changeset 4323:ab7d80baebe6

deleting Profiles.vue
author Thomas Junk <>
date Wed, 04 Sep 2019 14:16:57 +0200
parents fabe67e204e7
children 36d384326407
files client/src/components/fairway/Profiles.vue
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 675 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/client/src/components/fairway/Profiles.vue	Wed Sep 04 14:10:50 2019 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-  <div
-    :class="[
-      'box ui-element rounded bg-white text-nowrap',
-      { expanded: showProfiles }
-    ]"
-  >
-    <div style="width: 18rem">
-      <UIBoxHeader
-        icon="chart-area"
-        :title="profilesLable"
-        :closeCallback="close"
-      />
-      <div class="box-body">
-        <UISpinnerOverlay v-if="surveysLoading || profileLoading" />
-        <select
-          @change="moveToBottleneck"
-          v-model="selectedBottleneck"
-          class="form-control font-weight-bold"
-        >
-          <option :value="null">
-            <translate>Select Bottleneck</translate>
-          </option>
-          <optgroup
-            v-for="(bottlenecksForCountry, cc) in orderedBottlenecks"
-            :key="cc"
-            :label="cc"
-          >
-            <option
-              v-for="bn in bottlenecksForCountry"
-              :key=""
-              :value=""
-            >
-              {{ }}
-            </option>
-          </optgroup>
-        </select>
-        <div v-if="selectedBottleneck">
-          <div class="d-flex mt-2">
-            <div class="flex-fill" style="max-width: 75px;">
-              <small class="text-muted">
-                <translate>Waterlevel</translate>:
-              </small>
-              <select
-                v-model="selectedWaterLevel"
-                class="form-control form-control-sm small"
-              >
-                <option value="ref">
-                  <translate>Depth Reference</translate>
-                  <template v-if="selectedSurvey">
-                    ({{ selectedSurvey.depth_reference }}/{{
-                      $options.filters.waterlevel(
-                        selectedSurvey.waterlevel_value
-                      )
-                    }}
-                    m)
-                  </template>
-                </option>
-                <option value="current">
-                  <translate>Current Waterlevel</translate>
-                  <template v-if="bottleneck">
-                    ({{
-                      $options.filters.waterlevel(
-                        bottleneck.get("gm_waterlevel")
-                      )
-                    }}
-                    m)
-                  </template>
-                </option>
-              </select>
-            </div>
-            <div class="flex-fill ml-2">
-              <small class="text-muted"> <translate>Survey</translate>: </small>
-              <select
-                v-model="selectedSurvey"
-                class="form-control form-control-sm small"
-              >
-                <option
-                  v-for="survey in surveys"
-                  :key="survey.date_info"
-                  :value="survey"
-                  >{{ survey.date_info | surveyDate }}</option
-                >
-              </select>
-            </div>
-            <div
-              class="flex-fill ml-2"
-              v-if="selectedSurvey && surveys.length > 1"
-            >
-              <small class="text-muted mt-1">
-                <translate>Compare with</translate>:
-              </small>
-              <select
-                v-model="additionalSurvey"
-                class="form-control form-control-sm small"
-              >
-                <option :value="null">None</option>
-                <option
-                  v-for="survey in additionalSurveys"
-                  :key="survey.date_info"
-                  :value="survey"
-                  >{{ survey.date_info | surveyDate }}</option
-                >
-              </select>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div class="mt-2 d-flex" v-if="additionalSurvey">
-            <button
-              v-if="differencesLoading"
-              class="btn btn-info btn-xs flex-fill"
-              disabled
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon icon="spinner" spin class="mr-1" />
-              <translate>Calculating differences</translate>
-            </button>
-            <button
-              class="btn btn-info btn-xs flex-fill"
-              @click="differencesVisible ? showSurvey() : showDifferences()"
