    $node_filter.removeClass('init');
-                }
-            },
-            failure:function(o){
-                console.log('failed to load');
-            }
-        },null);
-    }
-    var updateFilter = function(e) {
-        return function(){
-            // Reset timeout
-            filterTimeout = null;
-            var query = e.currentTarget.value.toLowerCase();
-            var match = [];
-            var matches = 0;
-            var matches_max = 20;
-            if (query != ""){
-                for(var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++){
-                    var pos = nodes[i].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query)
-                    if(query && pos != -1){
-                        matches++
-                        //show only certain amount to not kill browser
-                        if (matches > matches_max){
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        var n = nodes[i].name;
-                        var t = nodes[i].type;
-                        var n_hl = n.substring(0,pos)
-                          +"<b>{0}</b>".format(n.substring(pos,pos+query.length))
-                          +n.substring(pos+query.length)
-                        var new_url = url_base.replace('__FPATH__',n);
-                        match.push('<tr><td><a class="browser-{0}" href="{1}">{2}</a></td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(t,new_url,n_hl));
-                    }
-                    if(match.length >= matches_max){
-                        match.push('<tr><td>{0}</td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(_TM['Search truncated']));
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if(query != ""){
-                $('#tbody').hide();
-                $('#tbody_filtered').show();
-                if (match.length==0){
-                  match.push('<tr><td>{0}</td><td colspan="5"></td></tr>'.format(_TM['No matching files']));
-                }
-                $('#tbody_filtered').html(match.join(""));
-            }
-            else{
-                $('#tbody').show();
-                $('#tbody_filtered').hide();
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    $('#filter_activate').click(function(){
-            initFilter();
-        });
-    ${
-            if($node_filter.hasClass('init')){
-                $node_filter.val('');
-                $node_filter.removeClass('init');
-            }
-        });
-    $node_filter.keyup(function(e){
-            clearTimeout(filterTimeout);
-            filterTimeout = setTimeout(updateFilter(e),600);
-        });
-var initCodeMirror = function(textarea_id, resetUrl){
-    var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#' + textarea_id)[0], {
-            mode: "null",
-            lineNumbers: true,
-            indentUnit: 4,
-            autofocus: true,
-        });
-    $('#reset').click(function(e){
-            window.location=resetUrl;
-        });
-    $('#file_enable').click(function(){
-            $('#editor_container').show();
-            $('#upload_file_container').hide();
-            $('#filename_container').show();
-            $('#set_mode_header').show();
-        });
-    $('#upload_file_enable').click(function(){
-            $('#editor_container').hide();
-            $('#upload_file_container').show();
-            $('#filename_container').hide();
-            $('#set_mode_header').hide();
-        });
-    return myCodeMirror
-var setCodeMirrorMode = function(codeMirrorInstance, mode) {
-    codeMirrorInstance.setOption("mode", mode);
-    CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(codeMirrorInstance, mode);
-var _getIdentNode = function(n){
-    //iterate thrugh nodes until matching interesting node
-    if (typeof n == 'undefined'){
-        return -1
-    }
-    if(typeof != "undefined" &&'L[0-9]+')){
-        return n
-    }
-    else{
-        return _getIdentNode(n.parentNode);
-    }
-/* generate links for multi line selects that can be shown by files.html page_highlights.