-              v-else
-            >
-              <translate v-if="differencesVisible" key="showsurvey"
-                >Show survey</translate
-              >
-              <translate v-else key="showdifferences"
-                >Show differences</translate
-              >
-            </button>
-            <button
-              v-if="!paneSetup.includes('FAIRWAYPROFILE')"
-              class="btn btn-info btn-xs ml-2"
-              @click="$store.commit('application/paneRotate')"
-              v-tooltip="rotatePanesTooltip"
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon icon="redo" fixed-width />
-            </button>
-            <button
-              class="btn btn-info btn-xs ml-2"
-              @click="toggleSyncMaps()"
-              v-tooltip="syncMapsTooltip"
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon
-                :icon="mapsAreSynced ? 'unlink' : 'link'"
-                fixed-width
-              />
-            </button>
-          </div>
-          <hr class="w-100 mb-0" />
-          <small class="text-muted d-block mt-2">
-            <translate>Saved cross profiles</translate>:
-          </small>
-          <div class="d-flex">
-            <select
-              :class="[
-                'form-control form-control-sm flex-fill',
-                { 'rounded-left-only': selectedCut }
-              ]"
-              v-model="selectedCut"
-            >
-              <option></option>
-              <option
-                v-for="(cut, index) in previousCuts"
-                :value="cut"
-                :key="index"
-                >{{ cut.label }}</option
-              >
-            </select>
-            <button
-              class="btn btn-sm btn-dark input-button-right"
-              @click="deleteSelectedCut(selectedCut)"
-              v-if="selectedCut"
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon icon="trash" />
-            </button>
-          </div>
-          <small class="text-muted d-block mt-2">
-            <translate>Enter coordinates manually</translate>:
-          </small>
-          <div class="position-relative">
-            <input
-              class="form-control form-control-sm pr-5"
-              placeholder="Lat,Lon,Lat,Lon"
-              v-model="coordinatesInput"
-            />
-            <button
-              class="btn btn-sm btn-info position-absolute input-button-right"
-              @click="applyManualCoordinates"
-              style="top: 0; right: 0;"
-              v-if="coordinatesInputIsValid"
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon icon="check" />
-            </button>
-          </div>
-          <small class="d-flex text-left mt-2" v-if="startPoint && endPoint">
-            <div class="text-nowrap mr-3">
-              <b> <translate>Start</translate>: </b> <br />
-              Lat: {{ startPoint[1] }} <br />
-              Lon: {{ startPoint[0] }}
-            </div>
-            <div class="text-nowrap">
-              <b>End:</b> <br />
-              Lat: {{ endPoint[1] }} <br />
-              Lon: {{ endPoint[0] }}
-            </div>
-            <button
-              v-clipboard:copy="coordinatesForClipboard"
-              v-clipboard:success="onCopyCoordinates"
-              class="btn btn-info btn-sm ml-auto mt-auto"
-            >
-              <font-awesome-icon icon="copy" />
-            </button>
-          </small>
-          <div class="d-flex mt-3">
-            <div
-              class="pr-3 w-50"
-              v-if="startPoint && endPoint && !selectedCut"
-            >
-              <button
-                class="btn btn-info btn-sm w-100"
-                @click="showLabelInput = !showLabelInput"
-              >
-                <font-awesome-icon :icon="showLabelInput ? 'times' : 'check'" />
-                {{ showLabelInput ? "Cancel" : "Save" }}
-              </button>
-            </div>
-            <div
-              :class="startPoint && endPoint && !selectedCut ? 'w-50' : 'w-100'"
-            >
-              <button
-                class="btn btn-info btn-sm w-100"
-                @click="toggleCutTool"
-                :disabled="!selectedSurvey"
-              >
-                <font-awesome-icon :icon="cutToolEnabled ? 'times' : 'plus'" />
-                {{ cutToolEnabled ? "Cancel" : "New" }}
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div v-if="showLabelInput" class="mt-2">
-            <small class="text-muted">
-              <translate>Enter label for cross profile</translate>:
-            </small>
-            <div class="position-relative">
-              <input
-                class="form-control form-control-sm pr-5"
-                v-model="cutLabel"
-              />
-              <button
-                class="btn btn-sm btn-info position-absolute input-button-right"
-                @click="saveCut"
-                v-if="cutLabel"
-                style="top: 0; right: 0;"
-              >
-                <font-awesome-icon icon="check" />
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<style lang="scss" scoped>
-.input-button-right {
-  border-top-right-radius: $border-radius;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius;
-  border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important;
-.rounded-left-only {
-  border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important;
-  border-top-left-radius: $border-radius;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius;
-select {
-  font-size: 0.8em;
-/* This is Free Software under GNU Affero General Public License v >= 3.0
- * without warranty, see and license for details.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- * License-Filename: LICENSES/AGPL-3.0.txt
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2018 by via donau
- *   – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
- * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
- *
- * Author(s):
- * Markus Kottländer <>
- */
-import { mapState, mapGetters } from "vuex";
-import Feature from "ol/Feature";
-import LineString from "ol/geom/LineString";
-import { displayError, displayInfo } from "@/lib/errors";
-import { HTTP } from "@/lib/http";
-import { COMPARESURVEYS } from "@/components/paneSetups";
-export default {
-  name: "profiles",
-  data() {
-    return {
-      coordinatesInput: "",
-      cutLabel: "",
-      showLabelInput: false
-    };
-  },
-  computed: {
-    ...mapState("application", ["showProfiles", "paneSetup"]),
-    ...mapState("map", ["openLayersMaps", "syncedMaps", "cutToolEnabled"]),
-    ...mapState("bottlenecks", [
-      "bottlenecksList",
-      "surveys",
-      "surveysLoading"
-    ]),
-    ...mapState("fairwayprofile", [
-      "previousCuts",
-      "startPoint",
-      "endPoint",
-      "profileLoading",
-      "differencesLoading",
-      "waterLevels",
-      "currentProfile"
-    ]),
-    ...mapGetters("map", ["openLayersMap"]),
-    ...mapGetters("bottlenecks", ["orderedBottlenecks"]),
-    profilesLable() {
-      return this.$gettext("Bottleneck Surveys");
-    },
-    selectedBottleneck: {
-      get() {
-        return this.$store.state.bottlenecks.selectedBottleneck;
-      },
-      set(name) {
-        this.$store.dispatch("bottlenecks/setSelectedBottleneck", name);
-      }
-    },
-    selectedWaterLevel: {
-      get() {
-        return this.$store.state.fairwayprofile.selectedWaterLevel;
-      },
-      set(value) {
-        this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/setSelectedWaterLevel", value);
-      }
-    },
-    selectedSurvey: {
-      get() {
-        return this.$store.state.bottlenecks.selectedSurvey;
-      },
-      set(survey) {
-        this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/additionalSurvey", null);
-        this.$store.commit("bottlenecks/selectedSurvey", survey);
-      }
-    },
-    additionalSurvey: {
-      get() {
-        return this.$store.state.fairwayprofile.additionalSurvey;
-      },
-      set(survey) {
-        this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/additionalSurvey", survey);
-      }
-    },
-    selectedCut: {
-      get() {
-        return this.$store.state.fairwayprofile.selectedCut;
-      },
-      set(cut) {
-        this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/selectedCut", cut);
-        if (!cut) {
-          this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/clearCurrentProfile");
-          this.openLayersMaps.forEach(m => {
-            m.getLayer("CUTTOOL")
-              .getSource()
-              .clear();
-          });
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    additionalSurveys() {
-      return this.surveys.filter(
-        survey => survey.date_info !== this.selectedSurvey.date_info
-      );
-    },
-    coordinatesForClipboard() {
-      return (
-        this.startPoint[1] +
-        "," +
-        this.startPoint[0] +
-        "," +
-        this.endPoint[1] +
-        "," +
-        this.endPoint[0]
-      );
-    },
-    coordinatesInputIsValid() {
-      const coordinates = this.coordinatesInput
-        .split(",")