- * This is a mouseup handler for hlcode from CodeHtmlFormatter and pygmentize */
-var getSelectionLink = function(e) {
-    //get selection from start/to nodes
-    if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") {
-        s = window.getSelection();
-        from = _getIdentNode(s.anchorNode);
-        till = _getIdentNode(s.focusNode);
-        f_int = parseInt('L',''));
-        t_int = parseInt('L',''));
-        var yoffset = 35;
-        var ranges = [parseInt('L','')), parseInt('L',''))];
-        if (ranges[0] > ranges[1]){
-            //highlight from bottom
-            yoffset = -yoffset;
-            ranges = [ranges[1], ranges[0]];
-        }
-        var $hl_div = $('div#linktt');
-        // if we select more than 2 lines
-        if (ranges[0] != ranges[1]){
-            if ($hl_div.length) {
-                $hl_div.html('');
-            } else {
-                $hl_div = $('<div id="linktt" class="hl-tip-box">');
-                $('body').prepend($hl_div);
-            }
-            $hl_div.append($('<a>').html(_TM['Selection link']).attr('href', location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf('#')) + '#L' + ranges[0] + '-'+ranges[1]));
-            xy = $(till).offset();
-            $hl_div.css('top', ( + yoffset) + 'px').css('left', xy.left + 'px');
-            $;
-        }
-        else{
-            $hl_div.hide();
-        }
-    }
-var deleteNotification = function(url, notification_id, callbacks){
-    var callback = {
-        success:function(o){
-            $("#notification_"+notification_id).remove();
-            _run_callbacks(callbacks);
-        },
-        failure:function(o){
-            alert("error");
-        },
-    };
-    var postData = '_method=delete';
-    var sUrl = url.replace('__NOTIFICATION_ID__',notification_id);
-    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl,
-                                                  callback, postData);
-var readNotification = function(url, notification_id, callbacks){
-    var callback = {
-        success:function(o){
-            var $obj = $("#notification_"+notification_id);
-            $obj.removeClass('unread');
-            $obj.find('.read-notification').remove();
-            _run_callbacks(callbacks);
-        },
-        failure:function(o){
-            alert("error");
-        },
-    };
-    var postData = '_method=put';
-    var sUrl = url.replace('__NOTIFICATION_ID__',notification_id);
-    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl,
-                                                  callback, postData);
-var _MembersAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
-    var myUsers = users_list;
-    var myGroups = groups_list;
-    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
-    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
-            // Case insensitive matching
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var i = 0;
-            var l = myUsers.length;
-            var matches = [];
-            // Match against each name of each contact
-            for (; i < l; i++) {
-                contact = myUsers[i];
-                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
-                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
-                }
-            }
-            return matches;
-        };
-    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of userGroups
-    var matchGroups = function (sQuery) {
-            // Case insensitive matching
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var i = 0;
-            var l = myGroups.length;
-            var matches = [];
-            // Match against each name of each contact
-            for (; i < l; i++) {
-                matched_group = myGroups[i];
-                if (matched_group.grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
-                    matches[matches.length] = matched_group;
-                }
-            }
-            return matches;
-        };
-    //match all
-    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
-            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
-            g = matchGroups(sQuery);
-            return u.concat(g);
-        };
-    // DataScheme for members
-    var memberDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchAll);
-    memberDS.responseSchema = {
-        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "grname", "grmembers", "gravatar_lnk"]
-    };
-    // DataScheme for owner
-    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
-    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
-        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
-    };
-    // Instantiate AutoComplete for perms
-    var membersAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, memberDS);
-    membersAC.useShadow = false;
-    membersAC.resultTypeList = false;
-    membersAC.animVert = false;
-    membersAC.animHoriz = false;
-    membersAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
-    // Instantiate AutoComplete for owner
-    var ownerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("user", "owner_container", ownerDS);
-    ownerAC.useShadow = false;
-    ownerAC.resultTypeList = false;
-    ownerAC.animVert = false;
-    ownerAC.animHoriz = false;
-    ownerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
-    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
-    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
-            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
-            + "<span class='match'>"
-            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
-            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
-        };
-    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
-    var custom_formatter = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
-                if (group !== undefined){
-                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
-                }
-                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
-                return tmpl.format(em,res)
-            }
-            // group
-            if (oResultData.grname != undefined) {
-                var grname = oResultData.grname;
-                var grmembers = oResultData.grmembers;
-                var grnameMatchIndex = grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query);
-                var grprefix = "{0}: ".format(_TM['Group']);
-                var grsuffix = " (" + grmembers + "  )";
-                var grsuffix = " ({0}  {1})".format(grmembers, _TM['members']);
-                if (grnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    return _gravatar(grprefix + highlightMatch(grname, query, grnameMatchIndex) + grsuffix,null,true);
-                }
-                return _gravatar(grprefix + oResultData.grname + grsuffix, null,true);
-            // Users
-            } else if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
-                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
-                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
-                var nname = oResultData.nname;
-                // Guard against null value
-                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
-                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displayfname = fname;
-                }
-                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displaylname = lname;
-                }
-                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
-                } else {
-                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
-                }
-                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
-            } else {
-                return '';
-            }
-        };
-    membersAC.formatResult = custom_formatter;
-    ownerAC.formatResult = custom_formatter;
-    var myHandler = function (sType, aArgs) {
-            var nextId = divid.split('perm_new_member_name_')[1];
-            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
-            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
-            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
-            //fill the autocomplete with value
-            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
-                //users
-                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.nname;
-                $('#perm_new_member_type_'+nextId).val('user');
-            } else {
-                //groups
-                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.grname;
-                $('#perm_new_member_type_'+nextId).val('users_group');
-            }
-        };
-    membersAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler);
-    if(ownerAC.itemSelectEvent){
-        ownerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler);
-    }
-    return {
-        memberDS: memberDS,
-        ownerDS: ownerDS,
-        membersAC: membersAC,
-        ownerAC: ownerAC,
-    };
-var MentionsAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
-    var myUsers = users_list;
-    var myGroups = groups_list;
-    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
-    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
-            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
-            if(this.mentionQuery == null){
-                return []
-            }
-            sQuery = this.mentionQuery;
-            // Case insensitive matching
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var i = 0;
-            var l = myUsers.length;
-            var matches = [];
-            // Match against each name of each contact
-            for (; i < l; i++) {
-                contact = myUsers[i];
-                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
-                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
-                }
-            }
-            return matches
-        };
-    //match all
-    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
-            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
-            return u
-        };
-    // DataScheme for owner
-    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
-    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
-        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
-    };
-    // Instantiate AutoComplete for mentions
-    var ownerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, ownerDS);
-    ownerAC.useShadow = false;
-    ownerAC.resultTypeList = false;
-    ownerAC.suppressInputUpdate = true;
-    ownerAC.animVert = false;
-    ownerAC.animHoriz = false;
-    ownerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
-    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
-    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
-            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
-            + "<span class='match'>"
-            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
-            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
-        };
-    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
-    ownerAC.formatResult = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
-            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
-            if(this.dataSource.mentionQuery != null){
-                sQuery = this.dataSource.mentionQuery;
-            }
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
-                if (group !== undefined){
-                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
-                }
-                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
-                return tmpl.format(em,res)
-            }
-            if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
-                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
-                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
-                var nname = oResultData.nname;
-                // Guard against null value
-                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
-                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displayfname = fname;
-                }
-                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displaylname = lname;
-                }
-                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
-                } else {
-                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
-                }
-                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
-            } else {
-                return '';
-            }
-        };
-    if(ownerAC.itemSelectEvent){
-        ownerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function (sType, aArgs) {
-            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
-            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
-            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
-            //fill the autocomplete with value
-            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
-                //users
-                //Replace the mention name with replaced
-                var re = new RegExp();
-                var org = myAC.getInputEl().value;
-                var chunks = myAC.dataSource.chunks
-                // replace middle chunk(the search term) with actuall  match
-                chunks[1] = chunks[1].replace('@'+myAC.dataSource.mentionQuery,
-                                              '@'+oData.nname+' ');
-                myAC.getInputEl().value = chunks.join('')
-                myAC.getInputEl().focus(); // Y U NO WORK !?
-            } else {
-                //groups
-                myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.grname;
-                $('#perm_new_member_type').val('users_group');
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    // in this keybuffer we will gather current value of search !