-        .map(coord => parseFloat(coord.trim()))
-        .filter(c => Number(c) === c);
-      return coordinates.length === 4;
-    },
-    differencesVisible() {
-      return (
-        this.openLayersMap( &&
-        !this.openLayersMap(
-          .getLayer("BOTTLENECKISOLINE")
-          .getVisible() &&
-        this.openLayersMap(
-          .getLayer("DIFFERENCES")
-          .getVisible()
-      );
-    },
-    rotatePanesTooltip() {
-      return this.$gettext("Rotate Maps");
-    },
-    syncMapsTooltip() {
-      return this.$gettext(
-        this.mapsAreSynced ? "Unsynchronize Maps" : "Synchronize Maps"
-      );
-    },
-    mapsAreSynced() {
-      return this.syncedMaps.includes(;
-    },
-    bottleneck() {
-      return this.openLayersMap()
-        ? this.openLayersMap()
-            .getLayer("BOTTLENECKS")
-            .getSource()
-            .getFeatures()
-            .find(f => f.get("objnam") === this.selectedBottleneck)
-        : null;
-    }
-  },
-  watch: {
-    selectedBottleneck() {
-      this.$store.dispatch("fairwayprofile/previousCuts");
-      this.cutLabel =
-        this.selectedBottleneck + " (" + new Date().toISOString() + ")";
-    },
-    selectedSurvey(survey) {
-      this.loadProfile(survey);
-    },
-    additionalSurvey(survey) {
-      if (survey) {
-        this.loadDifferences();
-        this.$store.commit(
-          "application/paneSetup",
-          Object.keys(this.currentProfile).length
-            : "COMPARESURVEYS"
-        );
-        this.$store.commit("map/syncedMaps", []);
-      } else {
-        this.$store.commit(
-          "application/paneSetup",
-          Object.keys(this.currentProfile).length ? "FAIRWAYPROFILE" : "DEFAULT"
-        );
-        this.$store.commit("map/syncedMaps", []);
-      }
-      this.loadProfile(survey);
-    },
-    selectedCut(cut) {
-      if (cut) {
-        this.applyCoordinates(cut.coordinates);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  methods: {
-    toggleSyncMaps() {
-      if (this.mapsAreSynced) {
-        this.$store.commit(
-          "map/syncedMaps",
-          this.syncedMaps.filter(m => m !==
-        );
-      } else {
-        this.$store.commit("map/syncedMaps", []);
-      }
-    },
-    loadDifferences() {
-      this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/setDifferencesLoading", true);
-        "/diff",
-        {
-          bottleneck: this.selectedSurvey.bottleneck_id,
-          minuend: this.selectedSurvey.date_info,
-          subtrahend: this.additionalSurvey.date_info
-        },
-        {
-          headers: {
-            "X-Gemma-Auth": localStorage.getItem("token")
-          }
-        }
-      )
-        .then()
-        .catch(error => {
-          let status, data, message;
-          if (error.response) {
-            status = error.response.status;
-            data =;
-            message = `${status}: ${data.message || data}`;
-          } else {
-            message = error;
-          }
-          displayError({
-            title: this.$gettext("Backend Error"),
-            message: message
-          });
-        })
-        .finally(() => {
-          this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/setDifferencesLoading", false);
-        });
-    },
-    showDifferences() {
-      this.openLayersMap(
-        .getLayer("BOTTLENECKISOLINE")
-        .setVisible(false);
-      this.openLayersMap(
-        .getLayer("DIFFERENCES")
-        .setVisible(true);
-    },
-    showSurvey() {
-      this.openLayersMap(
-        .getLayer("BOTTLENECKISOLINE")
-        .setVisible(true);
-      this.openLayersMap(
-        .getLayer("DIFFERENCES")
-        .setVisible(false);
-    },
-    close() {
-      this.$store.commit("application/showProfiles", false);
-    },
-    loadProfile(survey) {
-      if (survey) {
-        this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/profileLoading", true);
-        this.$store
-          .dispatch("fairwayprofile/loadProfile", survey)
-          .finally(() => {
-            this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/profileLoading", false);
-          });
-      }
-    },
-    toggleCutTool() {
-      this.$store.commit("map/cutToolEnabled", !this.cutToolEnabled);
-      this.$store.commit("map/lineToolEnabled", false);
-      this.$store.commit("map/polygonToolEnabled", false);
-      this.$store.commit("map/setCurrentMeasurement", null);
-    },
-    onCopyCoordinates() {
-      displayInfo({
-        message: this.$gettext("Coordinates copied to clipboard!")