-    // since we need to get this just when someone does `@` then we do the
-    // search
-    ownerAC.dataSource.chunks = [];
-    ownerAC.dataSource.mentionQuery = null;
-    ownerAC.get_mention = function(msg, max_pos) {
-        var org = msg;
-        var re = new RegExp('(?:^@|\s@)([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)$')
-        var chunks  = [];
-        // cut first chunk until curret pos
-        var to_max = msg.substr(0, max_pos);
-        var at_pos = Math.max(0,to_max.lastIndexOf('@')-1);
-        var msg2 = to_max.substr(at_pos);
-        chunks.push(org.substr(0,at_pos))// prefix chunk
-        chunks.push(msg2)                // search chunk
-        chunks.push(org.substr(max_pos)) // postfix chunk
-        // clean up msg2 for filtering and regex match
-        var msg2 = msg2.lstrip(' ').lstrip('\n');
-        if(re.test(msg2)){
-            var unam = re.exec(msg2)[1];
-            return [unam, chunks];
-        }
-        return [null, null];
-    };
-    $divid = $('#'+divid);
-    $divid.keyup(function(e){
-            var currentMessage = $divid.val();
-            var currentCaretPosition = $divid[0].selectionStart;
-            var unam = ownerAC.get_mention(currentMessage, currentCaretPosition);
-            var curr_search = null;
-            if(unam[0]){
-                curr_search = unam[0];
-            }
-            ownerAC.dataSource.chunks = unam[1];
-            ownerAC.dataSource.mentionQuery = curr_search;
-        });
-var addReviewMember = function(id,fname,lname,nname,gravatar_link){
-    var displayname = "{0} {1} ({2})".format(fname, lname, nname);
-    var element = (
-        '     <li id="reviewer_{2}">\n'+
-        '       <div class="reviewers_member">\n'+
-        '           <div class="reviewer_status tooltip" title="not_reviewed">\n'+
-        '             <img src="/images/icons/flag_status_not_reviewed.png"/>\n'+
-        '           </div>\n'+
-        '         <div class="reviewer_gravatar gravatar"><img alt="gravatar" src="{0}"/> </div>\n'+
-        '         <div style="float:left;">{1}</div>\n'+
-        '         <input type="hidden" value="{2}" name="review_members" />\n'+
-        '         <div class="reviewer_member_remove action_button" onclick="removeReviewMember({2})">\n'+
-        '             <i class="icon-remove-sign" style="color: #FF4444;"></i>\n'+
-        '         </div>\n'+
-        '       </div>\n'+
-        '     </li>\n'
-        ).format(gravatar_link, displayname, id);
-    // check if we don't have this ID already in
-    var ids = [];
-    $('#review_members').find('li').each(function() {
-            ids.push(;
-        });
-    if(ids.indexOf('reviewer_'+id) == -1){
-        //only add if it's not there
-        $('#review_members').append(element);
-    }
-var removeReviewMember = function(reviewer_id, repo_name, pull_request_id){
-    $('#reviewer_{0}'.format(reviewer_id)).remove();
-/* handle "Save Changes" of addReviewMember and removeReviewMember on PR */
-var updateReviewers = function(reviewers_ids, repo_name, pull_request_id){
-    if (reviewers_ids === undefined){
-        var reviewers_ids = [];
-        $('#review_members').find('input').each(function(){
-                reviewers_ids.push(this.value);
-            });
-    }
-    var url = pyroutes.url('pullrequest_update', {"repo_name":repo_name,
-                                                  "pull_request_id": pull_request_id});
-    var postData = {'_method':'put',
-                    'reviewers_ids': reviewers_ids};
-    var success = function(o){
-        window.location.reload();
-    }
-    ajaxPOST(url,postData,success);
-/* activate auto completion of users and groups ... but only used for users as PR reviewers */
-var PullRequestAutoComplete = function (divid, cont, users_list, groups_list) {
-    var myUsers = users_list;
-    var myGroups = groups_list;
-    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of users
-    var matchUsers = function (sQuery) {
-            // Case insensitive matching
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var i = 0;
-            var l = myUsers.length;
-            var matches = [];
-            // Match against each name of each contact
-            for (; i < l; i++) {
-                contact = myUsers[i];
-                if (((contact.fname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.lname+"").toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
-                     ((contact.nname) && ((contact.nname).toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
-                    matches[matches.length] = contact;
-                }
-            }
-            return matches;
-        };
-    // Define a custom search function for the DataSource of userGroups
-    var matchGroups = function (sQuery) {
-            // Case insensitive matching
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var i = 0;
-            var l = myGroups.length;
-            var matches = [];
-            // Match against each name of each contact
-            for (; i < l; i++) {
-                matched_group = myGroups[i];
-                if (matched_group.grname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) {
-                    matches[matches.length] = matched_group;
-                }
-            }
-            return matches;
-        };
-    //match all
-    var matchAll = function (sQuery) {
-            u = matchUsers(sQuery);
-            return u
-        };
-    // DataScheme for owner
-    var ownerDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchUsers);
-    ownerDS.responseSchema = {
-        fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname", "gravatar_lnk"]
-    };
-    // Instantiate AutoComplete for mentions
-    var reviewerAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(divid, cont, ownerDS);
-    reviewerAC.useShadow = false;
-    reviewerAC.resultTypeList = false;
-    reviewerAC.suppressInputUpdate = true;
-    reviewerAC.animVert = false;
-    reviewerAC.animHoriz = false;
-    reviewerAC.animSpeed = 0.1;
-    // Helper highlight function for the formatter
-    var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
-            return full.substring(0, matchindex)
-            + "<span class='match'>"
-            + full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length)
-            + "</span>" + full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);
-        };
-    // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
-    reviewerAC.formatResult = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
-            var org_sQuery = sQuery;
-            if(this.dataSource.mentionQuery != null){
-                sQuery = this.dataSource.mentionQuery;
-            }
-            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase();
-            var _gravatar = function(res, em, group){
-                if (group !== undefined){
-                    em = '/images/icons/group.png'
-                }
-                tmpl = '<div class="ac-container-wrap"><img class="perm-gravatar-ac" src="{0}"/>{1}</div>'
-                return tmpl.format(em,res)
-            }
-            if (oResultData.nname != undefined) {
-                var fname = oResultData.fname || "";
-                var lname = oResultData.lname || "";
-                var nname = oResultData.nname;
-                // Guard against null value
-                var fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
-                    displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;
-                if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displayfname = fname;
-                }
-                if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
-                } else {
-                    displaylname = lname;
-                }
-                if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
-                    displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
-                } else {
-                    displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";
-                }
-                return _gravatar(displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname, oResultData.gravatar_lnk);
-            } else {
-                return '';
-            }
-        };
-    //members cache to catch duplicates
-    reviewerAC.dataSource.cache = [];
-    // hack into select event
-    if(reviewerAC.itemSelectEvent){
-        reviewerAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function (sType, aArgs) {
-            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
-            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
-            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data
-            //fill the autocomplete with value
-            if (oData.nname != undefined) {
-                addReviewMember(, oData.fname, oData.lname, oData.nname,
-                                oData.gravatar_lnk);
-                myAC.dataSource.cache.push(;
-                $('#user').val('');
-            }
-        });
-    }
- * Activate .quick_repo_menu
- */
-var quick_repo_menu = function(){
-    $(".quick_repo_menu").mouseenter(function(e) {
-            var $menu = $(e.currentTarget).children().first().children().first();
-            if($menu.hasClass('hidden')){
-                $menu.removeClass('hidden').addClass('active');
-                $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('hidden').addClass('active');
-            }
-        })
-    $(".quick_repo_menu").mouseleave(function(e) {
-            var $menu = $(e.currentTarget).children().first().children().first();
-            if($menu.hasClass('active')){
-                $menu.removeClass('active').addClass('hidden');
-                $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('active').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-        })
- */
-var revisionSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
-    var a_ = parseInt(a.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
-    var b_ = parseInt(b.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
-    return, b_, desc);
-var ageSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
-    // data is like: <span class="tooltip" date="2014-06-04 18:18:55.325474" title="Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:18:55">1 day and 23 hours ago</span>
-    var a_ = $(a.getData(field)).attr('date');
-    var b_ = $(b.getData(field)).attr('date');
-    return, b_, desc);
-var lastLoginSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
-    var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
-    var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
-    return, b_, desc);
-var nameSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
-    var a_ = a.getData('raw_name') || 0;
-    var b_ = b.getData('raw_name') || 0;
-    return, b_, desc);
-var dateSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
-    var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('raw_date') || 0);
-    var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('raw_date') || 0);
-    return, b_, desc);