-      });
-    },
-    applyManualCoordinates() {
-      const coordinates = this.coordinatesInput
-        .split(",")
-        .map(coord => parseFloat(coord.trim()));
-      this.selectedCut = null;
-      this.coordinatesInput = "";
-      this.applyCoordinates([
-        coordinates[1],
-        coordinates[0],
-        coordinates[3],
-        coordinates[2]
-      ]);
-    },
-    applyCoordinates(coordinates) {
-      // allow only numbers
-      coordinates = coordinates.filter(c => Number(c) === c);
-      if (coordinates.length === 4) {
-        // draw line on map
-        this.openLayersMaps.forEach(m => {
-          m.getLayer("CUTTOOL")
-            .getSource()
-            .clear();
-        });
-        const cut = new Feature({
-          geometry: new LineString([
-            [coordinates[0], coordinates[1]],
-            [coordinates[2], coordinates[3]]
-          ]).transform("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857")
-        });
-        this.openLayersMaps.forEach(m => {
-          m.getLayer("CUTTOOL")
-            .getSource()
-            .addFeature(cut);
-        });
-        // draw diagram
-        this.$store.dispatch("fairwayprofile/cut", cut);
-      } else {
-        displayError({
-          title: this.$gettext("Invalid input"),
-          message: this.$gettext(
-            "Please enter correct coordinates in the format: Lat,Lon,Lat,Lon"
-          )
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    saveCut() {
-      const previousCuts =
-        JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("previousCuts")) || [];
-      const newEntry = {
-        label: this.cutLabel,
-        bottleneckName: this.selectedBottleneck,
-        coordinates: [...this.startPoint, ...this.endPoint],
-        timestamp: new Date().getTime()
-      };
-      const existingEntry = previousCuts.find(cut => {
-        return JSON.stringify(cut) === JSON.stringify(newEntry);
-      });
-      if (!existingEntry) previousCuts.push(newEntry);
-      if (previousCuts.length > 100) previousCuts.shift();
-      localStorage.setItem("previousCuts", JSON.stringify(previousCuts));
-      this.$store.dispatch("fairwayprofile/previousCuts");
-      this.showLabelInput = false;
-      displayInfo({
-        title: this.$gettext("Profile saved!"),
-        message: this.$gettext(
-          'You can now select these coordinates from the "Saved cross profiles" menu to restore this cross profile.'
-        )
-      });
-    },
-    deleteSelectedCut(cut) {
-      this.$store.commit("application/popup", {
-        icon: "trash",
-        title: this.$gettext("Delete cross profile"),
-        content:
-          this.$gettext("Do you really want to delete the cross profile:") +
-          `<br>
-        <b>${cut.label}</b>`,
-        confirm: {
-          label: this.$gettext("Delete"),
-          icon: "trash",
-          callback: () => {
-            let previousCuts =
-              JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("previousCuts")) || [];
-            previousCuts = previousCuts.filter(cut => {
-              return JSON.stringify(cut) !== JSON.stringify(this.selectedCut);
-            });
-            localStorage.setItem("previousCuts", JSON.stringify(previousCuts));
-            this.$store.commit("fairwayprofile/selectedCut", null);
-            this.$store.dispatch("fairwayprofile/previousCuts");
-            displayInfo({ title: this.$gettext("Profile deleted!") });
-          }
-        },
-        cancel: {
-          label: this.$gettext("Cancel"),
-          icon: "times"
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    moveToBottleneck() {
-      const bottleneck = this.bottlenecksList.find(
-        bn => === this.selectedBottleneck
-      );
-      if (!bottleneck) return;
-      this.$store.dispatch("map/moveToFeauture", {
-        feature: bottleneck,
-        zoom: 17,
-        preventZoomOut: true
-      });
-    }
-  },
-  mounted() {
-    this.$store.dispatch("bottlenecks/loadBottlenecksList");
-  }