-var addPermAction = function(_html, users_list, groups_list){
-    var $last_node = $('.last_new_member').last(); // empty tr between last and add
-    var next_id = $('.new_members').length;
-    $last_node.before($('<tr class="new_members">').append(_html.format(next_id)));
-    _MembersAutoComplete("perm_new_member_name_"+next_id,
-            "perm_container_"+next_id, users_list, groups_list);
-function ajaxActionRevokePermission(url, obj_id, obj_type, field_id, extra_data) {
-    var callback = {
-        success: function (o) {
-            $('#' + field_id).remove();
-        },
-        failure: function (o) {
-            alert(_TM['Failed to remoke permission'] + ": " + o.status);
-        },
-    };
-    query_params = {
-        '_method': 'delete'
-    }
-    // put extra data into POST
-    if (extra_data !== undefined && (typeof extra_data === 'object')){
-        for(k in extra_data){
-            query_params[k] = extra_data[k];
-        }
-    }
-    if (obj_type=='user'){
-        query_params['user_id'] = obj_id;
-        query_params['obj_type'] = 'user';
-    }
-    else if (obj_type=='user_group'){
-        query_params['user_group_id'] = obj_id;
-        query_params['obj_type'] = 'user_group';
-    }
-    var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, callback,
-            _toQueryString(query_params));
-/* Multi selectors */
-var MultiSelectWidget = function(selected_id, available_id, form_id){
-    var $availableselect = $('#' + available_id);
-    var $selectedselect = $('#' + selected_id);
-    //fill available only with those not in selected
-    var $selectedoptions = $selectedselect.children('option');
-    $availableselect.children('option').filter(function(i, e){
-            for(var j = 0, node; node = $selectedoptions[j]; j++){
-                if(node.value == e.value){
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }).remove();
-    $('#add_element').click(function(e){
-            $selectedselect.append($availableselect.children('option:selected'));
-        });
-    $('#remove_element').click(function(e){
-            $availableselect.append($selectedselect.children('option:selected'));
-        });
-    $('#add_all_elements').click(function(e){
-            $selectedselect.append($availableselect.children('option'));
-        });
-    $('#remove_all_elements').click(function(e){
-            $availableselect.append($selectedselect.children('option'));
-        });
-    $('#'+form_id).submit(function(){
-            $selectedselect.children('option').each(function(i, e){
-                e.selected = 'selected';
-            });
-        });
-// custom paginator
-var YUI_paginator = function(links_per_page, containers){
-    (function () {
-        var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
-            l         = YAHOO.lang,
-            setId     = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
-        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink = function (p) {
-            this.paginator = p;
-            p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
-            // TODO: make this work
-            p.subscribe('firstPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('firstPageLinkClassChange',this.update,this,true);
-        };
-        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.init = function (p) {
-            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkLabel', {
-                value : 1,
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkClass', {
-                value : 'yui-pg-first',
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-            p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkTitle', {
-                value : 'First Page',
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-        };
-        // Instance members and methods
-        Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.prototype = {
-            current   : null,
-            leftmost_page: null,
-            rightmost_page: null,
-            link      : null,
-            span      : null,
-            dotdot    : null,
-            getPos    : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
-                var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
-                if (cur_page <= edge){
-                    var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
-                }
-                else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
-                    var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
-                }
-                else{
-                    var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
-                }
-                var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)))
-                var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius))
-                return [left, cur_page, right]
-            },
-            render : function (id_base) {
-                var p      = this.paginator,
-                    c      = p.get('firstPageLinkClass'),
-                    label  = p.get('firstPageLinkLabel'),
-                    title  = p.get('firstPageLinkTitle');
-           = document.createElement('a');
-                this.span     = document.createElement('span');
-                $(this.span).hide();
-                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
-                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
-                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
-                setId(, id_base + '-first-link');
-            = '#';
-       = c;
-       = label;
-           = title;
-                YUE.on(,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
-                setId(this.span, id_base + '-first-span');
-                this.span.className = c;
-                this.span.innerHTML = label;
-                this.current = p.getCurrentPage() > 1 ? : this.span;
-                return this.current;
-            },
-            update : function (e) {
-                var p      = this.paginator;
-                var _pos   = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
-                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
-                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
-                if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                var par = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null;
-                if (this.leftmost_page > 1) {
-                    if (par && this.current === this.span) {
-                        par.replaceChild(,this.current);
-                        this.current =;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if (par && this.current === {
-                        par.replaceChild(this.span,this.current);
-                        this.current = this.span;
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            destroy : function () {
-                YUE.purgeElement(;
-                this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
-       = this.span = null;
-            },
-            onClick : function (e) {
-                YUE.stopEvent(e);
-                this.paginator.setPage(1);
-            }
-        };
-        })();
-    (function () {
-        var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
-            l         = YAHOO.lang,
-            setId     = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
-        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink = function (p) {
-            this.paginator = p;
-            p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
-            // TODO: make this work
-            p.subscribe('lastPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
-            p.subscribe('lastPageLinkClassChange', this.update,this,true);
-        };
-        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.init = function (p) {
-            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkLabel', {
-                value : -1,
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkClass', {
-                value : 'yui-pg-last',
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-            p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkTitle', {
-                value : 'Last Page',
-                validator : l.isString
-            });
-        };
-        Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.prototype = {
-            current   : null,
-            leftmost_page: null,
-            rightmost_page: null,
-            link      : null,
-            span      : null,
-            dotdot    : null,
-            na        : null,
-            getPos    : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
-                var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
-                if (cur_page <= edge){
-                    var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
-                }
-                else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
-                    var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
-                }
-                else{
-                    var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
-                }
-                var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)))
-                var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius))
-                return [left, cur_page, right]
-            },
-            render : function (id_base) {
-                var p      = this.paginator,
-                    c      = p.get('lastPageLinkClass'),
-                    label  = p.get('lastPageLinkLabel'),
-                    last   = p.getTotalPages(),
-                    title  = p.get('lastPageLinkTitle');
-                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
-                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
-                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
-       = document.createElement('a');
-                this.span = document.createElement('span');
-                $(this.span).hide();
-         = this.span.cloneNode(false);
-                setId(, id_base + '-last-link');
-            = '#';
-       = c;
-       = label;
-           = title;
-                YUE.on(,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
-                setId(this.span, id_base + '-last-span');
-                this.span.className = c;
-                this.span.innerHTML = label;
-                setId(, id_base + '-last-na');
-                if (this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages()){
-                    this.current =;
-                }
-                else{
-                    this.current = this.span;
-                }
-                this.current.innerHTML = p.getTotalPages();
-                return this.current;
-            },
-            update : function (e) {
-                var p      = this.paginator;
-                var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
-                this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
-                this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
-                if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                var par   = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null,
-                    after =;
-                if (par) {
-                    // only show the last page if the rightmost one is
-                    // lower, so we don't have doubled entries at the end
-                    if (!(this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages())){
-                        after = this.span
-                    }
-                    if (this.current !== after) {
-                        par.replaceChild(after,this.current);
-                        this.current = after;
-                    }
-                }
-                this.current.innerHTML = this.paginator.getTotalPages();
-            },
-            destroy : function () {
-                YUE.purgeElement(;
-                this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
-       = this.span = null;
-            },
-            onClick : function (e) {
-                YUE.stopEvent(e);
-                this.paginator.setPage(this.paginator.getTotalPages());
-            }
-        };
-        })();
-    var pagi = new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({
-        rowsPerPage: links_per_page,
-        alwaysVisible: false,
-        template : "{PreviousPageLink} {MyFirstPageLink} {PageLinks} {MyLastPageLink} {NextPageLink}",
-        pageLinks: 5,
-        containerClass: 'pagination-wh',
-        currentPageClass: 'pager_curpage',
-        pageLinkClass: 'pager_link',
-        nextPageLinkLabel: '&gt;',
-        previousPageLinkLabel: '&lt;',
-        containers:containers
-    })
-    return pagi
-var YUI_datatable = function(data, fields, columns, countnode, sortkey, rows){
-    var myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(data);
-    myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
-    myDataSource.responseSchema = {
-        resultsList: "records",
-        fields: fields,
-        };
-    myDataSource.doBeforeCallback = function(req, raw, res, cb) {
-        // This is the filter function
-        var data     = res.results || [],
-            filtered = [],
-            i, l;
-        if (req) {
-            req = req.toLowerCase();
-            for (i = 0; i<data.length; i++) {
-                var pos = data[i].raw_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(req)
-                if (pos != -1) {
-                    filtered.push(data[i]);
-                }
-            }
-            res.results = filtered;
-        }
-        $(countnode).html(res.results.length);
-        return res;
-    }
-    var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("datatable_list_wrap", columns, myDataSource, {
-        sortedBy: {key:sortkey, dir:"asc"},
-        paginator: YUI_paginator(rows !== undefined && rows ? rows : 25, ['user-paginator']),
-        MSG_EMPTY: _TM['MSG_EMPTY'],
-        MSG_ERROR: _TM['MSG_ERROR'],
-        });
-    myDataTable.subscribe('postRenderEvent',function(oArgs) {
-        tooltip_activate();
-        quick_repo_menu();
-        });
-    var filterTimeout = null;
-    var $q_filter = $('#q_filter');
-    updateFilter  = function () {
-        // Reset timeout
-        filterTimeout = null;
-        // Reset sort
-        var state = myDataTable.getState();
-        state.sortedBy = {key:sortkey, dir:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC};
-        // Get filtered data
-        myDataSource.sendRequest($q_filter.val(), {
-            success : myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable,
-            failure : myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable,
-            scope   : myDataTable,
-            argument: state});
-        };
-    ${
-            if(!$q_filter.hasClass('loaded')){
-                //TODO: load here full list later to do search within groups
-                $q_filter.addClass('loaded');
-            }
-        });
-    $q_filter.keyup(function (e) {
-            clearTimeout(filterTimeout);
-            filterTimeout = setTimeout(updateFilter, 600);
-        });
-// global hooks after DOM is loaded
-    $('.diff-collapse-button').click(function(e) {
-        var $button = $(e.currentTarget);
-        var $target = $('#' + $button.attr('target'));
-        if($target.hasClass('hidden')){
-            $target.removeClass('hidden');
-            $button.html("&uarr; {0} &uarr;".format(_TM['Collapse diff']));
-        }
-        else if(!$target.hasClass('hidden')){
-            $target.addClass('hidden');
-            $button.html("&darr; {0} &darr;".format(_TM['Expand diff']));
-        }
-    });
--- a/kallithea/templates/base/root.html	Wed Jul 02 19:04:33 2014 -0400
+++ b/kallithea/templates/base/root.html	Wed Jul 02 19:04:33 2014 -0400
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
             <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/yui.flot.js', ver=c.rhodecode_version)}"></script>
             <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/native.history.js', ver=c.rhodecode_version)}"></script>
             <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/pyroutes_map.js', ver=c.rhodecode_version)}"></script>
-            <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/rhodecode.js', ver=c.rhodecode_version)}"></script>
+            <script type="text/javascript" src="${h.url('/js/base.js', ver=c.rhodecode_version)}"></script>
            ## EXTRA FOR JS
             <script type="text/javascript">